I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1296: [Big Marriage (below)]

The guests are all here.

A collection of stars!

Not many people, but they are big coffee!

The stars were quickly asked by reporters to take photos with Zhang Wei.

Ning Lan.

Zhang Xia.

Chen Guang.


Two or two photos, and later got a photo.

In particular, Li Li'an, an international superstar, was taken care of by the media. If there were restrictions on the cordon and the activity area of ​​the reporters, a large group of reporters rushed over, and the younger sister Yang Lan and security personnel stopped there and drilled a Yang Lan pressed back one, which led many security personnel to secretly look at the mysterious personal bodyguard of Zhang Wei. Several actions can be seen, this must be a master. Over there, Zhang Xiaogang took two photos with Lilyan under the lens. His three sisters screamed and flew, and took Lilyan to take a photo with his excitement. Lilian heard that the three were Zhang Wei’s sister, and naturally there was nothing to say.

The star's blessings are also on the big screen of the open-air garden.

Tian Zhang Zhang Yuanqi appeared on the mobile phone to record the video, "Zhang Wei, happy wedding, I can't go back abroad." The camera turned and touched the place behind her, all Western architecture, "Look, no Lie to you, people can't get there, but the blessings are sent, don't pick me."

Then there is the first-line movie star Huo Dongfang. The background is in the hospital. "Mr. Zhang, I fell in the first two days of filming. In the hospital, I can't eat your favorite wine. I was discharged from the hospital in a few days. I will give this wine back. You make up, finally, I wish you a good morning, congratulations!"

Some stars who can't catch up are sending blessings.

The time is almost up.

The scene is getting more and more lively.

Finally, Dong Shanshan raised the microphone. "Ladies, gentlemen."

Yu Yingyi laughed: "ladiesandgentlemen."

The open-air garden was quiet and looked at the two wedding hosts.

The reporters also know that the main event is coming, and they can't help but regain their spirit!

Dong Shanshan looked around and said: "The following, there will be a bride who invites us to be the most beautiful and moving today. Do you expect it?"

"look forward to!"

"look forward to!"


"The bride is coming!"

"Where is the applause!"



Everyone spares no effort to cheer!

Zhang Wei is also looking forward to it. When the wedding dress arrived yesterday, he didn’t see Lao Wu wearing it. Lao Wu and her mother’s family deliberately refused to see it. I didn’t see the face of Lao Wu this morning, so my wife dressed up. He didn't know what effect the wedding dress had.

Yu Yingyi said loudly: "So, please have the bride shine!"

The applause is even more enthusiastic!

However, there was no movement on the red carpet.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Please come again!"

Applause cheers, but no one.

Dong Shanshan is happy, "Hey, it seems that our bride is not so good."

Everyone laughed and knew that there was a show.

Sure enough, I saw Wu Zeqing’s family members coming over the red carpet. There were girlfriends and Xinya, relatives and fat sisters, and a group of lesbians in 7788.

Zhang Wei looked at his neck and looked back. "What about people?"

Xinya, who is headed, smiled a little. "Professor Zhang, if you want to ask the bride to come out, you have to pass our first pass."

Zhang Yule said: "Is there a project?"

Xinya smiled and said: "Do you know what is Hexi for 30 years in Hedong? Let you offend me before, this time you should pay debts."

Everyone laughed.

"It’s going to be a good one!"

"Mr. Zhang is awesome!"

"Zhang, don't worry!"

"If you lose, you will be shameful!"

"If you lose your wife, you will be gone!"

Peking University’s fight in Tsinghua University, they have heard of it. When they robbed students, Zhang Wei and Xin Ya were the people led by Peking University and Tsinghua University respectively. But who can think of these two youngest mathematicians in China? One is Wu's husband, and the other is Wu Zeqing's girlfriend. This is really dramatic, but the people who eat me just love to watch this, and the media is also full of energy!

Zhang Xiaoxiao, "Professor, Mr. Xin, what is your plan?"

Xinya nodded with satisfaction. "Well, then I can say it."

Zhang Wei’s domineering: "Oh, I will continue."

The fat sister reached out and said, "We have three levels."

