I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 138: [Zhang Wei is proud! 】

Still life?

Still working?

Will it work hard?

When the two thieves looked at Zhang Wei’s look and small physique, they knew that this would definitely be a master of primary school sports. If you look at the “weapons” in Zhang’s hand, you’ll be more embarrassed. They are a knife, but can they be afraid of him?

The two of them were on the scene.

Zhang Hao once again smashed and wrestled with the thief

The tall thief’s head cuts the knife

Zhang Yu’s soul flies, but it’s good to be one inch long and one inch strong. He shakes and shakes people a hundred meters away, not letting them close.

But the thief is not stupid. How much attack power can you have? A thief sticks directly to the fringe. He slams the shackles and he doesn’t care. The pain is not particularly painful. This person wants Close-knit "strong kill" Zhang Wei, the bright knife smashed the past

Zhang Hao throws down, there is no way to go.

Two thieves sneered, approaching one after the other

I don’t know when, Chen Chen suddenly ran to the back, "Zhang Wei"

Zhang was annoyed. "Dead children, what are you doing, you hurry to go, hurry up." He can see that these two people really want to kill, because Zhang Wei has seen their faces, and this time is coming, Zhang I don’t want to run, I can’t run, as long as he retreats, Chen Chen must be caught.

"Nobody wants to go"

"Doing them both"

Two thieves attacked

After all, Chen Chen is a child, he will not run when he runs, and he will stand there.

Zhang Wei is really irritated now. In his opinion, you can cut me, but you have to deal with a child? Still have to cut a child? When I went to your uncle, Zhang Wei had no more panic, and the only thing left was the anger.


Love your mom who is who

Zhang Hao was gone, but he was bare-handed, but he still rushed toward the two thieves. The short thief waved his knife over his head, and he slashed it toward Zhang’s head. Zhong, Zhang Yan’s mind suddenly appeared an action, as if he had learned and even gone through the tempering movements. He did not think about lifting his toes, and he raised his feet and raised them. The knife in the hand of the short thief flew out, and then it was a conditional reflex on the body. Zhang Yan was on one side and the right leg was on the other. A very standard taekwondo kicked sideways and kicked into the thief’s belly.


The thief fell out in a mistake

Another tall thief is also a glimpse, busy with a knife to Zhang Wei

Zhang Yan leaned and leaned as far as possible, but the arm was still scraped by the dagger, and the blood flowed out.

The tall thief was so powerful that he once again turned a few knives toward Zhang. He was also a raw hand, and he was not very accurate.

Zhang Wei repeatedly avoided three times, and then the anger broke out again. He called, the thigh was kicked in the past, and the second thief’s knife was again thrown away. Then Zhang Hao did not retreat, one foot before Kicking suddenly squatted under the thief of a tall thief. After hearing the screams of the other party, Zhang Hao did not stop moving. When he turned back, his thighs also smashed up, and he rounded up a taekwondo kick in the air. Kneeling on the man’s chest


The second thief also flew out

This time, let’s not say that the two thieves have been beaten, and Zhang Hao is stupid.

I rely on it. I am a master. It turns out that my buddies are so powerful. The original ten Taekwondo skills experience books are so useful.

When Zhang Hao was inflated, he suddenly became arrogant. While squatting on the side, he squatted on the two thieves who fell to the ground, and did not let them slow down again. "What do I say? Ah? What do I say? I will tell you early that I will work hard. You still don’t believe it? Have you seen your dog’s eyes now? Did you say that I’m afraid that I’m afraid of being killed? Force me"


One foot and one foot

Zhang Wei can be considered a fun

"Hero hero heroes"

"Hey, we don't know if you don't know Taishan, don't fight."

The two thieves begged for it.

At this time, many neighbors were alarmed.

The voice of the police car also sounded downstairs, and five or six police officers came.

"What about thieves? People?" Two policemen still came with guns.

Zhang Wei did not fight this time. "Police comrades, here, the criminals have been subdued by me.

Several policemen also saw two knives in the room, one glimpse, and said: "They all have knives. Are you alone for the two?"

A young policeman suddenly stopped. "Hey, you are... you are not the one on TV...that...you are Zhang Hao, you are Zhang Hao."

Zhang Xiao smiled, "It's me."

Chen Chen shouted: "Zhang Wei blood"

Zhang Yiyi waved his hand. "It doesn't matter, how big is it." But when he looked down at the mouth on his arm that had just been bruised by the criminals, the whole person swayed and fell softly on the door frame. Cried: "Hey, I can't do it."

The police are speechless: "...nothing, just a small mouth."

One neighbor also said: "There is not much blood."

I know Zhang Wei’s policeman’s road: “Would you like an ambulance?”

Zhang Wei’s killing pigs generally shouted: “Quickly call an ambulance fast”

Suddenly, Rao Aimin’s figure appeared in the corridor. “What happened? Chen Chen”

When Chen Chen came back, he rushed to the side of Daxie and hugged her waist. "There was a thief who came to our house and Zhang Jian was injured."

