I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1406: [Pu Zaixiang was mad! 】

North Exhibition.


Zhang Jian Yao Jiancai is back.

"The teachers have worked hard!"

"Hurry up!"

"You sit and sit!"

Zhang Hao is fine, Lao Yao has been sweating.

Yao Jiancai drank water and wiped the sweat. "The audience is too warm!"

Zhang Hao haha ​​smiled: "Yes, but it is also fun."

Yao Jiancai patted his legs: "Yes, it’s really deflated, this job doesn't give money!"

"Good." Zhang Wei told the organizer's humanity: "Old Yao's money will be returned to me."

Yao Jiancai slammed into the air, "roll!"

The staff laughed.

Drops, the phone rings.

Mom SMS: Son, awesome.

Big sister SMS: Brother, so handsome!

The message of Xu Meizhen after the day: I saw it all the way, and it was very good.

Friends and family have come to congratulations and congratulations.

After reading the text messages one by one, Zhang Wei smiled and said: "Let's go to Lao Yao, and go back to rest. There are still two games tomorrow, you can't do it?"

Yao Jiancai laughed, "to accompany the end!"



Many comic actors watched the whole process.

"What is this!"

"This is not the same as he used to be!"

"Three customs, all three common!"

"What is this cross talk?"

"I wonder, why do so many people like to watch?"

"Returning so many times, there is no such thing!"

However, when they saw the popularity of the scene and saw the horror of the live broadcast platform to the number of online viewers who were scared to death, they did not say anything. Some people are looking at the mentality of learning. Which comic actor does not want to run a special performance on such a big stage? They also want to study why Zhang Wei's cross talks are popular. Others are looking at it with criticism, and see a bunch of problems from it.


No nutrition!

The performance time exceeded the standard!

Etc., etc.

They also thought about reporting him as he did in the past, reacting with the above, reacting with the radio and television, but when they thought of Zhang Wei’s wife, they were dumb.


forget it.

Think about it now.


On Weibo.

Zhang Wei’s special word of mouth was bursting.

"Too good!"

"I am at the scene, everyone is crazy!"

"I rely on, how do you get the ticket? Envy!"

"Yeah, I want to go to the scene too!"

"I watched the live broadcast, it was really the whole process of laughing and ending, no urine!"

"Zhang Wei is amazing!"

"Old Yao is also, very good!"

"With this pair of gold partners in one day, no one in China's comic dialogue has ever done them!"

"My mouth is smiling! The Japanese and Korean sections are too classic!"

"Zhang Wei, this is a bad belly, and it’s fun to go to the North!"

"Who will let Japan and South Korea seal it - kill him, hahahaha!"

"Really great, this fare is too good!"

"What is the value? Who can grab the ticket of Zhang Wei, it is equal to the lottery!"

"Right, what happened to Park Sung-hyun’s concert?"

"I don't know, I didn't pay attention."

"Yeah, what's the situation on his side?"

Many people suddenly think of another focus of the moment, and immediately pay attention to the other side of the battle!

Another game.

Park Jae-hyun’s first concert in China has long since ended.

In the background, Park Jae-hyun is removing makeup.

The people in his team are very excited.

"In Xiang, it’s great to play today!"

"Well, there are a few songs that are great!"

“Although the equipment is a bit awkward, it’s really good!”

"Ha ha ha, our first shot in China is good!"

"Opening the door, according to this momentum, we can have three more concerts this year, and this fare has been accepted by the audience. We can continue to sell high prices in the future. When the word-of-mouth comes up slowly, we will be completely stable in China. The heel, Asian popularity can also take it to the next level. It is not impossible to hit Asian kings within two years!"

Park Jae-hyun also laughed.

He is also very satisfied with his performance today. The feedback from the audience is also good. Now there are people who refuse to leave for a long time and shout there.

"Park Zaixiang!"

"Park Zaixiang!"


"Ouba I love you!"

The shouts are faintly audible!

Based on their past experience, this concert is definitely a great success!

However, when Zhang Wei’s comic dialogue ended, everything changed!

Park Jae-hyun and his team are all dumbfounded, one by one stunned, unprepared!

The buzz is coming!

Come back without warning!


“The Ouba concert is awesome!”

"Yes, yes, it's pretty good."

"Don't you watch Zhang Wei's special session?"

"Ah? I haven't seen it."

"Do you know how long Zhang Hao Lao Yao played? Three and a half hours!"


"Three and a half hours, the fare is one-fifth or even one-tenth of Park Sung-hung! Is it good?"

This time, many people are not doing it!

This pondering, everyone is also counted over!

"Rely, it's not worth it!"

"What broke the concert!"

"It’s okay to sing, but it’s not worth it!”

"I bought the ticket for 3888! It hurts me!"

"Cheat money!"

"I regret it, I knew I didn't go to the scene!"

"I was listening to it quite well, I didn't feel anything, I was paralyzed, but I just heard that Zhang Hao's concert performance time was gone, and I was mad at me! This ratio is really too kind! Zhang is really cheap, the performance time is still More, returning to the game seventeen times, the volume of the large tube is still high quality! I like Park in the Ouba, but can not be such a pit! Our money is not a wind blow! Even if you support idols, you can't do this. !"

"It’s really a circle of money!"

"Zhang Wei's cross talk is really right!"

"And the concert microphone is still dead!"

"Yes, the situation is full!"

"Powder turn!"

"I still support Zhang Hao in the future!"

"Well, our local stars are kinder than others!"

"I used to sing Zhang Hao before, but this time his cross talk special, really makes people say nothing, from the inside out, he has done very beautiful, no problem, the road turned pink!"

"Is this ticket still selling such a high ticket? I am! Who gave you the courage?"

"The ticket is so expensive to sell, not to play more, only to return to the game once, it will not come out? Look at the special session of the teacher Zhang, and then look at you, you blush?"


Park Jae-hyun concert was quickly stunned!

The question of the audience's reaction did exist. On the way of Park Sai-hyun's concert, there was no sound from the microphone. After replacing one, it was solved. Later, there was a song, Park Yuxiang, and at the end of the concert, there were some problems with music. However, it is reasonable to say that such live concerts will inevitably lead to problems. No one's concerts can be perfect, Zhang Yuanqi can't, Xu Meizhen can't, world-class first-line superstars are not possible, and this situation is within the allowable range. Even if you count it, the small problem of Park Jae-hyun’s concert is still relatively small, and it’s quite complete! However, at this time, the shortcomings of the previous high fares appeared!

Still, I am afraid that there is contrast!

The special scene over Zhang Wei is too much!

One side is:

High fare.

The microphone is out of order.

The performance time is more than two hours.

Just returning once.

I still sang old songs that I have heard many times.

The other side is:

Low fare.

All are new paragraphs that have not been heard.

Returned to the scene seventeen times.

The performance time is three and a half hours.

This contrast, the buzz is still small?

Park Jae-hsiang’s own Chinese fans even picked him up more than others, and the seeds of high fares have exploded again!


The face of Park Jae-hyun’s team is green!

"How come!"

"Singing well in Xiang!"

"The concert is very successful!"

"It’s all done by Zhang Wei!"

"Seventeen returnees? Surnamed Zhang! You are a heart!"

"Zhang Wei! I - Grass - You - Big - Lord!"

For a moment, I wanted to understand the team of Park Jae-Chun, who was Zhang Jian’s poison, and gave Zhang Hao crazy!

But now, nothing is useless!

They lost!

Lost too bad! (To be continued.)

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