One of Wu’s niece said: “My uncle, you have to pass these three levels, my aunt can’t come out, where should you go back?”

Three levels?

Still coming true?

Can buddies be afraid of this?

Zhang Hao shrugged. "Okay, I picked it up."

Xinya smiled and clap his hands, "Pen ink and paper served!"

The staff suddenly moved out of the same thing, and it was the same. It was obviously prepared, and Zhang Wei and his studio people did not know it. It was obvious that the old Wu family and friends group had intentionally squatted, which is also a traditional Chinese wedding. The project is no stranger to anyone.

Everyone saw it one by one.

what is this?

What is better than?

Xinya has already spoken. "The first level, we are more than literary."

Zhang Xiao laughed, "Who is better than me?"

"I am more than you." Xinya smiled.

Zhang Xiao laughs without saying.

Xinya smiled. "You don't have to worry about it. I will read my topic first." Then, on the desk, a word that has already been written is spread out. "The first level of the project is - homophone. Text."



Many people don't understand.

Only a few teachers from the Chinese Department of Peking University had a look.

Xinya saw this and explained: "Let's show you an example. This is a homonym written by me. As long as Teacher Zhang can write a similar one, even if I lose."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "What did you write?"

"Yes." Xinya's face is not red.

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes. "If you wrote, I ate this paper!"

Xin Yadao: "Don't care who wrote it, can't you pick it up?"

There is a large screen on the side of the projection, and the word is quickly placed on the screen. After everyone looks at it, they all take a breath!

The original text reads: Xixi rhinoceros, hi play. Xi Xi Xi Xi with his miraculous, Xi Xi carefully studied washing the rhinoceros. The rhinoceros brook, the drama hits Xi. Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi. I am sorry for Xi Xi.

The meaning is: Xixi's rhinos like to play, Xi Xi takes the rhinoceros out every day, Xi Xi is busy to help the rhinoceros to bathe, the rhino **** the stream and sprays it to Xi Xi to tease him. Xi Xi smiles and makes the rhino don't make trouble, but the rhinoceros enjoys playing, but loves to play. . This article depicts a child named Xi Xi playing with a naughty rhinoceros playing by the creek.

This is the homonym?

There is only one sound in the whole article?

Still have to be a reasonable story?

I am grass!

This is too difficult!

Who is here? This!

A lot of media are dizzy!

Many stars also see their eyes!

The martyrdom of the women’s relatives and friends has also seen a lot of them. There are people who can drink alcohol, and those who have difficulty eating apples. There are all kinds of things, but they are so difficult and artistic. They are the first time to see them. It really is a literati circle, these guys are too changed - state!

Chang Kaige, the head of the Chinese Department of Peking University, said without a word: "I know this article. Isn't this written by Tsinghua's old Wang? How did you write it?"

Old Wang?

Tsinghua Chinese Department is a famous language professor?

Xinya is not blushing. "The problem is given anyway. I have a look at the table." She looked down. "I have a lot of time to leave the Kyrgyzstan. Professor Zhang can think slowly, study slowly, or find Your friends and relatives will discuss it, but if you don't answer it before Kyrgyzstan, the bride will not come out."

Dong Shanshan smiled at the podium with a microphone on the side of the podium: "The bride and relatives of the bride and wife have made a move, can the groom's officially pass the customs?"

Yu Yingyi smiled and said: "I am hanging."


"Come on!"

"Think about it!"

"This question is too difficult!"

"Whoever has an idea, help out."

"This Tsinghua person is too bad!"

"What about friends at Peking University? Help me!"

Zhang Hao’s relatives and friends shouted.

However, in the face of this variable-state problem, they really have no way. The Changkai song, Professor Su Nazeng of Peking University, and so on are also unable to do anything.

Looking at them, Xinya showed a smug smile.

The people of the old Wu family and friends group also laughed into a group.

But at this time, Zhang Wei looked at the subject, and looked at Xinya and the fat sister and others with a funny look. He said, "Is this?"

Xinya, "Ah?"

Lao Wu’s daughter, “What?”

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Is this?"

Xin Yadao: "On this, you come."

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