I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1231: [The first broadcast is boiling! 】

Broadcast the day.

Early in the morning, there were rumors on the Internet.

"New Voice" is good!"

"Yes, I went to the scene that day, very good!"

"I feel normal, okay."

"Continue the style of "Good Voice", but there is no breakthrough, the host changed, the guest tutor also changed, can only say that it is not bad, can not talk more surprises."

"I think "New Voice" is going to be tragedy!"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because "I am a singer" invited a group of people you will never think of, I was on the scene on the day of recording, everyone was shocked at the time!"


"Who are there?"

"Yeah, let's talk!"

"I will say one, Zhao Wuliu!"


"Haha, blow it!"

"The cow - forced to blow it up, right?"

"Zhao Wuliu is the great **** of the music scene. How come to participate in variety shows?"

"I rely on it, there is Zhao Wuliu, and Chen Guanghe He Wei!"

"Chen Guang? A music brother and a person on the show pk? You want more! With the status and strength of Lao Chen, he is almost a mentor, bare-chested battle impossible! He is also a dream, love songs sing prince, and I will write songs and sing again. I am crazy when I am crazy. Is he crazy? Is the program a high level of comparison with his peers? Is it necessary for people to have this program? It is estimated that they are popular artists and newcomers! Ah, bragging should be cautious. Don’t blow those individuals and you won’t be reliable.”

"They are embarrassed, I went to the scene, Huo Dongfang came!"

"Ah? Huo Jiaozhu cross-border?"

"Old Huo can sing, he is very likely to go."

"Li Xiaoyu also went."

"No way?"

"Did she not just attend the "Mongolian King" before?"

"She really went, sing very well!"

"Wow, it's really possible. After all, Li Xiaoyu had worked with Beijing TV Station before."

"There are Zhang Xia in the players."

"Get out of the way, Grandma Zhang and a group of sing popular pk? You stupid - forced me to be silly - forced?"

"I am grass, you are stupid - forced!"

"I’m annoying a bunch of people who haven’t been there before at the scene!”


Any news from the official Beijing TV station has not been disclosed. Zhang Wei and the staff of the program team have been silent. Sometimes it is more attractive to maintain the mystery than the fanfare, but it can’t stand the day of recording and went to more than a thousand people. There will always be people who broke the news, Zhang Hao, they did not stop, did not speak, let everyone go and say. As a result, whoever thought, the water is getting more and more smashed!

Zhang Xia, Zhao Wuliu, Chen Guang, He Wei, Xiao Dong and others have all been blown out, but there are still many explosions, such as Huo Dongfang, Li Xiaoyu, Shu Han, Liao Yiqi, Sun Xiaoguo, etc. Everyone who broke the news said that he was recording the scene that day, sitting under the platform, and snoring and seeing them sing on the stage, so they are getting more and more chaotic, and the meager number of people who are hot or funny are all in the industry. Give the whole - Meng - forced -!

Who is it?

Who is going in the end?


A crew.

Huo Dongfang’s phone rang.

"Old Huo, you can do it!"

"Ah? What?"

"Don't install it, come on, and Zhang Wei's program ratings should be inferior."

"What do you say, old Liu?"

"Are you not participating in "I am a singer"?"

"Hey? I didn't participate?"


"I am filming!"


CCTV set.

"New Voice" program group.

The news on Weibo was also summarized here.

"Hao Huozhu went?"

"It doesn't matter, Huo Dongfang's singing is general, it is a cross-border guest, although others are very angry, but after all, not a professional singer!"

"Oh, Zhang Hao is also fallen."

"Well, he also knows to start asking for big names."

"But what is the use? The stage of our "New Voice" can be more professional than them. When the audience sees it, they know who is singing better. The master is still in the folks. Let's see the first few people. Really singing is great, the average professional singer may not be their opponent. With this contrast, what happened to Huo Dongfang? What happened to Sun Xiaoguo? The singing class finally had to watch the singer!"

"Li Xiaolu joined again?"

"Don't be afraid, Li Xiaoyan's singing is good, but after all, it is not the top of the list. Let's have a new voice, Fan Wenli's teacher."

"Can Zhao Wuliu?"

“And Chen Guang? He Wei?”

"Get it, that's a fake message."

"Well, "I am a singer" can't please come to them!"

"Oh, there is also said that Zhang Xia is also going to participate. Their brains must have entered the water. Hahaha, the long-brained people know that they are compiled! So before that group of people said Zhang Xia, Chen Guang, He Wei The list of Zhao Wuliu, Xue Kaiqi, and Xiaodong is a fake! The people on this list add a piece of music that is half of the music scene. If they all come, what kind of program is not sweeping? Are others still playing fart? So impossible!"



That night.

Countdown to the broadcast.

Zhang Wei’s work room, the TV is on, the staff gathered together, and the mom and dad came. During the day, they packed a lot of dumplings. They said that they had to pay attention to Zhang’s employees, and they came along with Zhang Wei at night. The open kitchen is boiled in two pots, and the dumplings are boiled and hot.

"Come here, eat!" The mother came over.

Dad also greeted: "Let's eat more, there are leeks and pork, there are three fresh."

Haqi Qi used to pick it up. "Thank you, Auntie, thank you for your uncle."

