I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1295: [大婚(中)]

Open air garden.

Wedding scene.

The media has been in place for a long time.

The relatives of the bride and groom have also arrived. They are admitted in advance, and some of the remaining star friends need to take the red carpet and take photos of the reporters. So they are all in the waiting area, and they have to come in one by one. As for others, Peking University and the media colleagues do not matter, they do not know the red carpet reporters, and will not shoot, so people came to the scene by Zhang Wei studio.

There are only two stars in the field.

One is Dong Shanshan of Beijing Satellite TV.

One is Yu Yingyi of CCTV Sports.

The two old classmates are the host of Zhang Wei’s wedding invitation.

Dong Shanshan held the microphone in the innermost position of the red carpet, and the reporter outside the isolation line on both sides of the red carpet smiled: "Members, friends, distinguished guests, good morning, everyone is a memorable day. My old classmate Zhang Wei will step into the marriage hall."

Yu Yingyi also picked up the microphone and smiled: "We are with Zhang Wei for many years of college classmates, colleagues, and the closest comrades. He invited us to host his wedding this time. We actually refused. I am with Shanshan. One of the bachelors, but he is getting married, do you say we can balance?"

Wang He.

Hu Feifei.

Lao Wang.

A bunch of classmates are screaming, "I can't balance!"

Everyone laughs.

At the end of the red carpet not far away, I heard Zhang Yi’s scorpion shouting: “Hurry up, don’t use that, it’s useless, wait for a long time!”

The reporter is also happy.

Yu Yingyi smiled and said: "Look, the groom officer is in a hurry."

Dong Shanshan smiled loudly: "There will be the most handsome, most attractive and most enviable bridegroom officer Zhang Hao to enter today!"


The applause sounded!

The reporters were uplifted and the lenses were all aligned!

Zhang Wei, a suit and dress, walked on the red carpet.



"Mr. Zhang is slower!"

"Turn around!"

"Look here!"

"A little slower!"

"Mr. Zhang recruited a hand!"

"Hey, that broken toothpaste ad is too stealthy!"

"Who took the brain gold ad!"

Hey, long guns and short guns!

Zhang Wei also worked very well, let the reporters shoot enough.

After entering the venue, Zhang Wei is more casual, and hurry to greet friends and family.

Fang Weihong came up, "Mr. Zhang, congratulations!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Fang Jie, Zhang Jie did not come?"

Fang Weihong said: "Zhang Jie is filming abroad these days. It is really not going back. This is not, I must be sure to come over and give you a favor."

Zhang Wei said: "Well, you can sit casually, and you can’t say hello."

Fang Weihong smiled and said: "Hurry up with you."

Several old classmates have come over there.

Wang He: "Zhang Er!"

Hu Feifei airway: "You are not kind!"

Lao Wang laughed. "Yeah, you are hiding too deep!"

Xiaoqian: "You don't know, I heard the news of your marriage. We have all given you a slap. You are too bullish, and the Wu Bureau has made you jealous?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "Hey, generally."

Wang He smiled and said: "Is there a room for a Chinese wedding?"

"Yes." Zhang Yi Le said: "You just have trouble."

Xiaoqian turned his eyes, "You go!"

Hu Feifei also smiled. "There is one in the room today. Who dares to make trouble with your house? OK, don't greet us. Let's eat our own. You greet the people on the radio and television side. Let's all ourselves. People, it doesn't matter."

Zhang Weidao: "I have to go, then I will go first. I will not be here for a formal wedding. I will not have a reporter. I am my own. I will talk again."

Radio and television over there.

Lao Wu’s colleagues and subordinates are drinking. This is a buffet. There are Western food in Chinese food, white wine in red wine, and nothing at all. However, they seem to be a bit deserted here. The rest of the guests know each other. They are almost all in a circle. They can talk a few words when they meet, but the friends of Guangdian are quite lonely. There are not a few who can be with them. Speaking of words, after all, the status of the supervision unit of the entertainment industry is too special, to say that they usually deal with them, there are some people in the entertainment company, the leader of the TV station can also, but to say the star artists in the circle? They really have no chance to talk directly to the radio and television. There are too many levels of difference, and they are not enough!

But it is different now!

Today's entertainment circle finally has a star that can talk directly to radio and television!

Zhang Wei went up and smiled: "Everyone, it’s not good enough."

A director was busy: "Mr. Zhang is very polite."

One director said: "Mr. Zhang, congratulations!"

Another director: "Happy wedding, early birth!"

Zhang Weidao: "Thank you."

