I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1414: [Zhang Yu car (middle)! 】

The square is not far away, and a long street is over.


"On the front!"

"What about the Korean car?"

"Yes, that's theirs!"

"How did Chen Chen go there? Isn't it shopping?"

"She has to go to see the fun."

Rao Aimin is as sinking as water.

Zhang Wei is also anxious.

Don't look at these two people, who usually have no good face to Chen Chen, but they are all in my heart.

A group of people have already walked to the square, and they are far away. They saw the banner advertisements and stage shelves that the Korean car brand made. The ground is red carpet, and seven or eight black bulletproof cars are parked on the side. There are also some golf clubs, wooden baseball bats, and turning heads and pliers screwdrivers. They are obviously the props used to drive the audience before, and the three people around the three circles are onlookers in the middle. Both Chen and Xiao Wang are on the top, as well as the staff and responsible persons of the exhibition.

At the moment, the stage is being noisy.

Xiao Wang inserted his waist: "How is it broken?"

The male employee pointed at the door: "Look, look at yourself!"

Xiao Wang said: "You let your children marry! You let your children come to power! So many people are paralyzed, why can't they come to us?"

The male employee’s airway: "They are all glass! Who told you to drive the door!"

Xiao Wang said: "Then you didn't make it clear!"

Next to a female employee said: "We are not clear enough. Our car is still selling, the door paint is gone, how can we sell it?"

Xiao Wang shouted: "What are you calling, look scared to our children!"

Chen Chen stood there expressionlessly.

The person in charge and several employees almost fainted!

Where is she scared? Hey!

She is calmer than us, okay!

Many people in the audience also spoke:

"You didn't say it clearly."

"And it's not about children."

"The child is short, and the hand is not heavy. It is normal."

"Children and children are not deliberate, as for not to be reluctant."

"Yes, forget it."

"You are a big company, is this money?"

A person in charge on the stage said: "It's not bad money, but it's a good thing to say, children can't mess!"

Chen Chen said faintly: "The quality of your car is problematic."

The person in charge was annoyed and pointed at her nose: "You broke the door to us, do you still make irresponsible remarks?"

Xiao Wang opened his hand with a slap in the face of a little tiger. "Who are you referring to you!"

Several male employees are all around, "You dare to do it!"

When I heard this, things were clear.

It turned out that Chen Chen took Xiao Wang Xiao Zhou to watch the fun, the above is driving, Chen Chen also eagerly lined up the team, the organizer saw a child, but did not take it seriously, just let her go up, the result is who I didn’t expect a little girl of eight or nine years old to be so aggressive, picking up and picking up a brick, and throwing it out when I called it, but it was not aligned. It fell on the door of the lower part of the glass, on the door. The patent leather also fell, and the exposed iron was also slightly sunken. The people who were onlookers were suspicious, and said that you are not a bulletproof car. The glass is quite hard. How can the door be so shackled? As a result, Chen Chen also said, "The quality of this car is problematic." At this time, the person in charge of the exhibition suddenly refused to do it, pulling them to prevent them from leaving.

The person in charge shouted: "What about the parents of the children? Let the parents come over and lead people!"

Xiao Wang said: "What rights do you have to deduct people?"

Responsible for humanity: "The car is broken! I have the right! Let her parents come!"

Over there, Zhang Yi’s group of people also rushed to the ground.

Zhang Yan said: "I am her parents."

At this moment, people's eyes fell on him, and then it exploded!


"Zhang Wei!"

"It’s Zhang Hao!"

"How is Zhang Yi's child?"

"Hey, this is a big fun!"

"Have a face!"

There are screams.

Have a photo.

There are also videos recorded.

The people of the car brand are also paralyzed!

The person in charge is sinking, "Zhang Wei?"

Xiao Wang can find the backbone of the heart: "Zhang Dao!"

Zhang Wei has already stepped onto the booth.

Chen Chen suddenly came over and yelled, "Zhang Wei, their car quality is not good."

Zhang Wei looked at the staff members. "Don't say anything else. Several of your big men are yelling around a little girl pointing at the nose. We have to say, you said that the door is broken, you can How much money can be repaired, yes, we are not unreasonable people, but what are you talking to your children?"

A male employee said loudly: "She gave us a car and poured dirty water. Even children can't talk casually!"

Zhang Wei looked at him. "Is it still?"

The person in charge said coldly: "Mr. Zhang, are you confused?"

