I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1277: [A song "big truth" collection! 】

at night.

Chinese chess house.

A group of professional chess players are surrounded by people. Some people still heard the news and just rushed to see the fun, or frightened, or vomiting blood three liters, or laughing and closing their mouths.

Hu Liang asked: "Is it over?"

Xu Wei smiled and said: "It is already finished."

Dean said: "No one is talking to him."

"How is this cargo so busy today? I am still looking for me in the afternoon. I will go with him and kick him." Li Yijiu said.

Tian Weiwei wiped the sweat. "Zhangye also looked for me in the afternoon."

Chen Hao, eight paragraphs: "I am looking for me too. He seems to be broadcasting live."

"Live? This is a shame to be thrown into a foreign country." Li Yi was speechless.

Hu Liang disagreed. "It's not a shame. It's a clear way to promote our country!"

Xu Wei smiled and said: "Yes, in the field of Go, it is still the strength to speak."

The dean suddenly said: "I feel very good, Xiao Zhang is so troublesome, I am afraid that more and more people will come to play chess in the future, which is a good thing for the whole industry."

Chen Hao eight paragraphs helplessly said: "The current Zhang Huan, has really hit the world invincible, the world of chess world is no longer difficult to find a person who can compete with him."

Yokohama beauty service!

Yokohama Day Service!

Yokohama Hanbok!

So god, who else?

I haven’t been there before, I’m afraid there will be no more in the future!


In the live room.

Unknowingly, the number of people in the room has soared to a terrible number!

Eight million!

Nine million!

Ten million!

It has broken through the mark of 10 million people!

The previous live broadcast record, even 8 million people have not been, not to mention that 10 million people watched the live broadcast online, it is just a dream!

The people of Meihe TV are crazy!

People on other live platforms are stupid!


This is too horrible!

Isn't it a live go game?

How many people around the world know how to play Go?

This **** also has so many people to watch?

But there are so many people who like to watch Zhang Yi--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A natural charm, sometimes whoever wants to laugh and swear by him, I think he is too waved, and then after the end, everyone still likes what he likes to die, they don't know why.

on the screen.

Zhang Wei has already withdrawn from the account and smiled and said: "Oh, the offender is also offended. I guess the Japanese hanbok is crazy. Everyone is tight-lipped. Today's game is not mys. This is my name. Can't back, what? You ask who is it? Of course, this is the account owner of DUSHD!"

The holder of the account almost vomited blood!


- Hey, don't tease me, laugh, no - Teacher Zhang, you are a bad pus, you are - hahahaha - this pot is too embarrassing - DUSHD this account must be famous, buddy, later When you log in to your account, I will pay attention to it. I estimate that you will log in every day. All of them are in the world. You are learning the foreign language. - You are enough. - You are really laughing today. - Teacher Zhang. Really no one - I like him too much - Zhang Hao's biggest advantage is not to wear garlic - right, if other people have Zhang Hao, such achievements, writers? Mathematician? The first person in Go? I don’t know what the cow is like, but I can look at it again, or like that, or when we first met him - well, it hasn't changed at all -

Look at the table.

Oh, it’s all at 8:30 in the evening!

Zhang Wei was shocked. "Hey, how is this time? You have no one to remind me, the platform of the people let me live for two hours. How can I do it for more than six hours? More than eight o'clock in the evening? I haven't eaten yet! You are too wicked!"


- Go to you - you are wicked - Hahaha is obviously you kill yourself with red eyes, but also for us - you are not yourself - I have not eaten - you only know eight More ah - hey, I thought you were going to live to dawn - not too addictive, come one more - yes, Teacher Zhang, it’s been this time, it’s not so much for a few more minutes - come back to us I haven't seen it - agree - top - come to the last one - finally you can have a meal -

Zhang Wei can't smile. "Is it still? Have you ever seen it? The comics also said, shouting Mai also shouted, and the game is down. You haven't seen me yet? I have seen it." Think about it. He said: "Or else I will sing a little song for you, have you not listened to me singing?"


You still sing a little song?

The audience in the live room is full of enthusiasm!

- Come on - Come on - Ok, just a little song - we listen to us - sing - sing or sing -

There are no boards.

There are no strings.

Zhang Hao got up and stood firm, and he sang with a mouth open.

"Say the day?"

"Day is not a pro."

"There are days, days and stars."

"The sun and the moon shuttle to remind people."

"How many people in the world are taken away."

"Speaking to the dear?"

"The land is not a relative."

“The land is like a golden dragon.”

"How much is the name of the competition."

"Look at the new grave to see the old grave."

When I heard this, many of Zhang’s friends were embarrassed.

Yao Jiancai is silent.

Haqi Qi looked at Zhang Wei.

Listening to this piece of music, they couldn’t laugh at it, only to feel heavy in their hearts.

Zhang Yu sings:

"To say pro?"

“The closest family?”

The people in the room are up!





Zhang Yi sighed and sang:

"Not so close."

"Intrigue, chilly!"

Suddenly the sound gets bigger:

Zhang Wei looked at the live footage and sang:

"To say pro?"

"The audience is the closest!"

"The audience is actor, my heart is connected!"

The barrage is applauded!

- good - good - good to say -

Zhang Hao sang very much:

"I remember that there was such an old saying in my early years!"

"No gentleman does not raise an artist!"

"The wind and snow came to Saibei yesterday!"

"Today's Jiangnan good scenery and spring!"

"I advise you."

"The color of the wine is not good!"

"Eating and drinking gambling is also smother!"

"Holding the boxing hand and obeying the position: May you be, lucky, enter the treasure, and enter the gold!"

Zhang Yu’s fists are facing the camera, and I feel a lot in my heart. These words, these songs, are all he wanted to sing. Today, I also want to remind myself, is it good? Good location? It’s all nonsense, only the audience is real, only those who don’t really like your talent are real. Zhang Wei wants to tell himself that no matter where he goes, he can't forget his life.

- Good - sing well - Zhang Hao, you are awesome - Teacher Zhang, I like you too much - thank you - Teacher Zhang, hard work -

A song from his world, Deyun's "The Big Truth", touched many people!

Today's live broadcast, so many viewers have been addicted from the beginning to the bottom of the foot, from the sweat pores to every cell, so good!

Good opening!

The process is good!

It’s good to collect!

There is really nothing to say!

This is the most successful one for the entertainment star star test webcast!

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