I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1405: [Great success! 】

The live room has reached 50 million people online!

on site.

Zhang Wei: "In fact, this is not used."

Yao Jiancai: "Yes, what kind of expert is this?"

Zhang Wei: "The actor has to rely on the true ability."

Yao Jiancai: "That's right."

Zhang Wei: "So I have to go for a facelift."

Yao Jiancai: "Ah? Is this what you said really?"

Ning Lan: "Hey!"

Xiaodong: "Ha ha ha ha!"

Chen Guang and Fan Wenli also laughed and broke!

Zhang Wei: "Yes!"

Yao Jiancai: "Oh."

Zhang Wei said: "I have to go to Korea."

Yao Jiancai: "Yes, the cosmetic industry is developed there."

The audience is refreshed!

I'm coming!

Speaking of South Korea!

Zhang Wei: "I bought the ticket and I got on the plane. I went there on the plane. Hey, guess who I saw? I was sitting next to a Korean star!"

Yao Jiancai asked: "Who?"

Zhang Wei: "Korean big coffee, famous Asian singer Park Yoon Sang!"

Yao Jiancai took a sigh of relief. "Hey life? His kidney is good enough."

The audience was completely sprayed:

"Ha ha ha ha!"


"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Hey life? Hey!"

Park Jae-hyun can only open a concert on the opposite side!

Famous Korean singer? Also simple? The audience inevitably associates with the person, and they are excited to fight with the blood of the chickens!

Zhang Wei said: "I don't know if his kidney is good. Anyway, I am very confused. I asked him. I said, Teacher, how big is your wrist, how can you take the economy class?" Teacher told me. The market on their side is not good, this is not, so I came to China."

Yao Jiancai said: "Yes, he thinks that China's money is good."




The audience are laughing!

Why are you coming to China?

Circle money?

The stalk of the high price ticket is used here!

Zhang Wei’s cross talks really are everywhere!

Zhang Weidao: "The plane took off later, and it made me feel uncomfortable, disgusting."

Yao Jiancai: "Hey, is this airsick?"

Zhang Wei: "Yeah, I am so tumbling, disgusting, and there is no place to vomit. When I look at the teacher, I am wearing a blindfold and sleeping. I will not say anything, just follow his chest - vomit!"

Yao Jiancai: "Oh, it’s disgusting."

Zhang Xia and her daughter Ren Jun can't help!

Li Xiaoyu, who was wearing sunglasses and sitting in the corner, also smiled.

so bad!

The bad guy in Zhang Wei’s bones, others can’t come!

Zhang Weidao: "He didn't move me and didn't move. After a while, the plane landed smoothly. When he just woke up, I quickly went up and asked him: Is it better?"

Yao Jiancai: "Hey!"

Zhang Wei: "Is it still uncomfortable?"

Yao Jiancai: "You can't hurt you!"

The audience suddenly laughed!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Zhang Wei: "Hey, take care of your body, goodbye."

Yao Jiancai: "You are too wicked, and you have the wrong medicine for this family!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Laughter is killing me!"

"No, no, no!"

A lot of viewers laughed on the thigh!

Zhang Wei continued: "I was thinking about getting off the plane. You said that it is also evil. Every country has different craftsmanship. This facelift is good for Koreans."

Yao Jiancai asked: "Yes, why?"

Zhang Wei thought for a moment, "Maybe because they are chilling."

Yao Jiancai: "Ah?"

Zhang Wei: "How else can you call Korea?"

Yao Jiancai: "Is Korea the country that chills?"

Zhang Wei: "Well country."

Yao Jiancai: "Hey, according to what you said, Japan can't explain it!"

Ning Lan: "Ha ha ha ha!"

AMY smiles and squats there!

Zhang Yiyi pulled him: "Ha ha ha, then you still explain it to me!"

Yao Jiancai pushed him: "Go! I explain what I am!"

The audience has been laughing crazy!

Too poisonous!

Too bad!

This is really no one!

Japan, South Korea, all brought with you!

Numerous viewers have felt the coolness of a sweaty pore that has long gone to the extreme!

How long?

How long have you not heard Zhang Wei and Yao Jiancai on the stage so unobstructed? I am afraid it will be traced back to the comic dialogue held by CCTV that year! Today is a live webcast, and the scale is also a lot looser. Unlike the TV station, the state of Zhang Wei and Yao Jiancai suddenly broke out!

Too enjoyable!

Still the same taste!

Still the same cross talk!

Zhang Jian Yao Jiancai's skill is still there!


The first game is over.

The second game was two young comic actors.

The third game is the two predecessors of the cross talk.

Well said, the audience also gave face, very good, and the applause never stopped.

Of course, in fact, these comic actors who came to help Zhang Wei’s squad also understand that the audience is so eager to look at Zhang Wei’s face. Today’s stage, Zhang Wei is the corner, except for him, today’s comic dialogue. No one can do a special concert on such a big stage in the North Exhibition, no one can do it!

In the fourth game, Zhang Jian Yao Jiancai went on.

In the fifth game, two other young comic actor substitutes for the class.

In the sixth game, Zhang Jian Yao Jiancai came on stage again.

This stage, the two did not go down.

Pack one by one!

The words of the monks come out one after another!

The audience is crazy!

"another one!"

"another one!"

"Don't go!"

"A little more!"

The performance was played from 7:00 to 8:00, from 8:00 to 9:00. According to the performance time of the approval of the higher authorities, 9:00 is over, but the audience is not going!

Zhang Wei smiled.

Yao Jiancai is helpless.

What can I do?

Say it!

The two started to return again and again!


Five times!

ten times!

Fifteen times!

When they go, the audience will start to squat, and then Zhang Wei and Yao Jiancai will be invited back by the host, continue to say, and then come back, then be invited back, and go back and forth! At the end of the day, Ning Lan also took the stage to join in the fun, and said a paragraph with Zhang Wei, after a comic addiction. Xiaodong and AMY were also brought tough by Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei gave them a slap in the face and said a paragraph. The lines were prepared for them in advance. Originally, I wanted to call Li Xiaoyu and Chen Guang, but they were so thin that they couldn’t live.

That scene, don't mention more fun.

Damage to the star.

骂骂Japan and South Korea.

Tune the audience.

Zhang Wei’s mouth is naturally more than enough.

The laughter under the field has never been heard from beginning to end!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"I can not make it!"

"Laughing personally!"

"This is a tease!"

"Too bad for him!"

A cross talk session that ended up at nine o'clock, was actually carried out by them until half past ten!

Returning to the game seventeen times!

A return record that has never been seen in the comic industry!

A return number that has never appeared in the history of comic dialogue!

At this point, Zhang Jian Yao Jiancai's first cross talk special was a great success, and the audience also burst!

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