I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1251: 【repercussions! 】

The next day.



Post it.

Music website.

"Feeling the body is hollowed out" continues to brush!

"How about the boss, hahahahahahaha!"

"How about the boss, hahahahahahaha!"

"How about the boss, you are satisfied with this!"

"I really want to pick up my dad!"

"After resigning, pull him black!"

"Who needs to sleep? How wasted time!"

"Who wants to eat? Ppt is a vitamin!"

"Don't work overtime!"

"Don't work overtime!"

"Don't work overtime!"

On the music list, "Feeling the body being hollowed out" showed strong performance. On the day of the broadcast, it was on the top ten. On the day of the day, it was the second place in the music list on the day. The momentum is too strong. This ranking is very likely. It will be rewritten within today, and the stamina is sufficient. Even the latest songs by Zhang Xia, Chen Guang, Xiao Dong and others have not ranked high in this song, which has made countless industry insiders stunned!

You know, Zhang Hao’s performance of this song is not good.

In the last night, "I am a singer" announced the ranking, Chen Guang played stably and won the first place, Zhang Xia second, Xiaodong third, and Zhang Wei only got the fifth place, which is countdown, however This ranking is not exactly equal to the song's heat. A song that ranks fifth in the program has crushed all the songs of other people. This is also a scene that has never happened before in the "Singer" stage.

Netizens are very happy.

"This song is too happy."

"The lyrics are grounded!"

"The first time I listened to Zhang Wei, wrote this song!"

"It hurts Zhang Huan, he is really hollowed out!"

"There are more people who can do it."

"It’s a good song with humor, it’s a good song, and it’s written by the people in the workplace!”

"I think Zhang Wei should take the first!"

"Yeah, the audience is too weak, if I am, I will vote for him."

"The main thing is that this song is too divine, not a competition type song."

"Well, "I feel that my body is hollowed out" can't get a good name on this stage. It's already a good fifth. After all, Zhang Wei's popularity is there, otherwise it may not even be the fifth. After all, the "singer" stage The game is still about the depth of singing and songs. Before Zhang Xia or Chen Guang, they have already instilled this kind of thinking into the audience, so don’t expect this song to take the first place, but I still like this the most. song!"

"me too!"

"No need to say a good song!"

"Support Zhang Wei!"

"The next issue is to sing well, definitely taking the place."

"Yes, if Zhang Wei is serious, Chen Guang Zhang Xia has to count the amount!"

"Mr. Zhang cheers! Love you!"

The audience are very good at buying and they are very recognized.

The media also commented.

"Zhang Hao strong complement! 》

"The general director saves the field and has several jobs!" 》

"The Divine Comedy came out and brushed the whole country!" 》

"Zhang Wei's humor! 》

"Chen Guang won the first! 》

"Zhang Hao's ranking is not ideal, will it be eliminated in the next period? 》

"I am the singer's ratings again!" 》

"I am the singer to win the first place in the country with 3.36% ratings! 》

"Zhang Wei's new program will impact 4% ratings? 》

"The new voice ratings suddenly plummeted! 》

"New Sound Latest Rating: 1.02%! 》

"CCTV lost a lot! 》

"The new voice continues to slump or drag a CCTV set! 》

"It has been confirmed with Beijing TV: I am the singer finals will be live broadcast, the ratings or will have a chance to win 4% of the "ceiling"! 》

Newspapers, television, and news are countless.

The party just woke up at home.

at home.

In the hut.

Zhang Yi’s eyes were sore and his head was very bloated. He couldn’t help. He didn’t sleep very much for two days. He had to prepare songs, rehearsed with the choir, recorded the program, sang, and sang tickets. Finally, After recording the program, I thought it would be fine? No, the editing work after the section catalogue has also been Zhang Zhang personally, plus related work, he almost did not close his eyes, yesterday fell home when he fell.

It’s really a tired dog!

However, feedback from the news and the audience still has to look at it.

Zhang Wei was soft and turned up on the bed with a mobile phone. This song is a particularly famous piece of Divine Comedy on the earth. The Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Choir sang "The Body Is Being Hollowed". This song is basically Chorus, but Zhang Wei changed a little because of the need of the game, reduced the part of the chorus, and even became a singer, and then as a part of the lead singer, seeing the response is still very good?

That's good.

You like it.

Zhang Wei smiled bitterly, at least his strength was not white.



The chat software keeps ringing.

Zhang Wei opened it and saw that someone was him.

Teasing the group.

Ning Lan invited Zhang Xia into the group.

Zhang Xia: "Hello everyone?"

Xiaodong: "Zhang Grandma is good."

Amy: "Warmly welcome Grandma Zhang!"

Everyone is out.

Zhang Xia: "Zhang Wei, what about people?"

Chen Guang: "Haha, he is estimated to be cumbersome."

Zhang Xia: "Xiao Zhang is working hard."

Ning Lan: "The song of Zhang Wei has made me laugh!"

Huo Dongfang: "I also sprayed yesterday, Zhang Wei."

