I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1290: [Marriage invitation exposure! 】

in the afternoon.

Old Wu family courtyard.

Mom and Dad are coming, and Lao Wu’s parents are also there.

The outside world has already been blown up, the entertainment circle earthquake, the enemies of all walks of life have condemned Zhang Wei, and the rivers and lakes seal-kill--reproduced the entertainment circle after seven years. This news does not say that the people inside the circle, that is, the people in the country do not know. The people outside were so surprised that even the people at this level were shocked. However, everyone in the yard did not react at all. While they were busy with invitations, they were still laughing and laughing.

Mom laughed: "I was sealed again - killed?"

Zhang Wei spread his hand. "It seems to be."

"You are too busy to panic on this day." Mom said.

Li Qinqin smiled and said: "This shows that Xiaoxiao is straight and hateful."

Is he straight?

He is a straight fart!

You have never seen him when he was in the pit!

Mom laughs and doesn't speak.

Wu Zeqing also laughed.

Wu Changhe holds an invitation. "Do you ask the old grandson?"

Li Qinqin said: "Please, please."

Wu Changhe: "Women, what about your colleagues?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said: "All are written, please press this list."

"Son, what about the media?" asked the mother.

Zhang Yan shrugged: "I am not familiar with the media."

Wu Zeqing smiled. "Give me, I will write the list."

The invitations are written one by one.

Bells and bells, Zhang Wei’s phone began to scream, and he seemed to have guessed it all the time. He smiled at everyone. “Look, come?”

Wu Zeqing said: "Come on, here I am going to get it."

Mommy said: "This ringtone is all year round, and I don't know if I change one."

Zhang Wei walked a little farther and connected the phone. As soon as it was connected, there was a voice that was too impatient for the winter. Even if she didn’t let Zhang Wei say it, she said awkwardly: "Zhang Er, Zhang Er, it's not a good thing to happen. You have offended people this time. I have to think about ways. The industry is now completely shutting down and killing you. There is no room for it. I know that you have been sealed. , radio, television, literary circles, comics, and so on, etc. - have killed you, but this time is not the same, this time is the seal of the capital - you are now surrounded by all sides, there is no way to go, you Is there any idea? Hey, you don't have to say, can you do anything, now-"

After saying it for two minutes, Zhang Wei was plugged in.

Zhang Wei smiled: "Winter sister."

Xiaodong: "Ah?"

Zhang Wei: "Can I talk?"

Xiaodong "Can, you said."

Zhang Wei: "Your address is sent to me."

Xiaodong: "Ah! What are you doing? Are you going to take refuge in my house?"

Zhang Wei almost fainted, I avoided what I am, "I will send you invitations."

"What invitation?" Xiaodongyi.

"I am getting married," Zhang said.

Xiaodong: "Hey? You have a heart to do a wedding? You?"

Zhang Wei: "Hey, why don't I think about it, and AMY and Xiao Yan, can't you come?"

Xiaodong: "You are really big, you, come, come, can you marry, can we not come? We have to go under the knife, but you have to find a way now, otherwise you will be in the entertainment circle-"

Zhang Wei: "The address is coming, I am hanging."

Xiaodong called: "Hey, wait a minute!"

Hanging here.

Yao Jiancai called again.

Yao Jiancai: "Zhang Er, has the wedding been postponed?"

Zhang Yi said: "Who did you listen to?"

"The media, the industry, everyone said so." Yao Jiancai said.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Don't listen to them, the original plan is going, right, you send me the address, give you an invitation at night, the day after tomorrow, my wedding, bring the nephew and your daughter, lively and lively."

Yao Jiancai turned his eyes. "You are full of fun now!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao, "haha, it will be more lively that day."

hang up the phone.

The third call is also here.

It is on the side of my own studio.

Haqiqi was insane, "Zhang Dao, let's finish!"

"Well, what are you doing, I am going to fight for you." Zhang Wei said: "Mali, now the people with our studios are coming over, it’s time for you!"

Haqi Qiqi said: "Call everyone?"

Zhang Hao nodded, "Yes, everyone gathers!"

Haqiqi inhales, "Is it going to fight with Zhao Chipeng?"

Zhang Wei can't smile. "What do you want to fight? Let me come over and help me send invitations. Here are a bunch of work waiting, hurry and help."

A dozen calls!

Zhang Xia.

Chen Guang.

Ning Lan.

I brushed him over again.

This is good, just to save Zhang Hao one by one to inform them about the wedding!

Zhang Wei’s attitude made his friends feel incredible. They all burned their eyebrows. It’s all done in a thousand years. Are you quite calm?

You are not mistaken, Grandpa!

This is the rivers and lakes seal-kill-order!

Some of his friends were fainted.


That night.

It’s only been more than a day since Zhangye’s wedding!

The media is still black!

The enemy is still denying!

Peers are still resisting!

One by one, there are more and more clowns, and there are many stars and people who are unexpectedly out of the crowd to stand up and fight against Zhang Hao!

The momentum is almost one-sided!

The sound is so turbulent!

Some people can't stand the excitement!

This scourge is finally going to get out!

Many people who have been bullied by Zhang Hao have burst into tears!

Many people can't wait to put a firecracker to celebrate!

At this moment, they waited for too long!

