I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1416: [I want to smash ten cars! 】

The scene bursts!

Countless people screamed!


"Too hanging!"

"Blind my eyes!"

"Women's hero! Girls' hero!"

"This is too fierce!"

"Isn't it replaced with new bulletproof glass?"

"Who the **** is this!"

"Livestock! Pure cattle!"

"Are she and Teacher Zhang still human?"

"My grass, these two are **** hard? That little girl just now, do you think she has the strength to throw bricks? Where is the strength of a ** year old girl! Hey! My children are all fourteen I haven’t worked so hard when I’m old! My family is still a boy!"

"This family is here to slap your face!"


Ha Qiqi was also shocked, and suddenly turned his head, "Director Zhang!"

Zhang's left leg was soft, "Director Zhang, this, this, Sister Rao!"

Xiao Wang Xiaozhou shouted: "Sister Rao is too fierce!"

They couldn't accept the fact that Zhang Ye split the bulletproof glass with both palms. Now Rao Aimin, the viper who wandered around without doing business at all, also split the bulletproof glass and opened it with one slap. They can already use it. Fear is used to describe the mood at the moment!

What happened!

What's the situation!

Are you all earthlings?

Only Chenchen was not surprised at all, waving the flag and shouting: "Auntie! One more! One more!"

Rao Aimin glanced at the person in charge who was paralyzed on the ground, "Smash one, get one free, where is my car?"

The person in charge looked at her stupidly, subconsciously reached out and took it, and gave her a key to the new car. The other staff also looked at Rao Aimin like a god.

In the next moment, they all vomited blood!

I saw Rao Aimin put away the car key in satisfaction, stretched out a hand, and said loudly, "Come on again! I want to drop ten cars!"

Smash ten


The person in charge who was about to stand up trembled his legs and sat down with a puff!

I'm going to your sister!

You want to smash?

Can you smash?

You are still addicted to you!

How many cars we have are not enough for you to smash!

The faces of several employees also changed drastically!

"No more!"

"Can't smash it!"

"Yes, one person can only send one!"

"It's written in our rules of activity!"

Hearing that, Rao Aimin was very sorry, "Oh." He strolled and walked off the stage.

The person in charge and several staff members were relieved.

At this moment, a woman came not far away.

Yang Shu came, "Brother!"

Zhang Ye turned his head and was happy, "Why did you come?"

Yang Shu complained: "There is a traffic jam on the road. I went to the restaurant to find you. Why did you all leave? The waiter said you came to the square. What's wrong?"

Zhang Ye let out a cry, "Smashing a car, smashing a car and sending a car."

Yang Shu's eyes lit up, "You smashed it?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Lao Rao and I smashed a car."

Yang Shu was eager to try, "Then I will try too!"

She didn't do it for money, let alone a car, she was purely thinking about competition. Zhang Ye, a junior girl, had nothing in her mind, only national skills!

The people around were crazy about it!

"is her!"

"Zhang Ye's bodyguard!"


"Zhang Ye's bodyguard is here!"


"Want to be so cruel?"

"These people are here for a meeting!"

Hearing this, the person in charge and the staff were all gone, and at this moment, they were almost dead!



I'm going to you three-uncle-grand-grand-ah!

Zhang Ye and his agent are like this, so what kind of bodyguard is it!

You want to kill us!

At this moment, the person in charge didn’t know where the strength came from, and rushed from the ground to the microphone that he had just thrown away. He grabbed the microphone and shouted, “The event is over! The car event is now over! No more! No more! No more!"

The audience laughed and boosed together!







Yang Shu was unhappy, "I haven't smashed it yet!"

The person in charge wiped his sweat, "No, it's over!"

Yang Shu was unwilling to say: "I don't want your car, I will try it!"

The person in charge is crying!


You are my sister!

You guys, can't you stop us from pitting our family!

Zhang Ye looked at him, "It's over?"

The person in charge hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, no more!"

Zhang Ye pointed to the car just now, "What about my child smashing the door of your car? How much do you have to pay?"

The person in charge said with tears: "No need to lose money, no, we didn't take care of this matter just now, don't blame the child, don't blame the child!"

Rao Aimin stared at him, "Then how did you talk to my child just now?"

The person in charge hurriedly said to Chenchen: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just now the uncle's tone was wrong, and I apologized to you. You see, this activity is also over. There is nothing to play here, right, over there. There is also an auto show at the back of the mall. Ask your parents to take you there."

Chenchen said lightly: "There is no fun here."

You are fun!

We are not fun at all!

We are all **** peeing!

The person in charge exhausted his tongue and apologized, and finally sent the grandpa to grandma away, but he knew in his heart that the storm had just begun!

The people around have already started to act!


Send Weibo!

The news is posted!



Two new cars are in front of you, both seven-seater bulletproof cars.

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Look at this trouble. I got two cars back for a meal. It just so happens that our studio is short of cars? You don't have to buy it, Lao Ha, Lao Zuo, you two will have one. , Count the special car I gave you two, and drive home for private use at ordinary times."

But the group of people in the studio are still in shock.

Ha Qiqi immediately said: "How did you do it?"

Zhang Ye said happily, "I said that Lao Rao and I are actually'master martial arts', do you believe it?"



Everyone pouted.

Of course they don't believe it, they want to come, they must have used some strategies and techniques!

Zhang Ye stretched out his hands helplessly, "Yes, then there's no need to talk, let's go, get in the car."

Everyone got into the car while talking about what happened just now.

Only Yang Shu didn't move. He stood in front of the car and knocked on the glass for a while, then patted the door.

Zhang Ye was taken aback, "What are you doing? This is Lao Ha Lazuo's car, don't smash it." But after speaking, he laughed, "Okay, don't look at it, you smashed it. Not broken."

Yang Shu was not convinced, "Why can't I break it?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "This is bulletproof glass."

Yang Shu stiffened his neck and said, "Then I can try too!"

At this time, Rao Aimin spoke, "You can't break it."

When Yang Shu heard the words, his face was red and white. The senior brother said so, even Grandmaster Rao said the same, then she must not be able to break it, she was a little unwilling to think about it, but this also made her see, she The gap with Zhang Ye and Rao Aimin is still too big.

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