I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1415: [Zhang Yu car (below)! 】

one second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

The crowd suddenly exploded!

"my God!"


"What the **** is broken!"

"What do I see by me?"

"What strength is this? What is going on?"

"Impossible! Just over twenty people holding a baseball bat did not make the bulletproof glass a little white flower! How did it break when it was broken?"

"The key is still handcuffed!"

"Yes, my God! It’s a handcuff!"

"Too god! It’s too cow!"

"Zhang Hao is invincible!"

"I am very good at my teacher Zhang!"

"The two palms are too **** handsome!"

The audience was screaming!

Chen Chen shouted, "Zhang Wei! Hey! Good! Zhang Hao! Do it beautifully!"

Hazzizi was stunned!

Zhang Zuo’s eyes are stunned!

Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhou are also stunned!

How can it be!

How is this possible!

They also know that Zhang can be a fight. Anyway, Zhang Wei has never suffered a loss when he is doing it with people. But how much is Zhang Hao? They really don’t know, and this is not a bad thing for your mother. Right? This is bulletproof glass, hello! Is this man smashed? Still getting angry? In their cognition, in their world, this can't be what humans can do!

It’s too shocking!

Too scary!

The most important thing is that after Zhang Hao finished, he looked back at the organizer’s person in charge and the staff. “You asked me to try.”


Zhang Hao said innocently: "Look, I will say that there is a problem with the quality of your car."


Zhang Wei pointed out, "Is this smashed?"


Zhang Weidao: "Can I drive one away?"


They also scared the urine!

It’s really scaring you!

At the moment, the staff were almost a little unstable, their ankles were soft, and my heart was infinitely shouting: I am grass! Are you still a person? You!

A male employee: "What is going on!"

A female employee: "This is bulletproof glass!"

The person in charge at this time regrets that the intestines are all green. He said that I have nothing to do with my leisure. I have no heat, and the signboards have to be smashed. He knows clearly that this is not a problem of not sending a car. This is related to the big picture of their car brand image and quality. A high-grade vehicle with a bullet-proof bulletin has caused a nine-year-old girl to smash the door and let a star smash the glass. This is not the case. Big joke? If this is spread out, they will be laughed at in a lifetime! This joke is enough for industry insiders to laugh at them for a hundred years!

The people have already started.

"Send the car!"

"Send the car!"

"Send the car!"

"Send the car!"

This link is not prepared at all!

They have no plans to send out their vehicles at all!

The person in charge knew that the situation was not good. I saw people with videos and photos around. I saw more and more people around me crowded around and almost filled the square. He took the opportunity to bite his teeth and found a for a long time. I took the key of the new car and gave it to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Xiao smiled and took it and threw it to Xiao Wang. "Take it away for a while."

Xiao Wang is very excited and crisp: "Get it!"

The person in charge immediately launched a remedy. He faked the model and walked over to check the broken glass. Then he looked blank and turned and picked up the microphone. "You friends, I just had a little accident. I looked at it, not The quality of our car, this one can be absolutely assured, the original is excessive use before, we will also test the glass hardness before leaving the factory, our staff also passed a series of tests and hammer when they got the store, just at the scene Or this car, but also hit by more than 20 spectators, although it is bullet-proof glass, but there are limits, such as too many hits at the same point, it will cause glass wear, which is normal ""

The people are jealous.

"Fake glass?"

"What bulletproof!"

"Too bad face! I am hurting for them!"

"Is this explanation a little far-fetched?"

"Mr. Zhang is so thin that a thin monkey can be smashed. The quality of this car must be faulty! Also anti-ball car? The bricks have to hide!"

"This explanation is also true. It turned out that the bulletproof glass was overused. I said that Zhang Hao could not open it empty-handed. How much effort is it?"


There is a spit.

There are doubts in the letter.

The person in charge quickly explained: "It was a coincidence that bulletproof glass is not new. It has been hit hundreds of times by dozens or even hundreds of people. In fact, there have been cracks, but the surface has not been shown, so just Teacher Zhang Wei was a hole in the glass, which happened to be on the broken surface of the glass. This caused the glass to be damaged. It was not a quality problem, but it didn’t matter. We promised to give it one by one, then we will do it, if everyone else Do you have doubts? We are now taking out a new car, a brand new car that has not been smashed, so that everyone can see what it looks like when the bulletproof glass is not worn out. It is impossible for anyone to open it!"

An employee brought a new car over.

The person in charge smiled and said: "Look, this is a new car. Everyone can just take a nap. Just try it. It’s just a coincidence. It happens to let a lucky person catch up. In fact, whoever comes to pick up the glass will be broken. Our brand is the guarantee, please believe in our brand, I believe that Li Anxu's endorsement, this new bulletproof car will not have other problems, who will try it?"

At this time, one person stepped forward.

It is a woman.

Her name is Rao Aimin.

Someone in the crowd recognized her.


"The cold face beauty!"

"She is a Zhang Wei agent."

"I know her too, I have seen it on TV!"

Haqi Qiyi.

Zhang Zuo also stunned.

No one thought that Zhang Wei’s landlord and agent would go up!

Tong Fu said: "Zhang Dao, Rao Dajie, her?"

Zhang Wei smiled. "This goods is cheap and cheap."

Wu Yi did not understand: "Ah? What is greedy and cheap?"

The person in charge smiled at first sight. "Well, there are applicants. The beauty wants to give it a try? Very good, you can experience it. There are tools, hammers and baseball bats. You can pick whatever you like." Choosing, it doesn't matter how much you can, you can do as much as you like, but please don't be lucky. This is a brand new bulletproof car. It is different from the one just now. Please feel free to experience our latest bulletproof glass. The degree of solidity, right, be careful, don't shock yourself, if we hurt, we can --" Just say it.

At this time, Rao Aimin had cold face and walked to the side of the car.

A lot of people stayed.

What do you mean?

What about tools?

Don't you take a stick?

Then they saw Rao Aiming gently raising his hand, a slap on the side glass of the co-pilot, a slamming sound, the sound can be said to be shaking the ground, the whole car even felt a huge force To be overturned, the tires on this side are almost off the ground!


One palm!

Only one palm!

Bulletproof glass is torn apart!

"My grass!"

"I rely!"

"Oh my God!"

The audience was shocked!

The people in Zhangye’s studio were shocked!

No one can believe in their own eyes!

The same posture as Zhang Wei!

The same action as Zhang Wei!

The difference is just a palm and two palms!

The same is that the bulletproof glass is broken!

The brand's employees are all there!

The organizer who is holding the microphone and still boasting for the bulletproof car, the microphone in his hand slammed on the ground and made some harsh noises. He also stunned the whole person without a soul. On the ground, stupidly stared at the glass of the car that was smashed by Zhang Wei’s agent, and looked at the glass that had just been smashed, and said, “My sister, my sister!”

At this moment, he burst into tears!

You are paralyzed! What the **** is this kind of animal?

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