Director Li Ke: "Zhang Dao is too funny!"

Fan Wenli: "Old Chen, they estimate that the pressure is great, and Zhang leads to make up the position. It is a nightmare."

Chen Guang: "Haha, I am not afraid of him. I can't touch the front."

Xiao Dong: "Although I don't want to go to him, I really look forward to seeing the face of Zhang."

Zhang Xia: "He didn't sing well in this issue, so his ranking is not good. In the next issue, he said that he is not allowed to swear."

After Zhang Wei looked at it, he did not take the lead and smiled in his heart.

Sing well?

He shook his head slightly.

Some words, he will not say.

After thinking about it, Zhang Wei gave a call to Wu Zeqing. The two days were too busy. He hasn’t had time to talk to Lao Wu.


The phone is connected.

"Old Wu, why?"

"Oh, the unit."

"Is the show watched?"

"Look, sing very well, I like it very much."

"Do you like it, are you busy these two days?"

"A little."

"Hey, I used to ask you if you were too busy. You said it was okay. You said that there is a little bit. Is that especially busy?"

"Well, something is going on."

"What is it? Don't you help me?"

"No, I handle it."

"Is it related to me?"

"You will know in a few days."

“A few days? Ok, it’s pretty mysterious.”

At this time, there was a sudden sound on the phone.

It seems to be a white secretary. "Wu board, there is a counterattack over there!"


What counterattack?

What happened?

Zhang Yuran, "Old Wu, what happened?"

Wu Zeqing said gently: "Nothing, I will deal with it, hang up first, yes, my parents have time to let you eat in the past, don't forget."

Zhang Wei: "Well, I can't forget."

The phone is only hanging.

Zhang Wei thought for a long time and didn't have a clue. The level of Lao Wu was too high. Her affairs were not Zhang Yi's ability to get started. Zhang Jian, the consciousness of this small people, he did not understand the political-governing things. I just don't think much about it. He believes that Lao Wu can handle it well.

Wu Zeqing never let him worry about it.

And people don't need him to worry about it.

The door opened.

Maybe the outside parents heard the voice of his call.

Mom pushed the door into the house, "Hey, wake up?"

Zhang Hao got out of bed and groaned: "Hungry, Mom, come to eat."

"Yes, I will do it for you." The mother knew his hard work these days, and it was rare that he didn't talk to him and went to the kitchen to prepare for cooking.

As a result, the phone rang.

It was Hu Fei’s call.

Zhang Yan looked helplessly: "Hu Ge?"

Hu Fei: "Zhang Dao, working overtime!"

Zhang Wei: "...what you deliberately?"

Hu Fei: "It is really overtime, the right to broadcast the network has been sold out, but those periods recorded before have been reported. The above six notices let Xiaodong be the host of the first six programs to be rectified, or else deleted. So, if you come back quickly, you really have to give six supplements."

Zhang Hao’s face is black. “Isn’t the network resources?”

"Yeah." Hu Fei: "CCTV is too good!"


Do things?

Zhang Wei immediately said: "I will go back immediately! Deleting resources will definitely not work. The exclusive broadcast of the Internet has sold hundreds of millions of copies. It can't cause such a big loss to people's video websites. I can't record them, I will record them in the first period, and finally edit them. Go up, wait for me."

"Good!" Hu Fei finished, silent for a while, suddenly said: "Working hard."

Zhang Wei smiled, "Serve the people."

Out of the living room.

Mom has fired.

Zhang Hao screamed, "Mom."

The mother said: "The dishes are just right."

"Don't eat, the unit is in a hurry, I will go soon." Zhang Yidao.

Dad frowned: "I have to eat after dinner."

Zhang Wei has already begun to wear clothes. "It’s too late, it’s an urgent matter. I may not be able to come back these two nights. A bunch of things, it’s up!"


The door is closed.

The son’s figure has disappeared.

Only leaving my father and mother to look at each other, I feel distressed.

When their sons were not famous, they all hoped that their sons would be famous, they could make money, and they would make a difference. When their sons became true stars, they were really happy and happy for their sons. Their parents were also very face-to-face. However, as Zhang Jian’s work became more and more busy, and sometimes it was time to be desperate, it was common for two days and two nights to sleep. They suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. The first “feeling the body was hollowed out” touched them very much. Big, a very funny song. When I listened to the second time for the second time, I heard that their eyes were red. No one knows what Zhang Hao paid for this. Only parents know best!

He has not cooked.

Rarely do housework.

No time to spend with my family.

Even with his fiancee can not be together every day.

He may owe his parents, owe his girlfriend, owe his friends, and owe a lot of people, but his father and mother know that his son has not owed a spectator once. He can not sleep, he can work overtime every day, he can enter the police station, he can Give everything to the audience!

This is their son.

Sometimes it is very irritating!

Sometimes I wanted to hit him!

Sometimes I feel bad about him!

Sometimes, I am very proud! (To be continued., your support is my biggest motivation.) 16-10-2406:09:30

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