I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1230: [The fastest host of that mouth? 】

The audience exited.

In the number of votes.

The singers returned to their rooms.

At this moment, the rushing battle of the host brokers suddenly started. When the director Hu Fei announced the start, several hosts yelled and rushed out with a 100-meter race. He squeezed him and she pushed. She, she mixed him, and Dong Shanshan did not run, laughing and walking behind.

"Who pushed me!"

"go away!"

"Zhang Grandma is mine!"

"I am dizzy, but also with people?"

"Hey, you are too sinister!"

"Quality! Pay attention to the quality of comrades, record the program here!"

These hosts are not the host of the biggest TV stations of the Beijing TV station, but some of the younger half-boiled faces. This is what Zhang Wei deliberately requested. It is enough for the host broker of Dong Fen Shan. Others are mainly "noisy", and they should be released, so it is most suitable for a young and famous host. This section does not seem to have any nutritional and technical content. In fact, no one knows. This is Zhang Wei’s repeated meetings with dozens of hosting agents before the recording. Every detail will be held in his hand. This is the work of Zhang Wei, the importance of the general director is reflected here! This is also the reason when Hu Fei and Beijing Satellite TV tried to be Zhang Weilai as the general director when they first called "Mongolian King". When it comes to ability, when it comes to experience, when it comes to achievements, when it comes to responsible attitude towards work, the industry The variety director can't find a second one that can be compared with Zhang Wei.

The agent laughed and slammed into the singer's rest area, and did not write a name on the door of several rooms. The fastest male actor who ran the door opened a door and then yelled in surprise. It was about to close the door, and the result was that the two female hostes who had rushed back pulled the door.

The hostess asked, "Who is inside?"

The male host shouted: "No one inside!"

"Who are you kidding! Open the door!" Another female host smiled.

Later, other people have come, and pull the door together!


"Zhang Grandma!"

"It's Grandma Zhang!"

Zhang Xia smiled at the house and was amused. "What are you doing?"

As a result, the host brokers rushed into the house, and everyone held a contract in their hands.

The advanced male host is in front of Zhang Xia. "Zhang Grandma, let me introduce myself first. My name is Da Lei. You can call me Xiaolei. I will be your agent on the stage of "I am a singer". It!"

Zhang Xia smiles, "Hello."

"What is you?"

"Da Lei, you are on the side!"

"Zhang Grandma, sign up with me!"

"Don't you want to be a teacher of Zhao Wuliu?"

"I changed my mind to me!"

"Mr. Zhang, don't bother him, sign me to sign me! Her man has two sides and three knives!"

There is also a female host who is even more embarrassed. When I go up, I will hold Zhang Xia. "Grandma! You are my grandmother!"

Zhang Xia took a sigh of relief. "How come you still have a kiss?"

Zhang Xia is very popular, the first "Red Rose" sings, Zhang Xia has become the object of the most wanted signing agent, because there is no need to worry about being eliminated!

At this time, Dong Shanshan entered the house.

"Sister Shan, don't grab it!"

"Shanshan, people here are enough!"

Zhang Xia smiled and said: "You have to sign a contract with me?"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Yes, Grandma Zhang."

Zhang Xia said with a headache: "That can be difficult. Who do I sign? I can only choose one person."

"Sign me!"

"I, I, I!"

"My kiss!"

Everyone is going up and reporting their strengths.

As a result, Dong Shanshan said a paragraph and defeated others. He only saw Dong Shanshan licking his hair and said: "Zhang Grandma, they have all finished, I also introduce myself, my name is Dong Shanshan. It’s our classmate, “I am a singer”, Zhang Wei’s university classmate. When we were in college, we sat on the front and back tables. He copied my homework and stole my rubber, so you should be very clear. I am the leader of these groups. The person with the best relationship, what needs and requirements you have in the future, you tell me directly, everything is ok, all for you."

Zhang Xia heard a word about her, "just like Shanshan! Sign up!"

Dong Shanshan showed a smile of victory.

Other hosting agents almost fainted!

"Is this OK?"

"Sister Shan, you are too shameless!"

"I am going!"

"This self introduction, I am serving!"

Zhang Xia was taken down by Dong Shanshan, they can only change the target, and a group of people are all smashed and rushed out to grab other singers!


After half an hour.

The seven singers and their hosted agents were taken to a small recording venue with only fourteen chairs and some recording equipment.

The singers sat down.

The brokers are in charge of the war.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Everyone chooses their favorite singer?"

Several hosting agents said:




Dong Shanshan’s voice turned and he snorted: “How could it be, how can it be so smart!”

Everyone laughs!

Chen Guang Xiaodong and others are also happy!

"Is this the announcement of the results?"

"Call, a little nervous."

"Zhang Grandma, are you still nervous?"

"I really sang you today."

"Old Zhao, haven't seen you for many years?"

"Yes, Big Sister Zhang."

"Hello, teacher Zhao Wuliu, I am your fan."

"Amy? We are really seeing you for the first time."

"Well, I am still a child when you make a name for yourself."

"But I often listen to the songs of your spring garden, very good."

