I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1401: [Zhang Wei shot again! 】

the next day.

There are countless news.

"Zhang Wei special ticket suffered a mad rush! 》

"The ticketing website was once awkward! 》

"Japan and South Korea star concerts are cold! 》

"Zhang Yu's appeal is still there! 》

Many people got up in the morning to open the ticketing website and found that the tickets for the three concerts of Japan and South Korea in China have not been sold out. The ticket with the lowest price of 1,000 yuan has been sold out, but there are still tickets for the middle and high-end seats. As for the VIP ticket, although it is clearly priced, it has not been released.

A thirteen second snapped up!

The other three days have more votes!

The contrast is too obvious!

Zhang Wei alone hangs three Japanese and Korean stars!

Before the online, there were Jin Zhican and Parka Cheung’s fanatics who shouted that the popularity of “Oubas” was not comparable to that of Zhang Wei. The two “Ouba” rankings on the Asian star list were higher than Zhang Wei’s. How could it not be Zhang Wei’s opponent? However, once the tickets are on sale, many people are dumbfounded. Don’t try to know, try to scare, Jin Zhican, Park Jae-hyun, Kimura and Ye, the popularity of these people in China is even Lian and Zhang Wei. There is no qualification for touching it. It is not a series at all!


Three Japanese and Korean teams.

"It's ok."

"Our tickets are also selling well!"

"Today should be able to sell, and then put a second wave."

"Well, don't worry about the VIP ticket."

"Yes, no matter what he is, follow our own rhythm."

"In any case, the last thing I watched was word of mouth. When the concert started, it was the time to fight for strength. Now it is too early to say who wins and who wins."

"Yes, it doesn't matter now!"

"When the opening day is on, it’s a real knife!"

"Let Zhang Hao toss it, I still don't believe it, just sell a ticket. Can he still fight us? They are willing to sell it at a cheap price. We will sell it at such a high price!"


Their fans are also very supportive.


"Can't make the Oubas sad!"

"Isn't the ticket sold out?"

"I buy one!"

"I have to buy the soil!"

"Isn't it more than two thousand? Mid-range seat? I bought it!"

"Yes, I can't let Zhang Wei grab the limelight of the Oubas!"

"Support Kimura!"

"Support in Xiang Ouba!"

"What's wrong with you? I will buy more expensive!"

"Yes, we will buy it!"

Many fans are screaming!

The volume of Japanese and Korean stars in the country must not be underestimated!



Zhang Wei is on the phone with the ticketing person.

"Mr. Zhang, the tickets are sold out, but the profits -"

"It’s not enough to sell the light? You will earn less."

"But this is not a point. If you sell a 1,500 low-priced ticket, some people will buy it."

"Old Liu, my field used to be, and in the future, I will never sell high-priced tickets. We are the first cooperation, but we can say it before."

"Yes, listen to you, how do you say it."

"You can get a little more for the benefit of my side."

"That doesn't work, don't need it, normal points will do."

"Nothing, you can't let you be busy for a long time."

"Hey, Teacher Zhang, I haven't said anything. You are the most kind star of my cooperation for so many years. If you don't make any money, I will give you something to do."

"Thank you old Liu."


He is not kind!

The key is that he is not so interested in making money. Can you make money to fight and be addicted? No! This kind of happiness, but money can't buy it!

Lose money!

Haqi Qi Zhang left, they all came over.

Zhang Zuoxiao said: "Zhang Dao, you are invincible!"

Haqi Qi also said: "Now everyone is jealous of them, saying that we are kind!"

Zhang Zuodao: "Their tickets are indeed sold too high. This is the result of self-sufficiency. It is enough for them to drink a pot. This is called a bad teacher, haha!"

Zhang Wei said: "Not enough."

Zhang Zuo said: "Not enough?"

Zhang Wei calmly said: "Old ha, you give me something to do."

Hazi Qiyi, "You said."

Zhang Wei asked: "Is the most expensive ticket for the three concerts released?"

"I haven't put it yet." Haqi Qiqi said: "But it has already started to sell, that is, the price is very expensive. Although their price is 10,000, more than 10,000, it is actually deliberately not on the ticket side, in order to raise the price. In the end, the scalpers are doubled and released. The insiders know that this is the ticket seller's own person to sell, in order to earn more, see the situation may also be divided with the stars, what do you ask this? ”

Zhang Weidao: "How much money do you ask, buy me some."

Haqiqi stunned, "Ah?"

Zhang Zuo is also dumbfounded. "What are you doing to buy their tickets?"

Zhang Weidao: "Let you ask, you will ask."

"Good." Haqiqi immediately called.

At the end, the news is implemented.

Kimura and also VIP tickets, fried to 20,000 one, can counter-offer!

Jin Zhican's VIP ticket is 19999, no counter-offer!

Park Jae-hook’s VIP seat ticket is the most expensive, 35,000 pieces, a price!

Haqiqi inhales: "It’s crazy, I want to make money and I’m crazy!”

"This group of people can make money too much!" Zhang Zuo also came to the air: "Is this not a fool, is it sick to spend so much money to buy such tickets? Are they really good for Chinese people?"

At the next moment, Zhang Wei’s words are amazing. “Old, I will give you a bank card. I will pay for my own money. You will receive my VIP ticket, how much is there!”

Haqiqi was scared, "Are you crazy?"

Zhang Zuo almost fell over. "What are you doing? You buy it so expensive? Do you have relatives who want to see their concert?"

Zhang Wei took the bank card on the table. "Don't ask more, buy it?"

Haqi Qiqi said: "If you have a yellow cattle price, you must buy it."

"Good." Zhang Wei said: "Do it now."

Haqiqi laughed and laughed, "Okay."




In the end, the VIP tickets for the three concerts, they received 17 tickets, spent less than 500,000 Zhang Wei, several of which were still the opening of the lions in Japan and South Korea, and the price was raised temporarily. The price has gone, so I spent a lot of money, and I was too angry with Haqiqi. I have a new understanding of the characters of these Japanese and Korean stars. In order to make money, they are really unscrupulous. Haqiqi, how can they not think of such a expensive ticket, why Zhang Dao is going to take over, but they found that Zhang Yanlian did not blink.

Less than half a million?

This is a bit of money!

After getting the ticket, Zhang Wei’s next sentence scared everyone in the studio like Haqiqi Zhang Zuo!

I saw Zhang Wei whispering and said: "These VIP tickets, 500,000, I will go out!"

Haqiqi spurted blood!

Zhang left almost fainted!



I am grass!

These tickets are added together and there are no more than 500,000! !

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