Xiao Wangdao: "Auntie, I am coming!"

Zhang Zuo: "Oh, it's so delicious!"

Wu Yi: "I remembered my mom's dumplings."

Tong Fu exaggerated: "I want to cry delicious!"

Mom laughed: "Then eat more, there are still a few pots."

Zhang Wei said while eating: "Hey, it’s about to start broadcasting, and broadcast CCTV."

"Okay." Xiao Wang immediately picked up the remote control.

As a result, my mother took a look at her son. "Look at CCTV and watch Beijing TV."

Zhang Hao can't smile. "I have to understand the dynamics of my opponent. I am a singer. I recorded it. I cut it. The first content has been read seven or eight times."

"I haven't seen it!" Mom rolled her eyes.

In fact, the studio people have not seen it. They are Zhang Wei’s private team. They did not participate in the production of the program. Of course, they also want to see "I am a singer" for the first time. At the end of the result, Zhang Hao had to sneak a dumpling to the conference room, and opened a TV to eat and watch. The rest of the people were waiting outside "I am a singer", and later Chen Chen also turned up and ate dumplings to eat.

Start broadcasting!

Zhang Wei looked at "New Voice" and started the Tucao mode.

"Hey, even the logos are imitated?"

"Hey, isn't this sound effect? ​​Or is it my previous device? A year ago, it was too late, and I used it for my face?"

"What is the host, no features."

"The first player is not very good!"

"The mentor is not violent."

"Hey, childish, the director is too naive!"

When the conference room closed the door, he talked to himself alone. Zhang Wei’s "New Voice" was completely useless. Anyway, there was no good word in this mouth, and nothing was pleasing to the eye. In fact, in all fairness, this program is not so bad, it is still possible. Although the whole process is imitating the first season of Zhang Wei's "Good Voice", at least it is still an eight-point image, which is nothing new.

At this time, the parents exclaimed outside!

"Little winter!"

"It's Xiaodong!"

Not much time.

"Oh my God!"

"Zhao Wuliu!"

"He, is he really going?"


CCTV set.

The "New Voice" program is also dumbfounded!


"How come?"

"Who can tell me what happened?"

"They, how are they..."

"Impossible! Impossible!"

"What did Zhang Zhang do?"

"How can these people come to please!"


at the same time.

Weibo also exploded in an instant!

"My grass!"

"Go and see "I am a singer"!"

"Little winter is coming!"

"Zhao Wuliu is really here!"

"The following is Chen Guang!"

"Insane! This group of people is crazy!"

"The people who said what was true before!"

"Oh my titanium dog eyes!"

"Good to die!"

"Listen to cry!"

"The sound effect is against the sky!"

"This sound effect, really no one!"

"Singing is too good! This is the lineup of half of the music world?"

"I can't believe it!"

"New Voice" is going to hit the street! Compared with "I am a singer", the players in "New Voice" sing like children are like family?"

"Ah! Zhang Xia finale!"

"I am going! "Red Rose" sings!"

"Artist, this is really a **** artist!"

"In front of Zhang's grandmother, Zhang Wei's "Red Rose" is not a child!"

"I have a hunch that "I am a singer" is going to be an explosion!"

“The program and setting of “I am a singer” is great!”

"The new voice is under pressure!"

"That is not necessarily true. After all, "New Voice" has a mass base, and it is hard to say how the ratings are."

"From the perspective of program quality, "I am a singer" has already gone against the sky. Let these seven people put together and see who is not sweeping?"

"To announce the ranking!"

"Rely! Zhang Hao is doing it!"

"This pit!"

"Zhang Wei, you - big-ye!"

"I want to sit down and kill him!"

"How come the results are not announced?"

"My God, the seven singers sang together for more than 20 minutes. You announced that the ranking was announced for twenty minutes before they announced two people?"

"Zhang Wei! You are finished!"

"Oh, this is a tease!"

"What is the fastest host in history? This **** is the most indirect director of history! Zhang Wei, do you believe that I am licking your glass?"

"Ah, ah, kill me!"

"Who is the first one?"

"Zhang Wei! You provoke you to anger you!"

The audience yelled and hated it, but even if it was a snoring, there was no one to change the stage at this time. They were all excited and waiting for Zhang Wei to be bored there, even if they knew that the goods were Deliberate, everyone has to look at it, because it is the most crucial moment!

The fifth player of "New Voice" appeared, "I am a singer" is still in the announcement of the ranking, the seventh player of "New Voice" appeared, "I am a singer" is still announcing the ranking, "New Voice" has been broadcasted , "I am a singer"... still announce the ranking!

Just think about it!

What kind of grass mud horse is this!

The audience’s feeling of wanting to take a picture of Zhang’s face across the TV bricks is particularly consistent!

After a lot of hardships, the first ranking of "I am a singer" has finally come out!

First: Zhang Xia.

Second: Chen Guang.

Third: Zhao Wuliu.

Fourth: Xiaodong.

Fifth: He Wei.

Sixth: Xue Kaiqi.

Seventh: amy.

The number of votes won't be shown, the suspense is retained, and the next knockout round is announced. (To be continued., your support is my biggest motivation.) 16-10-1111:44:42

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