I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1250: [Break singer debut! 】

the next day.

Recorded the day.

In the morning, Beijing Taiwan.

"Hey, what about Zhang?"

"I do not know."

"I was still jealous."

"Hu Ge, Zhang Dao fell asleep with the background."

"Yesterday, Zhang did not sleep for one night."

"Oh, the audience is here, let him insist on it, plus overtime."

"I have to understand, then I will call Zhang to lead."

The audience entered.

The singer is in place.

The poor director is gone.

Zhang Wei was screamed, and he also braced his eyelids to wash the cold water face. When he came out, he saw Xiaodong and amy in the aisle, and the two of them immediately greeted him.

Xiaodong asked: "Can you save the field?"

Zhang Hao nodded. "It is already ok."

Amy look at him, "Zhang Dao, you are too bad, yesterday I was meager, hahahaha, CCTV set an estimate that you hate crazy!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Theft was stolen."

"Hey!" Amy started.

Over there, Zhang Xia also came to the bathroom and saw a few of them.

Zhang Xia immediately asked, "Xiao Zhang, is the complement singer coming?"

Zhang Wei replied: "Come on."

"Who?" Amy asked in an instant.

Zhang Xia is also curious: "Do I know?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Know it."

Xiaodong: "What about me?"

"You also know." Zhang Wei said.

He did not disclose much, turned and hurry to go ahead.

After half an hour.

The recording site was packed and the audience was hot.

"Have you seen Weibo yesterday?"

"Look, hahaha, tease me!"

"Zhang Wei is not very good!"

"He is a piece of dog skin plaster."

"But it's really a relief. Who let CCTV smash the knife first."

"Yeah, I don't know how "I am a singer" will save the game. The singer is definitely not able to host it. Who is it? Dong Shanshan? Zhang Wei?"

"Who knows, if you do, you have to change the rules."

"I still like the singer host."

"Well, changing the rules now will definitely affect the ratings."

"The key is that the rules that the singer is presiding over are already used, and they are already ingrained."

On the stage.

The band is in place.

The staff is in place.





Recording begins!

The audience has already widened their eyes and want to see how they responded. Then, many people saw a person holding a microphone from the stage. When they arrived, there was a popping out, everyone had one. Hey, some laughed, stood up for a moment, and applause thunder!

It's him!

Sure enough, he!

The singer in the background is also happy.

Zhang Xia smiled and said: "In the end, I still have to host Xiao Zhang."

Chen Guangdao: "I guessed it early, not that he is Dong Shanshan."

Xiaodong Ledao: "It is the general director and the host, and Teacher Zhang has worked hard."

Zhang Wei has stood on the stage and smiled and said: "Hello everyone, welcome to watch "I am a singer" in the exclusive title of Brain Gold. I am the host today, one has a 'license' and has a 'business license'. The formal professional legal host who won the supreme award of the host, hey, some people wonder where the winter sister went? Winter sister is not legal, let people report it, and now is busy checking the moderator certificate."


"Ha ha ha!"

There is a laugh below.

This goods, come and still not forget the irony!

Zhang Wei said: "So today I know that I am the host of the class. Winter sister specially found me and told me one thing. I must be sure to convey these words to the audience. These words are especially important, so Friends who have pens also ask everyone to carefully record."

Everyone has a glimpse.


What is important?

Many people have raised their ears.

Zhang Yiqing cleared his throat and his expression changed. He suddenly said: "Thanks to the leading brand of health care products, Brain Gold Group for the exclusive title of this program, thanks to the strong sponsorship of Hubei Pharmaceutical Group, and the use of flat-panel eight-inch technology with multi-core technology. Stand up to the tablet, sweet juice drink, sweet to your heart!"

The audience sprayed!

Is this?

Important your sister is important!

This **** is not an advertisement!

The singers in the background also laughed for a long time, especially Xiaodong. They were also very convinced at the same time. She suddenly felt that the documents issued by the radio and television were not unreasonable. Look at Zhang Wei’s presiding, and then look at her own host, the gap. It is really big. This is the difference between a professional host who has won the highest prize of the host's Golden Microphone and a guest host. No matter the rhythm, humor, strain, articulation, and gas field, there are too many differences.

Zhang Wei has already given the scene a few words.

Zhang Wei said faintly: "So, the first singer to start today, this is the singer of this period, and then hand him over to the stage."


The singers in the background are waiting around their necks. Which one? Is it an old friend? They don't want to be awesome, because the people on this stage are already powerful enough.

The audience also looked at the moon door.

who is it?

What about people?

However, there are also audiences absent-minded.

"Or change the rules."

"Yeah, what can I do?"

"Hey, CCTV is too wicked."

"Make it look."

"Well, Zhang Wei’s host is still good, not a singer, but not."

"It's still a pity."

“The singer is the host, and the background interaction is also beautiful.”

"There is definitely an impact on the quality of the program."