Zhang Xiaole, "I am troubled?"

The people under the Zhangye studio are also coming!

The onlookers also heard more and more disappointment. They thought that the organizers had done too much. They were holding the children’s hands and doing nothing. The activities of picking up the cars were originally made by you. Zhang Yi came, and said very clearly, how much is the amount of money, very reasonable, how do you bite the child and bite on others?


"Mr. Zhang, don't take care of them!"

"They are you hot!"

Some people shouted.

Hey, how hot is it?

Ha ha. My heat is not so good!

Zhang Wei said: "Chen Chen, you go back first."

Chen Chen: "Oh."

But the person in charge is really stunned. "Can't go! This must be said clearly!" There is no big deal in the words.

Zhang Wei stared at him. "Let the children go down, I will tell you clearly."

The person in charge hesitated, "Okay!"

When Zhang Yi turned around, he walked over to the front of the car and looked down and pointed to the place where the patent leather fell off. "Is this what the child is?"

A male employee said: "Yes!"

Zhang Wei asked: "Is the bricks smashed?"

Person in charge: "Yes!"

Zhang Hao nodded and said: "Then my child is not wrong, your car quality is a problem!"

The person in charge said with a cold eye: "Do you swear by the wicked?"

The male employee said: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Zhang Wei said: "A person with a common sense knows that a child of eight or nine years old is still a little girl. Even if she is more energetic, she is a natural power, where can she go?"

Everyone in the audience laughed.

Zhang Wei pointed at there. "A brick can give you the door of the so-called bulletproof car. It is recessed inside. What is your so-called bulletproof effect?" He said, he also reached out and knocked "The patent leather is not bulletproof, I believe, the steel plate is like this?"

The person in charge immediately said: "What do you know? This is the outer layer. The real protective effect is on the inner layer. If the bullet is hit, it can only penetrate the outer door. It is impossible to get inside. On our door. There are five protections, all tested by professional military level!"

Zhang Wei said: "I can't see the five roads, I know that the first protection will make a nine-year-old girl break through."

Everyone starts:


"The teacher Zhang said nothing wrong!"

"I just wondered, how can it be broken?"

"Is this car really bulletproof?"

"But the glass is quite hard."

"Well, just over twenty people have not split."

The person in charge heard the fire, "Mr. Zhang, I am now convinced that you really deliberately messed up! The protection of the inner layer of the door is not open, you can't see it. You deliberately hold this, what do you mean? What is your heart? You are deliberately smashing our brand! How is the bulletproof effect of our car? Just so many eyes have witnessed it! There are so many tools here, no one can open our armored car glass! We have a problem with the quality of our cars? We are the top three car manufacturers in Korea! We promise that the quality of every bulletproof car is passed!"

The male employee said: "You are breaking dirt on us!"

Another male employee said loudly: "What are you doing!"

A group of people are not at all polite.

I saw a lot of resentment around the people.

What is this?

Who is Zhang Hao?

Professor of Peking University!

World class mathematician!

If you don't respect, at least you should be polite. How do you say this? Still deliberately messed up? How do people deliberately mess up? Didn't you first meet someone else's girl to see her parents? The parents are coming now, you are this one! Who is it!

The people in his studio are also discouraged!

However, to everyone's surprise, Zhang Wei is as stable as Taishan, still not so salty and not looking at them, the expression has not changed.

Zhang Hao turned and stretched his hand and tapped the car glass. "Is it really bulletproof?"

The person in charge said coldly: "You can try it!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "How can I not believe it?"

The staff next to the road said: "We have tools here! You can use them casually! Just take it!"

The person in charge sneered, "Don't you say that we have a problem with quality? Well, you see, you smash, smash a car!"

They are waiting to see a joke!

Zhang Wei also smiled a little. "So I will try?"

The person in charge reached out and asked, "Try it, just try it!"

砸 Bulletproof glass?

What a joke!

The world's strong man can't move!

Then, Zhang Hao raised his right hand!

No use of the club!

No bricks!

He was in the palm of his hand, so he fluttered to the bulletproof glass, only to hear a loud bang, and the whole body swayed!

The glass has already been white!

The person in charge is stupid!

A few employees are stupid!

The audience is stupid!

The people in Zhangye’s studio are also stupid!

The next moment, I saw Zhang Hao raised his hand again, and took a shot!


Body shock!

The whole piece of glass is broken!

This second, no one speaks in the audience!

There is no sound in the big square!

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