At this moment, they have waited for too many years!

At this time, Zhang Wei’s wedding invitations were sent in succession.


Old Chen family.

The doorbell of the villa rang.

Chen Guang opened the door in the past, "Who?"

"I am Xiao Zhou of Zhangye Studio. Hello, Teacher Chen." The young man handed out an invitation and handed it to him. "Mr. Zhang is married the day after tomorrow, and sincerely invites you and my wife to attend, please be sure to show your face."

Chen Guang nodded. "Okay, I know."

Close the door.

Fan Wenli also came up. "Is the invitation sent?"

Chen Guang smiled and said, "This is really big."

"Yeah." Fan Wenli said: "I thought he wanted to cancel the wedding."

The invitations are very delicate and beautiful.

Open it and read:

Groom: Zhang Wei.

Bride: Wu Zeqing.

We invite you to come.

Chen Guang stunned, "Bride - Wu Zeqing?"

Fan Wenli also stunned. "Hey, how is this name a bit familiar?"

"I also feel familiar, which star?" Chen Guang asked.

one second.

Two seconds.


Chen Guang’s body shape is shaking, “I am grass!”

Fan Wenli also screamed: "Wu Zeqing? Which Wu Zeqing?"

Chen Guang said: "Which Wu Zeqing?"

Fan Wenli Khan is down, "Impossible! This, this is impossible!"


Old Yao family.

The doorbell rang and her daughter Yao Mi went to open the door.

When she came back, she said: "Dad, Mom, Uncle Zhang’s invitation was sent."

Lao Yao’s wife took a look and stunned. “Bride Wu Zeqing? Who is this?”

Yao Mi, "What do you say?"

Lao Yao’s wife pointedly pointed at the invitation, “Bride Wu Zeqing.”

Yao Jiancai in the living room looked stunned. "You, what are you talking about? Who is the bride!?"

"You guys are making people step on the tail, why?" Lao Yao’s wife swayed in a misty invitation. "On the invitation, the name of the bride is Wu Zeqing."

Yao Jiancai came up in one step, "Impossible! Show me!"

Yao honey also ran like crazy!

The invitation opens and the bride’s name is on its way!

Yao Jiancai exclaimed: "I am grass!"

Yao Mi screamed: "Oh my God!"

Lao Yao’s wife is not clear, “What do you mean? What happened?”

Yao Jiancai shocked: "You don't know who Wu Zeqing is!"


A newspaper.

Many people are still working overtime.

"Would you still go to Zhangye's wedding?"

"The editor-in-chief said, no need to go."

"Don't you go?"

"Well, the editor-in-chief has a good personal relationship with Zhao. The rivers and lakes seal-kill-and-out will definitely reduce the report on Zhang Wei, and let him gradually fade out of the public eye."

"It turns out that I understand."

"Okay, get off work."

At this time, an editor stumbled and ran in. "Look! Come see!"

Everyone wonders:


"What are you running!"

"Invitation? Zhang Hao's invitation was sent?"

"Let's go, don't go anyway."

The editor exclaimed: "You should first look at the name of the bride and talk again!"

The invitation is spread out.

When everyone saw it, the soul flew in the air!

"My grass!"

"I rely!"

"My day!"

"I go!"

It’s all silly!

"It's a big deal!"

"Quick and fast, go to the editor-in-chief!"

"The big thing is not good!"

Someone asked in a silly voice, "So, will you still go to Zhang Wei's wedding the day after tomorrow?"

For a moment, everyone turned their heads and looked at the silly-forced look with a look of silly-forced look!


Zhang Xiajia.

The daughter came over, "Mom, invitation."

Zhang Xia sighed and took it. "Know it."

The daughter asked, "Are you worried about Teacher Zhang?"

Zhang Xia blinked and said: "Yeah, I can't help with this, my heart is not a taste, Xiao Zhang has a big trouble this time!"

Zhang Xia smoothly opened the invitation.

Then, her eyes suddenly grew bigger and bigger, and the invitation on her hand slammed into the ground!



"What happened to you?"

"Haha, it's okay."

“How are you still laughing? Are you not worried about Teacher Zhang?”

"no need."

"Why? Didn't he meet the matter?"

"It’s someone else who is meeting something now!"

"What do you mean?"

The daughter picked up the invitation and saw it, "Bride Wu Zeqing? Who is this?"

Zhang Xia looked at her daughter. "This is a person who can not afford to be married even if they are together." Suddenly, she smiled: "Today's entertainment scene must be the most exciting day in history!"


Feiyu entertainment.

Jianghu Feng-kill-order one of the sponsoring companies.

In the boss’s office, Zhou’s roar suddenly came out!

"Zhao Chipeng!"

"The surname Zhao!"

"I-grass - you - mom - ah!"

The employees passing by are facing each other!

What happened?

How did Zhou Zong get on Zhao?

Are the two people not close partners?


Xiaohai Media.

Jianghu Feng-kill-order one of the sponsoring companies.

"Zhao Chipeng!"

"You are stupid - forced!"

"You are stinky - silly - forced!"

"You **** me!!"


Xiangtian record.

Jianghu Feng-kill-order one of the sponsoring companies.

"Zhao Chipeng!"

"My grass!"

"You gave birth to a child, you didn't -****!"

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