I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 139: [Zhang teacher is not going to leave! 】

At night, the moon is going to sleep.

Rao Aimin's home, small complex second floor.

After the incident, Zhang Wei was lying on the big bed of the landlord's aroma, and he blew himself up. "Auntie, you don't know. It's too late to see. Do you know how fierce I was at the time?" Ah? I started to hold 笤帚瞎抡, in fact, it is to show the enemy weak, to show the enemy weak and do not understand? I am not really able to beat them, I can still look at these two people? Funny, this is yelling at me Well, I came to relax their vigilance. Secondly, I am teasing them to play. I can carry kungfu, Taekwondo."

Rao Aimin is looking for a medicine in the first aid kit.

Chen Chen is stunned by Zhang Wei, "...hehe."

Zhang Weidao: "How do you react to the little guy? You see that I was a little embarrassed at the time. In fact, I installed it. It was really loaded. I played them like playing. You saw the key feet of the uncle's flying knife. No? It’s not wonderful? It’s not fierce? Haha is a godsend and my most beautiful one is the roundabout kick. It’s a textbook’s posture. Is it handsome?”

Rao Aimin found gauze and potion and walked over his ass. "Don't be poor, lay down."

"Hey." Zhang Wei nervously yelled at her. "Auntie, you can lighten it, this medicine does not hurt? I can't stand it, you can't take it..."

Rao Aimin's potion has already fallen.

Then, I heard Zhang Hao screaming fiercely, "Ah, it hurts."

Rao Aimin used a cotton stick to smear him on the wound. "The pain also endures."

"It hurts, I am going to die, I am going to die." Zhang Wei pushed her and prevented her from taking medicine.

Rao Aimin shouted: "You don't move"

"No, I don't wipe it out." Zhang Wei began to lie.

Chen Chen looked at him, "Zhang Wei, you are ashamed."

Zhang Hao screams, "I am so shy, I have the ability to try it."

Rao Aimin took a look, just sit down, take a thick fat hip and snoring and sit on Zhang's waist, fix his body and keep him running, then continue to apply medicine to him. "And the writer, Also the host, still on the TV, yell at your point."

The waist is full of the touch of the meat.

Zhang Wei also did not move at once. Looking back at the aunt’s aunt’s buttocks on his lower back, he had some hot faces. “The writer is also a man.”

Rao Aiming wiped the medicine and began to wrap him in gauze. "Whoever let your kid wait for me to come back, I feel that there are thieves at home, call me and wait for me to come."

Zhang said: "I don't think you are at home, afraid that you are tied by a thief, what danger, or you think I am willing to fight the thief."

Rao Aimin is still sitting on him. "Don't talk about two thieves. If you come back to twenty, they will not be able to get along with my love, and can you use your kid?"

Zhang Weidao: "Who knows that you are so powerful."

Chen Chen said with a grin: "I said, the world can win more than my big man..."

Rao Aimin interrupted her words. "What about your words? Go back to the house and do my homework."

Zhang Wei was too curious, and asked: "Auntie, you are so powerful? What kind of kung fu do you practice? Gossip? When did you learn?"

Rao Aimin tied the gauze, "I don't ask for your business."

"Da, then I am doing my homework." Chen Chen reluctantly said.

Rao Aimin turned back. "Wait, thank you Zhang Shushu?"

Chen Chen, look at Zhang Wei, "Thank you, uncle."

Zhang Hao waved his hand. "You're welcome, you can't help yourself, it's a little trick."

As soon as the child left, Zhang Wei was even more disregarded. "My arm hurts too."

"Hecked?" Rao Aimin’s mouth was impatient.

Zhang squatted and handed the handle from behind. "Well, you give me treatment."

Rao Aimin took his arm and pressed him to the bottom.

Zhang Wei was very comfortable, and looked at the aunt who was sitting behind him. Rao Aimin wore a pair of light brown and even a little beige trousers today, because the weather has gradually cooled, but it is not too cold, so the pants seem to be relatively thin, but the big sister's hips are very fat and fat, this time Putting the pants on the thighs above the thighs tightly, and sitting on the Zhangye body, the size is smaller, and the briefs inside are naturally printed on the pants, and the edges of the underwear are curved. Very obvious

The sideline is very slippery, not lace

It should be the most common style

Suddenly, Rao Aimin gave him a hand. Naturally, the landlord’s hand was also placed in the hands of Zhang Wei. Her hand was not so fine, it was hard, but she did not have a flavor.

Zhang Hao enjoyed it very much and constantly felt the warmth of the landlord's aunt.

"Well," Rao Aimin got up from his waist. "Your injury is not a big deal. Healed after a few days, don't touch the water, don't eat hair and spicy food."

Speaking of eating, Zhang Hao was hungry. After rolling around in bed, he came over and looked at Rao Aimin: "I am hungry, I want to eat a noodle sauce."

Rao Aimin blinked. "Your boy is still a grandfather?"

