I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1289: [Everyone shouts! 】


Beijing TV Station.

Hu Fei's face was low, "Something happened!"

Dafei said: "What's wrong with Brother Hu?"

Brother Hou was surprised, "What's the matter?"

Hu Fei said gravely: "Just got the news that Zhao Chipeng spoke in the circle. More than a dozen entertainment media companies issued ban-kill-orders to Zhang Ye. Our station has also received it. If Zhang Ye is allowed to do shows in the future , They will withdraw all their artists and stop all cooperation with Beijing TV!"

Xiao Lu was surprised: "What?"

Di Hou said angrily: "This is too unreasonable!"

Han Qi looked ugly, "What can I do, what can I do!"


Zhang Ye's studio.

Ha Qiqi received first-hand news!

"Oh no!"

"what happened?"

"Director Zhang was blocked-killed!"


"Who is it this time?"

"Who else can, it must be Zhao Chipeng!"

"It's not just Tianfang Entertainment, this time it's half of the capital of the entertainment industry. This time, something really happened!"


A certain music platform.

"Mr. Sun, let's pay for Zhang Ye's new song cooperation"

"No need to talk."

"Huh? We are already communicating."

"No need, Zhang Ye is done."


"Capital block-kill, whoever cooperates with Zhang Ye in the future will face sanctions from Tianfang Entertainment and a dozen other entertainment media. If we cooperate with Zhang Ye, then the artists under these companies will not cooperate with us anymore. And may withdraw the copyright authorization!"

"how come!"


In just an hour.

The entire entertainment circle has received the news.

Chen Guang.

Fan Wenli.

Zhang Xia.


Seven super first line.

Everyone received it!

Industry shock!

In an uproar in the circle!

After a lapse of seven years, the capital has been banned-killed-the order reappears!

There are often bans-kills in the industry. For example, when a certain celebrity offends the big names, the big names say that there is no me or me. This is also a ban. For example, a certain artist offends a senior executive of a certain entertainment company, and the senior releases words, don't make him feel better, this is also a ban-kill.

But they are all different!

This is a small fight, the intensity is too bad!

Jianghu ban-kill-order, this is something on another level!

Thinking about that day seven years ago, a domestic movie star who had already been promoted to a first-line star at that time offended multiple capitals by playing a big name, and was boycotted by three entertainment media, forcing a ban-kill-order in a state of affairs. That is capital. For the first time, the first-line movie star hit the bottom overnight. No one picked up his scenes, no one picked up his talks, peers condemned, and friends stayed away. At the end of the year, the one who became popular all over the country The popularity of the first-line movie stars dropped to the second line, and in the second year, it dropped to the third line. There was no performance and no exposure, which was tantamount to cutting the life of a star.

Until today, the celebrity who was banned-killed-ordered from the world has never appeared on screen TV. On the star rating list, he is no longer visible in the list of five-line artists. About him online Related reports and discussions of, have also been deleted. No one pays attention to him anymore, and everyone almost forgot his name. Until today, the capital ban-kill-make the reappearance of the world, many veterans in the entertainment industry sighfully think of that person back then.

This is the quack-kill-order!

The cruelest sword in the entertainment industry is the endless declaration of war between the capital and the stars!

What's more, the ban-killing of the arena this time is not just as simple as three or four entertainment companies, it is more than a dozen companies, it is a joint ban-killing of half of the entertainment capital, it was the ban-kill-order of the arena seven years ago. Several times the strength! The capital collectively told Zhang Ye to "die"!

Who can hold it?

Who can escape?

No one can!

The queen of heaven is the same!

Zhang Ye is done!

This is the conclusion reached by everyone in the entertainment industry at this moment!

He has offended too many people this time, and the background is too big!

In an instant, everyone shouted and beat Zhang Ye!

On Weibo.

People in the cross talk world first draw a clear line with Zhang Ye.

Crosstalk actor Tang Dazhang: "The so-called "Madman’s Diary" is a big talk. The society is not as dark as you think, and the entertainment circle is not as dark as you think. As a public figure, if you don’t maintain the image of the industry, you will sing alarmist talk. There is no one. I can tolerate you!"

A crowd of comedians responded!

Some literary figures condemned:

A senior writer from the Writers Association: "Every day I know how to do things and write some so-called articles. It's not **** at all. It is insulting and gentle. You are misleading and deceiving the people. I really can't stand it anymore. Starting today, The literary world draws a clear line from you!"

A crowd of literary people responded!

The education sector.

Calligraphy circles.

Opera circles.

A certain TV station.

A certain station.