Rao Aimin’s face sank, “What about you? Did you hurt?”

Chen Chen said: "I am fine, Zhang Wei has been protecting me."

A neighbor woman said: "When I came out, I saw Xiao Zhang. It was really good. At first, he couldn’t beat the gangsters. But when he saw the gangsters want to even cut a piece of Chenchen, Xiao Zhang was angry, and nothing happened. The ground rushed up to fight with them, and the last few feet gave the two thieves down. Xiaorao, this tenant is really this." The aunt gave a thumbs up, "Change someone else, run early"

The police and the neighbors also listened to Zhang Hao.

The only regret is that at this moment, Zhang Hao does not have the power of a big hero. He listened to him in the entire corridor and screamed at his arm. "Ambulance? Is the ambulance coming?"

Everyone: "..."

The police asked Rao Aimin, "Are you a homeowner?"

Rao Aimin ignored him, but went straight to Zhang Hao. "Show me." Grabbing Zhang's arm, he immediately pinched an acupuncture point on Zhang's back, and then pressed his arm again. A hole in the upper part, pinched for about ten seconds, she let go, "No ambulance, nothing, I will bandage you later."

A magical scene happened

The mouth of Zhang Hao’s arm actually stopped bleeding.

One of the tenants was stunned: "Auntie, you will still have Chinese medicine?"

Zhang Yan said with a sigh of relief: "I think it is safer to send a hospital, in case they are poisonous on their knives.

Everyone is sweating again, and the heart says that you think martial arts novels, and poison?

The thief has been handcuffed by the police, but suddenly, the tall thief does not know where the strength of the jump jumped up and wanted to run.

Rao Aimin yelled at him. She had a distance of more than two meters from the thief. The landlord’s aunt’s feet suddenly moved. It seemed that she had gone through a gossip form. She did not even run, but she took two steps. Even a blink of an eye came to the back of the thief, the palm of the hand lifted slightly, and then gently pressed down, it seems that even strength is useless, but when Rao Aimin’s palm is slowly shot on the thief’s thigh in the running The thief flew out and slammed into the ground.

There was no shouting, and even the thief didn’t even send out a little movement. The thief was lying on the ground motionlessly. It was a fainting look at the thief’s thighs. Everyone took a sigh of cold and thighs.

Don't ask, you know that the bones are definitely broken.

Just that one?

Then a light palm?

How can it break the bones clearly?

Rao Aimin’s shot, scared everyone in the room.

Zhang Wei is also dumbfounded, your sister, do you want to be so fierce? He knew that Rao Aimin was angered, but he didn't think she was so powerful. Then I thought of the words of Rao Chenchen. Zhang Wei suddenly believed a little. Rao Aimin really practiced the national art. Is this a gossip? I can see you in the palm of your hand. Many old ladies in the park will play a dozen Tai Chi, playing a dozen gossip, but whoever has seen such a fierce gossip

An old policeman said with amazement: "This is... darkness?"

"What? Is there really darkness in this world?" A small policeman opened his mouth.

"No, she is a lesbian, how can she practice darkness?" Another policeman whispered inconspicuously: "Is this not the masters of the national skills to practice? And they are all heard, I heard. Have you ever seen it before, is it that the thief broke his own when he fell to the ground?"

The police did not understand, after all, they did not see the master of the national art, so they could not judge, they could only guess.

The onlookers didn’t understand much. “What is the darkness? What do you mean?”

The old policeman looked at Rao Aimin with some respect. "Excuse me, you are..."

Rao Aimin yelled at him, "I am a house to rent a house."

The old policeman took a nap. "This way."

Rao Aimin said: "Is this thing going to be handled? I am hurt by someone here. The child is also a little scared. Can you record it tomorrow?"

"Okay, okay, you should rest first, and tomorrow we will bother again." The old policeman took the two thieves away.

Other neighbors didn't care too much about Rao Aimin's arrogance, because everyone knows that Rao Aimin has played two small gangsters in this neighborhood. She knows that she is very powerful and may work hard. Everyone’s attention is paid to Zhang Wei’s body, which is the small birthday that he just stepped forward to protect.

"Zhang Hao, you are great."

"Xiao Zhang, I saw you on TV. I didn't expect you to be a star?"

"Ah? Xiao Zhang is on TV?"

"Isn't it, you didn't read "Hundreds of Lectures"? Xiao Zhang said it's ok"

"I thought I couldn’t pay the rent when I came to Xiao Zhang. Now I’m on the TV station."

"After that, I should call Teacher Zhang. It’s not surprising that Xiao Zhang’s teacher has saved the quality of self-sacrifice.

"Yeah, Xiao Rao, you can go back and thank you guys Zhang Hao"

"Yes, if it’s not Xiao Zhang today, your home must be looted, and Chen Chen is also dangerous."

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