I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1402: 【your sister! 】

The studio was vomiting blood.

"Zhang Gui, five or five hundred thousand?"


“Is it too bad?”

"Hey, is it hurt?"

"It seems to be a little bit."

"That's right, it's going to hurt!"


The farce of Faye Wong's concert, Zhang Wei is still vivid, and his earth's days can't hold this, let alone other people. Just like Zhang Hao said, holding you up, he can't do it, but if you step on it, there are too many damages!

Chinese people earn money?

Is the Chinese a fool?

The higher the fare, the more identity you are. What is the status?

OK, as you wish, I will add another fire to you!

Are you not going to sell it expensive?

Ten thousand is not enough expensive?

200,000 is not enough expensive?

Isn't 500,000 enough?


Japanese and Korean team.

It’s just a moment of excitement.

"sold out!"

"The tickets released in the first round are sold out."

"The vip ticket has also sold a lot!"


"There was just news from the ticket office, two or three thousand tickets, even someone bought a lot!"

"Hahaha, is it really big?"

"Price increase!"

"Good, price increase!"

"This money does not earn white and does not earn!"

"I can see that it is twice as high. On the bright side, our VIP ticket is more than 10,000 yuan, but it is sold three times and four times. Others can't find us!"

"Yes, there is still a market, or someone buys it!"

"There are too many local fans in China."

"Well, otherwise everyone will come to seize the Chinese market these years."

"It’s beautiful, the one who surnamed Zhang doesn’t make money, who is it? How are we selling slowly? The same can be done, the second round of tickets can be released!”

"it is good!"

They are selling red eyes!

A large sum of money is credited, who can withstand this temptation?

Many people are already crazy, and they are white, they are coming to steal money!



The buzz is still there.

"The monk is also sold out?"

"Is anyone really buying? By!"

"They have a lot of fans."

"Look at me angry!"

"Is the vip ticket still not released?"

"It has already been released, but the market price cannot be bought at all!"

"Yeah, I heard that there are now three or four thousand ones!"

"Three or four thousand? You are all old Huangli, the latest news, Park Jae-hook's first row of vip seats, 50,000 yuan on the side! Who knows, this is the star and the ticketing company together, both It’s the scalper ticket they sold themselves!”

"The fool just bought it!"

"But someone really bought it."

Many fans of Japanese and Korean stars have stood up.

"Why don't you buy?"

"The old lady is rich!"

"Yes, Lao Tzu is a local tyrant!"

"What happened to the scalper ticket that I sold? Anyway, in the end, the Oubas paid for it, I am willing! Hahahaha, buy and buy!"

"Who has a vip ticket? I collect one! A price of 50,000!"

"Is there a VIP ticket for Jin Zhican? I can't see it cheaply!"

"You are too wide. We have money. If you want to buy more expensive, you can buy more expensive. We can afford it! We are to give Oubas! How?"

"Yes, how much you buy! Jin Zhican I love you!"

"The more expensive you buy, the more I love you!"

"Fifty thousand is still called money? I am rare for you in Kimura Kimura!"

"For my idol, is this money not to be spent?"

A group of local tyrants rushed to sweep the vip ticket to help the three Japanese and Korean stars in the Chinese concert. It’s also a coincidence. In the next moment, a lot of vip tickets suddenly popped out in various places in the form of scalper tickets. Local tyrants and fanatics immediately swarmed up!

"Pay tickets!"

"finally come!"

"It's a vip ticket, you can't buy it!"

"Ha ha ha, I am coming, buy and buy!"

But when they saw the fare, everyone was stupid!

The local tyrants were shocked and the chin was lost!

"How many?"

"how much is it?"

"Fifty thousand?"

"One hundred thousand?"

"Kimura Kimura I am grass - you - mom - ah!"

"Ouba Ouba, you - Grandpa!"

"The more expensive, the more I buy, buy your sister, me!"

"Fifty thousand? Silly - forced to buy!"

"You are crazy!"

"I am awkward! Is it really a big man?"

"I bought 100,000! Five hundred thousand? Why don't you die!"

"You grab the money and go crazy!"

"Fifty thousand I buy a suite, okay me!"

"Mahjong! I am mad at me! There is no such thing as money!"

Just now, I’m still on the sidelines of the Ouba’s local tyrants and fanatics. In a blink of an eye, many people are jumping on their feet, so let’s not say other people!

For a moment, the country is stinking!

"too dark!"

"Rely on!"

"Let them die!"

"Who buys who is stupid - forced!"

"A penny won't let them earn!"

"Get out of China!"

"Get out of China!"


"Yes, don't want to see it!"


Everyone is angry!

Even a few stars of Japan and South Korea have their own fans!

The media is also approved!

"Who is crazy to stop the money? 》

"Vip tickets 500,000?" 》

"Overpriced hype tickets! 》

"Three concerts are facing a crash! 》

"People ask for a refund! 》

"Fans said: This time we don't buy it! 》




The country is frying!

Originally, the original fare, everyone has already had controversy. With the voice of doubt, when Zhang Wei’s conscience fare was announced, this kind of doubt was even louder. Later, several Japanese and Korean stars deliberately held vip votes. The speculation of fares has caused a lot of resentment by countless people. It is already close to the tipping point. Until the 500,000-day price ticket comes out, the concert of three high-priced tickets finally collapses at this moment!

The defeat is like a mountain!

The second round of ticketing for the Japanese and Korean concerts will not be sold at all!


The people of the Japanese and Korean star team are stunned!

Jin Zhican is stupid!

Park Jae-hyun is stupid!

Kimura is also stupid!

"who is it?"

"Who is selling tickets?"

"Fifty thousand?"

"My grass, what is the ticketing job!"

Until they were overwhelmed by the Chinese people and the media, they didn't even know what was going on. They rushed to investigate the cause, and then they got a message that their lungs were blown up. They had a lot of vip tickets before they were People buy through the relationship crazy!

No evidence!

There are no bills!

But all the source of the ticket, pointing to a place!

Zhang Wei Studio!

"Zhang! Hey!"

"your sister!"

"My day - you - big - Lord!"

"You **** you too much!"

"You lie in us!"

"Too poison! He is too poisonous!"

"My grass! How can this kind of person!"

“Asian charity spokesperson? You **** is the Asian stream – you are the endorser of talent!”

They finally panic!

Several Japanese and Korean star teams rushed to remedy!

Send a message!



But it's useless!

Everything makes no sense!

The momentum has gotten up, and public opinion has already crushed them. Now even if they say flowers, they can't turn over and have been completely nailed!

The ticket is in your hand!

The concert has been mad since it started!

Seeing this scene, they are going to collapse!

They used to think that it didn't matter before, when the concert was officially started, it was the time to fight for strength. But no one expected that the concert had not sung yet, and they had already been defeated by Zhang Jian. The wave of yin is like a storm, one is more than one, one is more than one! They all know that Zhang Wei lacks morality and knows that he is shameless. This has been seen before, and he has also learned it in the news, but they never imagined that this surname Zhang is so wicked, so shameless!

Haven't seen such a person!

They have been mixing in the entertainment industry for so many years and have never seen such a person!

Nothing in Japan!

South Korea does not!

There is no world!

Only China!

Only Zhang Hao this one!

Today, they are really eye-opening! (To be continued.)

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