I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1279: [Industry turmoil! 】

at home.

The outside world has already lost its way.

Zhang Wei is still sleeping in the bed. 20

The bedroom door was pushed open, and the mother walked in with amazement. "Son! Son! Are you really fake? The news says that you have to go through the line?"

Zhang Hao woke up, "Ah?"

Dad also entered the house. "Is it true?"

"Yeah." Zhang Wei sat up. "Is the news reported?"

The mother said: "Just reported, the outside is chaotic!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I thought they were late to find out for a while."

Mom excitedly said: "You come true? Why don't you tell us?"

"I told you before, I said that I have to do a big vote, you are not saying that I want to rob the bank." Zhang Yan rolled his eyes and said: "I have planned this matter, this is a few In the past month, all the work has actually paved the way for this step. In fact, it has not been completed yet. It is still worse. However, they found that there is no way. Oh, it’s not really a good thing. No one is stupid. It seems that there is no drama to sneak up on them. Oh, since I know, then come on. I’ve got enough people’s popularity anyway, even if they make preparations, they want to squat in a short time. It is impossible to open me."

Mom pointed at him, "Son, Mom, look at you!"

Dad said: "Can you go on?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Try it."

Mom said: "Come on, let them see my son's ability!"

"It’s awkward." Zhang Yan shrugged. "When I finish the wedding, I will die with the seven people."

Mom said: "Your wedding may give you a lot of popularity, if they know who your wife is, it is estimated to be scared!"


I am afraid this word cannot be described!

It should be scared to death!

I don't know how many people are scared to death that day!

"Mom." Zhang Hao old **** is in the road: "low-key, low-key."

Ringing bells, bells and bells.

The friends’ calls are also coming one by one.

First, it was Haqiqi, and there was chaos.

"Zhang Dao, can't hide!"

"I know, watching the news."

"The media has stepped on the door, and it has been more than a dozen!"

"You have to deal with it, it’s hard work for everyone."

Then Chen Guang.

"I rely, are you really?"

"What is it really old?"

"What are you talking about! You are hiding too deep!"

"Haha, I can't hide it."

"You are too fierce. I have read the news with Wenli. I am all stunned. I know that your popularity has reached this point in the past few months. You can do it. You can’t change the color of such a big thing. This is a big event in the entertainment industry, and the industry is bombing!"

"What is going to the top, there is nothing wrong with it."

"You are not far away."

"Don't listen to the media, it's still a lot worse."

"So you have to work hard and add fire."

Yao Jiancai also called:

"You want to climb to the top?"

"Can not be done?"

"Oh, it’s too much!"

"Haha, let's try it first."

"You have no problem. I just looked at the list deliberately. Although there are still some bad ones, it is definitely not too much. It is definitely the last time from the seven people in these years, and I will work harder to do the next one. In the future, you will be bullish-forced, and the country will climb to the top!"

"Get it."

Zhang Xia.



Ning Lan.

Zhang Wei’s phone is bursting!

Zhang Wei’s studio is also being leveled by the media!

Do not blame the industry and the media for such a big fuss, mainly Zhang Hao came up too suddenly, suddenly no one is psychologically prepared!

Super line!

The top position of the entertainment circle is only seven!

Someone is coming up? That means that if someone goes on, this is the rule of the world's star rating list. The super line is, the first line is, the second line is also, each class is not unlimited to accommodate artists, not the artist has reached a certain rule. After the popularity value, it will be promoted to the next level. When the list is formulated, the attention of the people is limited. The development of the entertainment circle is not stagnant. The difference between the popularity of the decade and the present is too great. In the past, when a fixed number was set, then in the crazy development of the entertainment industry, there are no more than one hundred superstars and dozens of them. It is impossible to do so, so the star rating list is a fixed number of people, not a certain one. The limit of personal gas values. This is reasonable.

Zhang Wei thinks that his earth is actually similar. Although there is no clear and clear ranking like this world, but it is also clearly graded, there are super first-line stars, there are also a star, the evaluation criteria are based on the media and the industry itself. The feelings and judgments, too, the super-stars on his planet are not infinite. The number of people who come over is also a small group of people. Although there are some new super-line big names, it seems like super There is no limit on the first line, but when a new batch of super first-line stars is in the upper position, you will look back and look at the previous super-line, there must be a few people who have not had the original popularity, or interest? Or too angry? Or disappear into the public eye? When a new person comes up, there will be old people going on. The two worlds are essentially the same at this point.

Want to go up?

That is going to be a fight!

The location is just a few, who gets the skill of who!

And now Zhang Wei, no doubt has declared war on the seven people!