The people who came from the radio and television market were somewhat cautious and a little embarrassed. They used to have less strength with Zhang Wei, but there was no clear, but there were a lot of secrets. For example, the list of inferior artists, Zhang Wei was on the number, and then earlier. The blacklist of radio and television, Zhang Wei is the first. As a result, Zhang Hao has become a husband of their leadership, which makes them all cry and laugh, and they don’t know how to get along with him. The leader's lover, simply called "Mr. Zhang", politeness is always right.

A few sisters are coming too!

Big sister: "Brother!"

The second sister hurriedly said: "What about stars? Stars?"

Zhang Wei used to say: "It’s all behind, come on."

The third sister stared at her eyes: "Can we just sign and take a photo?"

Zhang Hao haha ​​smiled. "Of course, whatever you want, if they don't give you you, come to me!"

"Long live my brother!" The third sister was very excited!

Zhang Wei looked into the distance and called: "Chen Chen, don't run!"

Chen Chen is eating at the buffet and screaming in his mouth: "Know it."

Zhang Wei asked: "What are you yelling?"

Chen Chen, Ba Nanu, "to deal with reporters."

As a broker of Zhang Wei, Rao Aimin will not be light today.

As soon as I turned around, my friends from the Public Security Department’s network supervision office also came!

Fan Yingxi walked in the forefront, "Mr. Zhang, He Xi He Xi!"

Dong Zhiqiang.

Fang Xiaoshui.

Meng Yi.

They were all colleagues who had been in the network supervision time, and they had participated in the hacking war between China and South Korea. Of course, they did not know what happened to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Fan sister, Director Dong, Xiaofang, I thought you couldn't come."

Fan Yingyi licked his hair. "Can you marry if we can get married? Any work must be put down."

After hiring them for a while, Zhang Yiyi and Fan Fanying, "I am looking for you, walk and go." Saying, shouting to the other side: "Old ha, ha, sister!"

Haqi Qi and Zhang Zuo heard it and immediately came over.

"Zhang Gui?"

"what happened?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "I will introduce you to this. I haven’t had a chance to know it before. I’ve got it all right today. It’s just that this is my old friend who has been fighting with me since I started my debut. Fan Yingxi, also me. The current head of the fan group, the things over the fans are managed by her, but she does not care about the house, she will lead the fight."

Haqi Qi heard the words awe, "big knife brother?"

Zhang Zuo is also dumbfounded. "Big brother is a lesbian?"

Fan Yingyi shrugged, "Yes."


Still beautiful?

The two of them were shocked by the heavens. They have all seen the big knife brother killing the Quartet on the Internet. It is obviously not the same as this glamorous woman!

The voice of the mother shouted. "Small, my grandfather called you."

"Come here!" Zhang Wei said to them: "You communicate more, I will go first."


Friends of Peking University.

Colleague of the Communication University.

One greeting, Zhang Jian is busy.

On the red carpet, I finally arrived at the star admission time.

The attention of everyone has also paid attention to the past.

The reporters are even more than one chicken!

Dong Shanshan held the microphone and said: "I have a star guest today, Chen Guang Fan Wenli and his wife!"

The couple smiled and walked slowly.

Yu Yingyi loudly said: "Please have the famous director Li Ke!"

Li Ke, the top domestic film director, has also arrived.

Dong Shanshan said: "There is a famous singer, Teacher Zhang Xia!"

Zhang Xia is wearing a dress, very grand.

Yu Yingyi said: "There are non-famous comic actor, famous actor, teacher Yao Jiancai and his wife."

Yao Jiancai’s family has arrived.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "There is a spring garden combination, Xiaodong, AMY, Li Xiaoyu."

When a person comes, Zhang Wei is there to welcome one, hug a few free words.

There are not many star guests, and the names that are less than twenty are quickly finished.

However, when Dong Shanshan and Yu Yingyi read the name of the last person, the guests were friends and friends, and they all boiled!

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "There is a last guest!"

Yu Yingyi wowed, "This guest is amazing, it is a foreign friend."

Dong Shanshan looked at everyone, "Guest who guesses?"



Zhang Wei, this angry youth and foreign friends?

Yu Yingyi sighed: "I have international movie stars - Lily Ann!"

Looking at the red-haired woman slowly coming on the red carpet!

The media is at a loss!

The guest was shocked!

Lily Ann is coming?

This is an international superstar!

Zhang Wei and Li Li'an sang a song at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Are they so deep in friendship? What is the face of Zhang Wei?

The reporter took pictures like crazy!

The scene was pushed up to the high tide!

This is really a pleasant surprise!

Lilian went to Zhang Hao gracefully and whispered, "Hello, smoke friend."

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