I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1409: [This is the fuck? 】

the next day.

The event fermented, and a chain reaction broke out.

People who have plans for concerts in China in Japan and South Korea received calls from China one after another.


"Can't do it?"

"Well, I'm sorry."

"I've talked about it before, why can't I do it?"

"The people on our side are now more resistant, and the risk is too great."

"What is the risk?"

"In the three concerts just now, they were all messed up."

"This matter was settled last year, no, the concert must be on schedule!"

"Then can you lower the fare?"

"How much is it down?"

"Uh, 300 low-priced tickets, within 1,000 high-priced tickets."

"How is it possible! The cost is not enough!"

"Then we can only wait, wait for the second half of the year to watch again, we have to wait for the storm to pass."


One game.

Two games.

Three games.

All Japanese and South Korean concerts in China within half a year were finally cancelled because the Chinese organizers could not bear this risk! Zhang Ye’s shot was too shocking this time. The other party was three big Asian top coffees, but Zhang Ye alone blocked the door. The three concerts were horrible and even led a large number of people to resist Gao. Ticket price, in this period, who would dare to take this risk and hold a concert for Japanese and Korean stars? Losing money is still a trivial matter, and I am afraid that it will end up in a show, then it will be troublesome!

Unless the fare is reduced.

But now the standards for high fares have long been different.



This was considered a low fare before!

But with Zhang Ye, the people now think it is high!

Three hundred and five hundred people think it is appropriate, but how can those people in Japan and South Korea drop?

Zhang Ye can't make money, they can't! Zhang Ye can do without much publicity expenses, but they can't! 300 yuan 500 yuan fare? They must die! Can't they hold a concert and have to pour money into it? Who is doing this kind of business?

As a result, all Japanese and Korean stars who had concert plans during the year were implicated.

When people in the Japanese and Korean entertainment circles heard the news, they scolded Zhang Ye all over. Everyone knew that this person was the culprit, and the fare standard was made by him!

The fare is three to five hundred?

Five or six hours of performance?

Who the **** is this?

Do you think everyone is an iron man like you!

This is driving people to death! This is no way to survive for them!


Soon, the news spread all over Asia.

"China temporarily closes the foreign concert market! 》

"Park Jae-xiang, Kim Chi-chan, China is cold! 》

"Chinese people resist high fares! 》

"Zhang Ye takes action to block Japanese and Korean stars! 》

"The 13 concerts of Japanese and Korean stars in China are cancelled! 》

"Japanese and Korean stars have suffered heavy losses! 》

Originally, Japan and South Korea had already issued a "limit order", and the media basically did not report on his related matters, but this time the incident was too big, and the spread was too wide, involving almost all Japanese and Korean singers. It is impossible for the Japanese and South Korean media to mention the "money collecting" plan in the Chinese market without mentioning a word. Only then did the Japanese and South Korean people know what happened in China these days!

As a result, Zhang Ye's name once again spread throughout Asia in the form of news!

His notoriety was once again deeply felt by the Asian people!

Japanese netizens exploded!


"This is a mess!"

"It's Zhang Ye again! It's this Zhang Ye again!"

"Does he dare to challenge us?"

"Kimura was driven back by him?"

"Kimura is a leading figure in Asian rock and roll! Have a cross talk show come back?"

"He made it clear that he was deliberately targeting us!"

"Damn it! This is too annoying!"

Korean netizens stopped doing it.

"Park Jaexiang can't do him?"

"how could it be possible!"

"Jin Zhican also lost? My God!"

"What exactly did the surname Zhang use to disturb all the concerts of Japanese and Korean singers? Is he a broom star?"

"Damn, this man is so irritating!"

"It's really tickling!"

"Together, three Asian first-line stars can't break Zhang Ye's wrist in China?"

"He has three heads and six arms? How could he be so powerful!"

"Must block-kill him! Block-kill him completely!"

"Yes, let the Asian star list never see his name again!"

Zhang Ye is on fire again!

Countless people in Asia scolded Zhang Ye all day long!

They really haven't seen such a person, they haven't seen it in their entire life!


But at this time, the Asian Red Cross also came to "add chaos". It may be a coincidence, or it may be deliberate. They were all angry about Zhang Ye being blocked and killed by Japan and South Korea as an Asian charity ambassador. , This is great, since the morning, waves of charity advertisements have been intensively thrown into the Japanese and Korean markets. Every public service advertisement is made by Zhang Ye, and has Zhang Ye's lens!



Quit smoking!


One by one, don't broadcast it like money!


Zhang Ye is all on TV!

As long as there is a public service advertisement, there is Zhang Ye!

This is the monthly fixed advertising location and advertising time of Asian charity organizations every year. They can freely arrange them. They are all coordinated by world charities and governments. It is an international standard. Japan and South Korea imposed the most severe restrictions on Zhang Ye, but they could not interfere with charity organizations and public service advertisements. As a result, it has created such a wonderful picture today, a Chinese star who is hated by people, but appears in front of them time and time again!

Japanese and Korean people are going crazy!

"My grass!"

"How come it's him!"

"Didn't this ad have been broadcast?"

"I'm going to your sister!"

"The ghost is not going away, he!"

"How come there are so many public service advertisements today!"

At this time, their scolding against Zhang Ye became even louder!

At the end of the day, many people in the Japanese and Korean entertainment circles, the media and the public, their mouths were tired and their throats were dry. Then, at this time, the most dramatic scene appeared!

The soaring domestic popularity of Zhang Ye's cross talk show, coupled with the discussion caused by a large number of news reports by the Japanese and Korean media, plus the countless public service advertisements placed by Asian charities in Japan and South Korea, and the Japanese and Korean people from morning to night all day Curse!

Such attention!

Such exposure!

So active!

At midnight that night, the Asian star popularity list was updated!

Everyone was dumbfounded to find that Zhang Ye's ranking on the Asian list has actually advanced one more place, and he has truly officially entered the ranks of the top mid-tier Asians!

Japanese people: "I rely on!"

Korean people: "I rely on it!"

Chinese people: "I rely on!"

what's up!

What's the matter?

How could this person's popularity increase as he cursed!

This is **** good too! ? (To be continued.)

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