The news is lively!

"Zhang Yu declared war! 》

Can Zhang Wei succeed in the summit? 》

"Super first-line battle is officially launched! 》

"The entertainment circle pattern will change dramatically! 》

"Industry experts are not optimistic about Zhang Hao's impact on the first line! 》

"The King of Heaven team will respond urgently! 》

"The biggest event in the entertainment industry this year! 》

Weibo has also fallen out!

"I was so shocked that I spurted out an old blood!"

"Too cow!"

"After the past, Zhang Hao has come to this step?"

"Yeah, I thought that I was still listening to Zhang Wei’s "Ghost Blowing Light" on the radio. I liked him very much at that time. After chasing him for so many years, I have been jealous of him for so many years, I rely on it, and I don’t pay attention to it. Do you have the popularity of the top entertainment circle? Hey!"

"Ha ha ha, all the way to come over, all the way to come over, these three years, there is such a huge change in the entertainment circle, it is too exciting."

“Support Zhang Hao’s summit!”

"Mr. Zhang is on!"

"I don't think there is any play, but it is still empty."

"Yeah, no one can shake the position of the seven people for so many years."

"Let's take a step and see it!"

"When the kings of the kings really put down their bodies to pull the popularity, the gap with Zhang Wei may soon be opened again, it is not easy."

"But the chances are great!"

"Strive to Zhang Hao!"

User arguing!

Hot discussion in the industry!

The whole country is now talking about this!

At this time, Zhang Wei received a call from Zhang Yuanqi.

Looking at the caller ID, Zhang Hao also smiled, pick it up, "Hey, old chapter."

Zhang Yuanqi: "Is it really coming up?"

Zhang Yan said: "Yeah, I have to find something for you."

Zhang Yuanqi: "Isn't it a small tone?"

Zhang Wei: "Ha ha, is there any advice?"

Zhang Yuanqi: "There is no suggestion, there is one advice."

Zhang Wei: "Oh?"

Zhang Yuanqi: "These seven people, none of them are good, you want to get one, absolutely not as easy as you think."

Zhang Wei: "It’s like being kind to me."

Zhang Yuanqi: "Yes, then you cheer."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei did not care about this.

About an hour later, Zhang Wei received a message, which was sent by Fang Weihong, the agent of Zhang Yuanqi. After he saw it, he stunned. This is the information of six other super-stars in addition to Zhang Yuanqi, even the recent itinerary, the release time of the movie, and the popularity forecast that may grow. One is very detailed, and even a few Tianwang team learned Zhang. The team's reactions and actions after the first-line news, such as adding activities, considering variety invitations, and so on.

This is definitely an internal message!

Then Fang Weihong’s phone came.

Zhang Hao was busy picking up, "Fang Jie."

Fang Weihong smiled and said: "See?"

Zhang Weidao: "I saw it, thank you."

Fang Weihong said: "Don't thank me, it is Zhang Jie who asked me to sort it out and send it to you. You have a narrow network of people in the circle. You don't have anything to do with the upper layers of the entertainment industry. The source of information is naturally limited. You are now It’s the key moment of the super-line, you can see if it can help you. If you need any news in the future, you can ask me."

Zhang Yanran, "What did Zhang Jie give me?"

Fang Weihong: "Yes."

Zhang Wei: "We just called on the phone, she can not be optimistic about me."

Fang Weihong groaned. "She is not optimistic about you? Does she say that?"

"I didn't say that, but the tone is like this." Zhang Yidao.

Fang Weihong shook his head and said: "I have once asked Zhang Jie once. It was still a year ago. I asked her how many seven people in the domestic super-level hierarchy can sit still for a long time, three years? Or five years? Zhang Jie told me at the time that the super line is unlikely to change in a short time. I asked her again, if it really changed, who would go down? Who would come up? Guess what she said?

Zhang Wei listened.

Fang Weihong smiled and said: "Zhang Jie said that if the super line really changes, who is going to go, she doesn't know, but the person who came up must be you!"

Zhang Wei is wrong, "I?"

He really didn't expect this.

The old chapter is so high on him?

After hanging the line, Zhang Wei looked at the information sent by Wei Hong on the mobile phone. The heart was very moved. However, he raised his hand and he deleted the information. He remembered this matter in his heart. Whoever is good to him, he understands in his heart, but he does not need information. He is not able to carry the character of his opponent’s information. In general, Zhang Wei prefers to be more direct. I don't like to bend around.

Where did they go?

What are they doing?

How do they get popular?

I am in charge of you!

It’s dead!

Life and death, each with its own skills! (To be continued.)

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