Everyone chatted, but also relieved the tension, I don’t know why, there are so many big coffees in the audience, which one is not the big red or the red master? What scene has not been seen? But even the national artists like Zhao Wuliu, such as the old artillery and Zhang Xia, are inevitably sweating because they are not performances. This is not just a variety show for them, but a show. The game is to win or lose, it is to be eliminated. The results of this round are too important today. If the competition is unfavorable, the second round of the knockout is likely to leave the stage. This is not for anyone to see, so they are very nervous and have an expectation for their achievements. .

Suddenly, the footsteps came.

Zhang Wei’s figure finally appeared. His dress is very formal today, his walking is very slow, and his expression is very serious. “Hello, I am the general director, Zhang Wei.”

The atmosphere is more dignified.

"Zhang Gui."

"Is the result coming out?"

"Announce it."

"Call, I sweated!"

"me too!"

The broker is jealous.

Zhang Wei stood firm and said: "First of all, thanks to the comrades of the Beijing Notary Office for the whole process of supervision and notarization of the counting process. Now the result of the votes has been sent to the latest eight models with multi-core technology. I’m standing on the tablet.” When he paused, he picked up a bottle of drink next to him and the camera gave a close-up. “Before the announcement, I have to drink a sweet brand of juice drink to moisturize the scorpion.” One bite, he said: "Well, it’s delicious, actually, I’m more nervous than you, so I have to drink some health care products to lead the brand’s brain gold to improve the status.” The staff member has already handed over, Zhang Yi Unpacking, suddenly shocked: "Ah, there are gold bars inside? Brain gold new packaging to open the opportunity to win gold bars is true?"

Under the crowd, everyone laughed!

Xiaodong: "It’s still a professional!"

Zhang Xia: "Is this an advertisement?"

A female agent: "This is definitely not an advertisement!"

A host agent: "Yes, there is no trace of advertising!"

"Yeah, no trace!" Another male host agent smiled.

There is no trace of your sister!

This **** advertising trace is too heavy!

In the past, many viewers were sensitive and resentful to advertising, but they were still divided. Zhang Wei’s handling method has always been different from others. This can change the way to insert advertisements and make everyone laugh. This is also the reason why "I am a singer" advertising fee is so high, but there are so many companies willing to cooperate with Zhang Wei. Zhang Yi's dedication is well-known in the industry. When there is an opportunity, Zhang Hao will advertise Unlike other TV stations and other places, advertising has to be concealed and afraid of others to see it.

Zhang Weidao: "The following is the announcement of the ranking. Before that, I would like to ask, how do you feel about this stage?"

Zhao Wuliu smiled and said: "All are masters."

Zhang Xia said: "The sound equipment is good."

Xiaodongdao: "I feel pressure."

He Xiao smiled: "I knew that the other six are them. I guess I will not come."

Amy cried: "He teacher, this should be what I said!"

Zhang Wei smiled. "First of all, on behalf of the program group, I would like to thank you all for coming. You are all famous singers. You can let go of the previous aura and identity to the stage pk of "I am a singer". I know how much this is. It's not easy to decide, but you still come, so I thank you, of course, since it is a competition, there will definitely be a ranking, to be honest." He looked at the tablet, "See this ranking. At the time, I was a little surprised, so the first one, I want to announce the fourth singer."


Why are you surprised?

The singer and the broker have been beaten by this suspense!

Who will be the fourth place?

This is a very conservative name, not too bad, ok.

Zhang Wei looked at the tablet. "The brain is "I am a singer" in the first season of the first season. The singer in the fourth place is..." The voice stopped.

Everyone waited with big eyes.

one second.

Five seconds.

Ten seconds.

Then they didn't wait for the dog- fart!

"Zhang Gui?"

"Are you asleep?"

"How did you not move?"

"Hurry to die!"

The brokers can't help it!

Zhang Wei was sorry. "Sorry, I just went away. I want to sell the gold bars in the brain gold gift box. Or else I will sell it first?" He said he would turn around.

Xiao Dongmu was stunned. "Why are you going?"

Amy is dumbfounded, "Zhang Dao, who left you to announce the ranking?"

Dong Shanshan: "Hey!"

Zhang Xia is also happy, "Director, you hurry."

Zhang Yiyi grinned. "Well, then I will announce the ranking first. The singer who won the fourth place is..." It is a long meal, "Little Winter"

Xiao Donggang wants to show his expression.

Zhang Wei is not too slow to say: "What do you think you are ranked?"

I am down!

Not me?

Everyone was tortured and screamed!

"Zhang Dao!"

"Without this!"

"Can you give me a happy trip?"


The recording here has been turned on for fifteen minutes!

The results of it? Zhang Wei was stinky for a long time, and even a ranking was not announced!

Everyone is vomiting blood!

On the stage of "Good Voice", Zhang Wei was shocked by the host as a host. The mouthpiece was really like a machine gun. The industry was shocked by heaven and earth. All of them were evaluated even in the world of host people. No one is comparable to Zhang Wei’s speed!

But now?

What is this ghost now?

What is the fastest host in the bottom of the world?

You are too inky! (To be continued. Your support is my biggest motivation.) 16-10-1010:47:38

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