I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1410: [This is the cow! 】

in the morning.


Still sleeping, the bedroom door is open.


"Mom, why?"

"Wake up."

"What time is it, old Wu?"

"Your daughter-in-law went to work in the morning, get up quickly, broadcast your news on TV!"

"Hey, I don't have any news any day, I am tired of watching."

"It’s a matter of Asian rating, you are up again!"

"Ah? Can't you? Isn't Japan and South Korea restricting me?"

"Look at it yourself!"

"Well, let me see if I look."

Wen Yan, Zhang Wei also had a spirit, yawned and sat up from the bed, picked up the phone and turned it over, and saw his ranking on the Asian popularity list. This time, he was happy, really Got up? I looked at the Internet and everyone was talking about it.

On Weibo.

"The visual inspection of Japan and South Korea has been smashed - forced!"

"Hahaha, you must be jealous!"

"I learned Korean, just went to take a look, the public media in Japan and South Korea are stunned!"

"That is, where are the stars in their country!"

"Yeah, we are out of the country, Zhang Wei is such a wonderful thing!"

"I can't seal my face?"

"Limited order is completely meaningless, hello!"

"Is he really ready to fight up to Asia by fighting?"

"Hey, that fun is big!"

After reading it, Zhang Wei smiled slightly. It seems that this is a road. Was it not so easy to come up in China at the beginning? In this industry, playing with this industry, in that industry and the industry's embarrassment, all the way, the sword and the sword rain more and more frustrated, this is the domestic entertainment circle. This model can also be copied to the Asian level? It turns out that at the Asian level, the same can be done!

If you hit a nail once in a frame, Zhang Wei's temper is estimated to have converged early.

But once I hit a once-popular popularity, hey, once again, once again!

Also famous!

Also deflated!

Good again!

Hey, why didn't he fight?

So how is flow-氓 made?

It is so refined!

Soon, my friend’s phone number also came.

It’s a day after Xu Meizhen:

"Teacher Zhang."


“Congratulations, Asia has traveled in the middle of the line.”

"Hey, you are all in Asia, what is it compared to you?"

"It’s useless to climb to the top. I don’t even have a name on the world star list, that is, at home and in Asia.”

"You are all looking at the world, I will first mix Asia."

"Anyway, congratulations, you can play so well and fight all the way, that is you."

"Haha, my buddy has nothing to do with it. It’s a lot of experience in fighting and swearing. It’s all forced by the peers in these years."


"what happened?"



"Forget it, nothing."


Something you said!

Seeing her not saying, Zhang Wei did not ask much.

At this time, the mother also received a call in the living room.

When Zhang Hao finished this thing, the mother said: "Xiao Xiao, your wife and children call, saying that there is a document left at home, you look for it, give her a trip."

Zhang Wei asked: "Where?"

Mom said: "Jie Qing said in the bedside table."

Zhang Hao went back to the house and looked for it. "Well, I found it."

Dad urged: "Hurry and go, it is estimated that Qing is anxious to use."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "It’s fresh, I’ve always lost everything. Lao Wu never forgot things before, OK, I will take it for her.”

When he got on the bus, he went to the radio and television.



Outside the radio and television compound.

Zhang Wei did not drive the car in. It was too swaying. Every time he came, he stopped the car and walked in. But today he just walked to the door of the hospital and saw a woman who was a bit familiar. It seems that he often went in and out with Xu Meizhen. On TV, he could see it. Oh, yes, think of it. This is a person in charge of Xu Meizhen, it should be Handling the company's external affairs.

Yang Xue: "Director Chen, this is really anxious."

Director Chen: "I can't do this Lord."

Yang Xue: "Can I see Mr. Xu?"

Director Chen: "The Director Xu is very busy, today's meeting."

Yang Xue: "But our movie is now -"

Director Chen: "The approval is not so fast, you have to go through the procedure. As for the next few days, I can't guarantee you. I said no."

Yang Xue: "Chen brother, let me go in."

Director Chen: "This is the location of the headquarters of the broadcasting and TV headquarters. It does not handle the business. You have no appointments. Outsiders cannot enter. You should go back and wait for the news."

Yang Xue: "But-"

At this time, Zhang Hao slid Dada came up.

Director Chen saw him and he was happy. "Is Boss coming?"

Yang Xue saw Zhang Wei, but also a trip.

Zhang Wei smiled. "Yeah, I am sending something to Lao Wu."

Director Chen said: "The Wu Bureau should be in a meeting."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Yes, then I will go to her office and wait." Then suddenly he pointed to Yang Xue without warning, saying: "I brought in people."

Director Chen Yihan, "This -"

Zhang Wei directly to Yang Xuedao: "Go away."

Yang Xue was overjoyed and carefully looked at Director Chen, "Chen Ge?"

Director Chen smiled bitterly, Zhang Hao wants to bring people in, who dares to stop?

So, Yang Xue followed Zhang Wei into the radio and television compound. To tell the truth, she had seen this courtyard door countless times, but it really came in. This is the first time.

Yang Xue said with gratitude: "Mr. Zhang, thank you very much!"

Zhang Xiao smiled, "What about the sisters?"

Yang Xue is busy: "Yes."

Zhang Wei did not ask for anything else. "Who are you looking for?"

Yang Xue immediately said: "It is Xu."

"Okay, I know." Zhang Hao nodded.

Xu? That is the story of the movie.

Xu Meizhen’s phone call, he finally understood the meaning.

There is one person coming across.

"Hey, Zhang Dao!"

"Old, why."

"Drink at noon?"

"Oh, I will give something to Lao Wu, and go back to a bunch of things."

"I haven't seen you since the Spring Festival Evening. I gathered back and called the gang of the Spring Festival Evening Working Group."

"Oh, that's fine."

Over there, another person saw him.

"Boss boss, early."

"Hey, Director Liu, how have you seen fat recently?"

"Haha, eat, eat, how, I heard that popularity has risen again?"

"Just what's the matter, right, which door is the old Xu office?"

"On the second floor, turn left to the second."


Along the way, everybody saw Zhang Hao and said hello.

Going upstairs, Zhang Hao turned to the left and knocked on the door of an office.

Xu Chuyi looked up, "Hey, Zhang boss?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I just eat breakfast soon?"

Xu put down the disposable chopsticks. "Hey, isn't this late?"

Zhang Wei smiled and pointed at Yang Xue behind him. He said: "Someone is looking for you to do things. I see people standing outside. I will bring them in. What a big thing, you have to do it for people."

Xu said with a smile: "You boss Zhang said, that's for sure."

Zhang Weidao: "Oh, I don't care."

Did not say anything, leaving Yang Xue, Zhang Wei went upstairs himself.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Xue did not insert a sentence, or from the moment he entered the gate of the radio and television, she did not dare to scream at all, and so on the way, she looked at Zhang Wei and chatted with others, if not with her own eyes. See, she really does not have such a strong feeling, too envious!

This is radio and television!

The radio and television that is in charge of the entertainment industry and kills the power!

Yang Xue’s heart is full of emotions, and at this moment she has a feeling:

Too cow - forced!

Really too bullish - forced!

The entire entertainment circle, the entire artist circle, who can mix into Zhang Wei? Who can do this? I swayed and swayed the radio and television. I came here to follow my own home. The whole domestic artist can mix like this, only Zhang Yi, no second!

This is the cow!

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