Countless people began to condemn Zhang Ye!

"Get out of the entertainment circle!"

"You don't need someone like you here!"

"No learning and skill!"

"What kind of professor are you!"

"Your contribution is not worth mentioning!"

"The people are advised not to be fooled by Zhang Ye!"

"Everyone can't bear it anymore, it's time to speak out, it's time to draw a clear line with Zhang Ye!"

"Everyone boycott him!"

And celebrities have also stepped forward!

Jiang Hanwei!

Li Yu!

Zhao Qiquan!

Artists under Tianfang Entertainment!

Artists from other entertainment companies!

Everyone was shouting and killing Zhang Ye!

Some were people Zhang Ye had offended and had mortal enemies, and some were people who Zhang Ye didn’t even know or even met. They also jumped out and wanted to step on Zhang Ye in order to get a relationship with capital. This is an opportunity to take advantage of Zhang Ye's affairs and strive to be the **** of the capital! Of course, there are certain things that cannot be said clearly. Han Di’s wife and Zhao Chipeng can’t mention a word about it. Just like the management banning and killing Zhang Ye, it is impossible to post in the media that the management is going to ban and kill him. , It's all in the circle, no one will put it on the face! So these people are the same. Their reason for attacking Zhang Ye is not that you offend Zhao Chipeng, but that they use other reasons that they think are justified to denounce Zhang Ye!

Zhang Ye has offended too many people.

several thousand?

Tens of thousands?

Hundreds of thousands?

He couldn't count it himself.

So when the Jianghu Ban-Kill-Ling appeared, everyone knew that Zhang Ye could no longer be in the entertainment industry. Naturally, he had no scruples. He should be beaten, scolded, and waited for Zhang Ye every day. The account of bullying them will be settled within this day!


The people are also confused!

"What happened?"

"Why is this?"

"Why did you attack Zhang Ye again?"

"Zhao Chipeng has done it!"


"When Teacher Zhang wrote "The Diary of a Madman," he was destined to offend Zhao Chipeng and the capital of the entertainment industry. Now they have settled the accounts with Zhang Ye!"

"It's the quack-kill-order!"


"My grass!"

"You mean, that one seven years ago?"

"Yes, that's it!"

"Too ruthless! They are too ruthless!"

"And this time the scale is bigger! Half of the entertainment industry's capitalists have shot Zhang Ye. This is industry news. I can only say so much. It is better for everyone to be mentally prepared. This will be Zhang Ye. The biggest dilemma after entering the entertainment industry, no, it should be wrong to say that the dilemma is a desperate situation, and the capital will be blocked. Zhang Ye will not have the opportunity to be on TV, there will be no chance to take on business performances, and no one will be anymore. Cooperating with him is tantamount to announcing the end of Zhang Ye's career in the arts. Now the entertainment industry is in charge of the management!"


"Still unreasonable?"

"These grandsons are so cruel?"

"Paralyzed, angry!"

"Mr. Zhang still has us!"

"Yes, we support it!"

"What's the use of our support? The TV station doesn't ask him to make shows, the TV crew doesn't invite him, and the music platform doesn't cooperate with him. We won't even see him in the future. How can we support? What support? I'm an insider, The water in the entertainment industry is too deep. It's not as simple as you think. Teacher Zhang Ye really angered the capitalist this time. They all have to take Zhang Ye's operation, and no one can stop it!"

"Ms. Zhang is getting married right away!"

"What about the wedding?"

"Will anyone go?"

"If that's the case, how many people can you invite?"

"Old Dog Zhao!"

"Fight with him!"

"Son of a bitch!"

"In the future, there will be no Zhang Ye in the entertainment industry? I can't imagine it!"

"I can't imagine, even though I sometimes scold him and get angry with him, but I really **** like him!"

"Ms. Zhang is really over?"

"Is there no one to treat them?"

"No one else?"



Everyone can't control their emotions.

At this time, someone spoke.

"Someone can cure it."

"Say it!"

"who is it?"

"Radio and television!"

"Grass, you **** didn't say anything!"

"Aren't you nonsense!"

"Who can't cure radio and television! People supervise the entire entertainment industry!"

The entertainment industry is in chaos!

People fryer!

Media reports also came out one by one:

"Zhang Ye's misdeeds provoke public anger! 》

"Zhang Ye Will Retreat from the Entertainment Circle? 》

"Zhang Ye's novel scolds the entertainment industry for cannibalism! 》

"The entertainment circle has no place for Zhang Ye! 》

"Can the wedding be held as scheduled? 》

"Zhang Ye's wedding may be postponed! To be continued.)

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