The instrument is on stage.

The microphone is placed.

66 continued to come out more than 20 men and women, men wearing black dresses, women wearing white dresses, seems to be a singer? Or chorus?

Everyone can't understand it.

Amy wondered: "What is this going to do?"

Zhang Xia is looking forward to: "Who is coming?"

Xiaodong smiled and said: "This is not really small, what are you going to sing? Wouldn't it be a beautiful singer? Grandma's friend?"

Everything is ready.

The lights are dark.

Many people on the scene are looking forward to being unable to sit still.

"What about people?"

"Come out!"

"Nobody at the moon gate?"

"Hey, is Zhang Wei still on the stage?"

"Haha, this silly goods!"

"Mr. Zhang, you should go on."

"How are these two goods still stupid?"

Everyone laughed.

The next time, the orchestra will ring!

This time, everyone suddenly stunned, what is the situation? what happened? The music is ringing? But what about singers? The singer hasn't come out yet?

Zhang Wei on the stage slowly turned to face the audience, the microphone in his hand was picked up, and his face was helpless and exhausted, as if he was not awake.

The sound of the crow.


Zhang Wei actually sang:

"The night has shrouded Chaoyang Park."

"The square dance Danser is ready."

"I looked at the tree shadow outside the window."

"Is this my youth?"

Male chorus: "When the petals leave the flower."

At this moment, the audience was scared to stand up!

Oh my God!

Zhang Wei!

The complement singer is Zhang Wei!

Oh my God! I didn't think of it early!

The original rules have not changed!

It turned out to be a singer host!

It’s Zhang Hao’s coming to the rescue!

I am grass! This is a big hit!

Amy looks silly, "no!!!!"

Xiaodong almost fainted to the ground, "It's over!"

Zhang Xia took a forehead, "Hey! Isn't it?"

Chen Guang also has a headache, and the smile does not fall. "This has come down with a role. Before I came to "Singer," I was thinking, it wouldn't matter if I met anyone, it would be better not to meet Zhang Wei."

Zhao Wuliu also laughed and laughed. "How is Zhang Dao? If he sings seriously, everyone can drink a pot. This is a hard girl."

The singers are almost the same reaction!

The audience is all happy and happy, and they are all excited!

Zhang Yan’s eye-catching singer: “There is a boss, called Hu Fei.”

Male voice: "called Hu Fei."

Zhang Wei: "It appears at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and the eyes are like black backs."

Female voice: "It looks like a black back."

Sound effect: "Wang Wang!"

Zhang Yan sang with a white eye: "There is a pot of hot coffee in his hand."

Harmony between men and women: "Hey."

Zhang Wei: "Would we like to have a meeting?"

The first time Hu Fei was listening to this song, almost spit out an old blood!

The staff next to Hou Ge Xiao Lu and other people also smiled and burst, hahahahaha! They all heard the emotions of Zhang Wei from the song! This is still angry now! He simply doesn't want to make up the position! This was forced by Hu Fei and a group of them to catch the ducks!


The next day.

The show aired.

In Zhang Wei’s TV:

"I said this is not good."

"I am going to the airport to pick up my old father."

"I haven't seen it for more than 30 years."

"He is from distant Siberia."

Mom and dad are stunned!

Haven't seen it for more than 30 years?

How big is your stinky boy!


CCTV set.

"It’s clear that there is nothing to do."

"I also saw you playing live."

"Do you have no home?"

"Please don't say that sentence!"


"Plus! Class! Let's go!"

Everyone looked at the latest issue and fainted!



Every household is ringing the sound of Zhang Wei’s beautiful voice!

Someone is excited!

Someone is stunned!

"I feel that my body is hollowed out."

"I am tired like a dog."

"Eighteen days, there is no makeup removal."

"Monthly throwing for two and a half years."

"I am getting fatter when I am working."


The song was quickly turned over by the song!

Countless netizens are giving Zhang Jian a steady!

"It’s Zhang Hao!"

"Seeing the singer is him, my sweat pores are blasting!"

"Too cow, this song is too resonating!"

"Good? Hey! How funny!"

"Hahaha, my family laughed when they listened to this song!"

"Singing too well! I don't want to work overtime!"

"Zhang Wei is really anxious!"

"This song I gave it!"

"Divine Comedy!"

"This is my rescue, my mother gives a perfect score!"

"Too much like Zhang Hao!"

"This sing, it’s so good!"

"Haha, this cargo has also given his supervisor Hu Fei!"

"Hey, the key is Zhang Xin’s voice. He definitely doesn’t want to make up the position. The result is forced by people. This is the reason why I feel that my body is hollowed out!"

General director!

Ticket holder!


Plus a participating singer?


This **** has to be hollowed out!

This is to give Zhang Hao a tired rhythm!

In history, no one has ever played so many roles in a program. He is not hollowed out and who is hollowed out! ? (To be continued.) 8

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