I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1278: [Zhang Wei wants to surpass the first line? 】

Live broadcast.

Zhang Hao sighed and hurriedly poured a bottle of mineral water. When he got out of the live room, he gave a slight glimpse and found that a dozen people were waiting for him.

"Zhang Dao, hard work!"

"Zhang Zhang has worked hard!"

"You are too powerful!"

"This live broadcast is great!"

"The number has exploded!"

"This is a history!"

"The amount of gifts, the number of people in the room, all broke records!"

A group of staff from Meihe tv is talking.

Over there, even the boss of the live broadcast of Meihe came. When I came up, I was excited: "Mr. Zhang, I am tired of being involved, thank you very much. We have cooperated with many stars in the entertainment industry in the past two years, but like you. Such a dedication star, really no, don't explain the stars, even those on our platform that rely on live broadcasts of the network anchors, they can be broadcast for an hour or two, and there are people who can broadcast for three hours. It’s been nearly seven hours? They don’t do it! Nothing to say!” He raised his thumb at Zhang Wei. “You are this!”

Zhang Xiao smiled and waved his hand. "Take someone money and do things. This is what it should be. It’s not that serious. I don’t have this person. I have the strength to use it. With this meal, we have to be worthy of the audience. Right? Mixed food, not so great."

The boss of the United States tv said: "That is not, the average star who broadcasts you for six or seven hours, impossible, gave two hours of money, they have to broadcast for two minutes have to let you add Money, the current entertainment circle is like this, and there are people who are so particular about you. Teacher Zhang, this cooperation is so pleasant, nothing is said, it’s in my heart, and you will have something to talk about in the future.”

Zhang Hao nodded. "I have something now."

The boss didn’t say anything at the time: "What do you say?"

Zhang Hao touched his stomach. "Is it time to open a meal?"

Open a meal?


Yes, people haven't eaten yet!

The boss slammed his head. "Hey, look at me, remember quickly, quickly book the table, call the car, I personally banquet teacher Zhang and his team!"

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome." Zhang Wei is really hungry. "Is there a box lunch?"

One employee snorted. "There is something, but it is the kind of lunch we just ate."

Zhang Yiyi pointed to him, "Box lunch is fine."

A female employee said: "But it's all cool."

"The microwave oven will turn into a ah." Zhang Wei urged.

Two minutes later.

A group of people looked at Zhang Wei and bent over at the table and took chopsticks and pulled the box lunch. You also looked at me. I looked at you and everyone looked at each other.

The boss smiled, "Can you eat lunch?"

Zhang Hao looked up and smiled: "Why can't you eat?"

He is never picky eaters.

Shanzhen seafood can eat.

Boxing instant noodles, he does not pick.

Meihe’s employees looked at him, and suddenly they understood why Zhang Wei could make today’s fame. A small move can already explain a lot of things.


the next day.

A lot of news and entertainment layouts are Zhang Wei’s headlines!

"Zhang Hao teamed up with the United States and the tv live debut! 》

"10 million people watch online! 》

"Zhang Yu's appeal is amazing! 》

"A star who will call Mai! 》

"One person, I am drunk," was imitated by the network anchor! 》

"Zhang Yuxin's single-mouth comic dialogue is amazing in the industry! 》

"Zhang Zhang was a big fan of the chess world last night! 》

"Hanbok day service beauty service was smashed! 》

"The Chinese Go game world is welcoming a hundred years of prosperity! 》

"A ‘big truth’ sings the audience in the live broadcast! 》

These are also online!

"Is it yesterday?"

"Of course I saw it, I am addicted to death!"

"I was laughing and I have never seen such a funny star!"

"Ha ha ha ha, after yesterday, I have become a broken brain!"

"It's really amazing. The whole entertainment circle has to say a few stars with real skills. Zhang Wei must be among the first. There are too many things in his stomach!"

"Yeah, really served!"

"Big killing hanbok day service, I see blood!"

"This wave I give full marks! Too 6!"

"Zhang Wei’s popularity has skyrocketed."

"Yesterday's Zhang Wei is really too domineering!"

"Can you not be domineering, even the live broadcast of a king, there are only seven million people online, and it is not excluded that the organizer brushed the number of people, but Zhang Wei can clearly feel this time, this Tens of thousands of people are really real people, look at the atmosphere, look at the degree of hot discussion on Weibo, don't need to say, this is the real popularity, the appeal of this goods can already be compared with Tianwang Tianhou? ”

"Is it impossible, the other people are still far away?"

"Right, I have never seen the popularity of Zhang Wei."

"It’s still the first in the line. It’s not moving. The last time he was promoted to the first line, the popularity and the super line can have several times the gap. How can it be so fast!”

"I rely! Come see!"

"This, what is this?"

"Oh my titanium dog eyes!"

"Come on, big things! Big things!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"This is impossible!"

"How could this be?"

Suddenly, many people on the Internet were shocked. Finally, some people found that something was wrong. Finally, someone discovered that Zhang Wei’s popularity was not right!

After Zhang Hao reached the top of the line, it seems that I can go to the super line in the next step. In fact, this step is still far away. It is an insurmountable gap. I have not known how many stars have gone in recent years. I have been to Zhang Wei’s first position in the first line. However, no one has sat on the super-line seat. In the end, the seven old faces firmly occupy the top seven seats in the entertainment circle. The thunder does not move, so when Zhang After soaring to the first line, everyone is not taken seriously!

But today!

But at this moment!

Suddenly they were shocked to discover that Zhang Wei’s popularity not only caught up, but it was not far from the seven super-lined kings!

The media is shocked!

The people are shocked!

The entertainment circle is shocked!

The team of Tianwang Tianhou was shocked!


How can it be!

When did he catch up?

This is too fast!


The highest award in literature?

Advertising endorsement?

"I'm a singer"?

Square dance?

Or is this live broadcast?

No, this is certainly not a two-time achievement. This is a process of accumulation. It turns out that Zhang Hao’s work in the past few months has been going through the super line! It turns out that Zhang Wei’s intensive running announcements over the past few months have been made for the purpose of this program! Too stupid, too stupid, they should have thought of it long ago, they should have felt it long ago, how can it be discovered now!

Can Zhang Hao succeed?

One of the seven seats will be easy to change?

Is the entertainment circle going to earthquake?

First time!

For the first time, there are stars close to the seven people who are on the top! (To be continued.)

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