Zhang Wei called the bitterness: "I am seriously injured, I can't move."

"A big man, you lick your screwdriver, Chen Chen is stronger than you." Rao Aimin is the knife mouth and tofu, turned and left, "waiting."

After a while, the smell of fried sauce came from downstairs.

Zhang Yumei took a few breaths and smelled it.

At the end, Rao Aimin took a bowl of noodles and went upstairs. He didn’t temper and threw it on the table. "Eat."

Zhang Xiaoba said with a small eye: "I have this arm hurt, and that arm is also hurt, can't move, you feed me." When I saw the landlord's face black, Zhang Hao busy himself from the bed. Sit up, "Hey, just kidding, I eat it myself."


"I know, call, call, incense, your craft is absolutely perfect."

"Eat what you eat, you can't talk without words, there are so many nonsense."

Over there, Xiao Chenchen, who had finished his homework, smelled the smell. "Da, I want to eat noodles," and then Baba looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei protects the esophagus: "Who is rushing with me?"

Chen Chen said: "Zhang Wei, you give me half, you give me half"

After dinner.

One big and one small are full, lying on the bed and touching the belly.

Rao Ai Minnu chin slammed toward the door, and said to Zhang Wei: "Okay, it’s almost eleven o'clock, you kid, let's go and sleep."

Zhang Hao plays rogue and does not go, "Don't, in case I have another disease in the evening, what should I do if I have a poisonous night on the knife? My family has no personal care for me. I didn't call anyone when I arrived." And if the thief has a gang to come and retaliate against me, although I have a lot of hard work, but now it is a serious injury, I can't leave, I live here today." Finished and took off his shirt.

Rao Aiming stared at him. "How are you so stinky?"

Zhang Yushu lay down comfortably, and said: "I will live here anyway. I will call you when there is something in the night. You know Chinese medicine and can save me in time."

Chen Chen did not have any objection, she had already fallen asleep around Zhang Wei, and the shoes did not take off.

Rao Aimin never swears, but the bones are the radiance of maternal love. Going over and gently taking off the little shoes for Chen Chen, stuffing her into the quilt, covering the quilt, then squinting at Zhang Hao and giving him Put the quilt on the leg, "On this night, give me a shot tomorrow."

Zhang Yan slammed, "Then I slept."

Turning off the lights for them, Rao Aimin does not seem to be sleepy, take the book downstairs to the living room.

Zhang Hao was also tossed up today. He has never played anything since he was a child. Today he is fighting with the gangsters and hanging on his body. He can’t hold it anymore, and he falls to sleep.

I don't know how long it has been.

The movement in his ear woke him up.

Zhang Yan opened his eyes, as if someone had entered the house, closed the door, and could see some of it in the moonlight. It was Rao Aimin wearing a shirt and trousers. Zhang Wei did not make a move, Rao Aimin estimated that they both fell asleep, so the beautiful feet faded out of the slippers, while stepping on the wooden floor, while unbuttoning the shirt, the shirt was taken off and thrown in the chair. On the back, then the backhand unbuttoned the bra.

Moonlight brightness is limited.

Can only step on the bra is not dark blue or black.

Well, the bra was untied, and the landlord’s shoulders slipped and she took it off from the front, and she threw it into the chair without any shun, then bent over, groaned, the buckle of the belt buckle, the belt was untied by her, the landlord Aunt bowed his head and slid the pants a little bit.

From the thigh to the calf.

From the calf to the ankle.

The smooth, elastic and slender beautiful buttocks are easy to see.

The trousers fell to the ground. She lifted her foot and walked out. The toes were hooked, and the trousers were quickly picked up. The brown trousers floated in the air and landed on the back of the chair.

Finally, Rao Aimin quietly opened the closet, took a yukata from it and put it on his body.

All of this was clearly stunned by Zhang Guang’s Yu Guangqing. His heart was too hot. Although he had seen Rao Aimin’s body before, he never looked so carefully and clearly as he saw it today. It’s really a practice. It seems that she usually has exercise or practice every day. I can see the elasticity of the thigh. It’s not so much that her 30-year-old nod can be maintained. Every inch of her body. The skin seems to be full of explosive power, and the soft palm can make people fracture, which is not what ordinary people can do.

"Chen Chen?"


"You are sleeping in the middle."

Chen Chen is sleeping at the outermost, Zhang Wei is in the middle of the bed.

I only listened to Chen Chen’s screaming, and I didn’t move, I slept very dead.

Rao Aimin whispered a few words to her, and also snorted, didn't say anything, went to Zhangye in a bathrobe, pulled the quilt down, and slammed Zhang's shoulder and slap. "Your boy goes." Point

Zhang Wei pretended to be a subconscious movement that fell asleep and moved in.

The landlord aunt entered the bed, "If you go to the toilet at night, if you have a pain in the night or have a fever, call me."

Zhang Wei is vaguely.

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