I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1424: [I just stayed at Asakusa Hotel! 】

Chinese netizens:

"Rely, provocative!"

"This is obviously a provocation!"

"This hotel is too arrogant!"

“Asakusa Hotel? I stayed there when I was traveling last year!”

"Mahjong! What does this mean?"

"Apologize! Must apologize!"

"This is a bully!"

"If the hotel is smaller, it is also said that this is the Asakusa hotel, grass, how can this be done? Many institutions and travel agencies are working with them! Hey, earning the money of our Chinese, and secretly at the hotel Put a right-wing book, 骂 us? I am a grass Nima!"

"There must be an account!"

"Yes, this is too disgusting!"

Korean netizen:

"Let the hotel owner come out!"

"Is there anyone in charge?"

"This kind of behavior is shameless!"

"Can't believe it, is there such a hotel?"


"Resist check-in!"

“I suggest that the Korean side permanently cancel all partnerships with Asakusa Hotels!”

"Books must be destroyed!"

"This kind of remarks is simply hard to understand!"

"History is not obliterated if you want to kill it!"

Many people in Asian countries have stood up and smashed the streets. What has been boycotted by Zhang Wei has long been left behind by them. On the national issue, in front of the big and the big, there is no room for negotiation at this time. Everyone’s spearheads are all right. Accurate in Japan!

There are also many Asian stars who stand out!

Xu Meizhen meager comments: "Shameless!"

Zhang Yuanqi meager comments: "When is your hotel finished?"

Jiang Hanwei's studio meager comments: "Respect is mutual, don't give face a shame!"

Another king: "All Chinese, please remember the name of this hotel, don't give it to the money!"

The people fired!

The star fired!

The media fired!

The event suddenly became more and more fierce!


Zhang Wei studio.

They also saw the news.

Haqiqi stunned, "Asakusa Hotel? Isn't this the hotel that Zhang Dao is going to stay in?"

Wu Yi's mother said: "This is a small Japanese! I am grassing his uncle!"

Zhang Zuodao: "This is to do things!"

Xiao Wangdao: "The key books on these issues have not been known for how long it has been placed. This is intentional! It is disgusting!"

Everyone is here!

This is a bit too much!

If you don't want to earn money from Chinese Koreans at the beginning, well, you can show your attitude at the very beginning. You can't accept the cooperation of Chinese tourists or other countries' travel agencies and athletes, and others won't live in your hotel! However, no, the hotel took the initiative to contact a lot of cooperation, took the initiative to bring a lot of Chinese and Korean tourists, the result is still secretly put this kind of problem books in everyone's room, deliberately bullying foreigners can not understand, and can understand a lot The Japanese and hotel staff were laughing there and saying nothing!

What does this mean?

Make people foolish - forced?

Everyone is discouraged. Only Zhang Wei is relatively calm, because he found this thing to be familiar. It happened once in the world he used to be. It is also in Japan. It is also a book of this problem, but the hotel is different. Well, it seems that there are things, even if the world changes, it will happen, and there are inevitabilities in the accident. There will always be a few stupid people who are not long-sighted - forced to do something that is not long-sighted.


The situation is getting worse!

The protests are getting louder and louder!

Sports organizations, charitable organizations, travel agencies, and many units that have cooperated with Asakusa Hotels have submitted books asking them to leave the shelves!

Chinese officials have also protested!

Japanese media are also highly concerned!

However, in an interview that was exploding, an official from Japan answered this question.



"What do you think about the hotel in Asakusa?"

"This is the hotel's own business, we have no right to intervene."

"But many countries in Asia have already made serious protests!"

“I said, the hotel has its own management and management methods, and we do not interfere.”

A few hours later.

The Asakusa Hotel held a press conference.

Many reporters from China, South Korea and Japan have come to the scene!

As a result, the first sentence of the hotel owner is: "We will not take the relevant books! These books will always be placed in every room!"


Too embarrassing!

The Chinese and South Korean reporters are furious!

A Korean female reporter said loudly: "Are you afraid of losing foreign tourists?"

The hotel owner looked at her and said, "Our hotel welcomes every guest. If you don't want to live, you can't come, we don't force you to live. We have our own way of doing business. We just need to maintain the real one. Guests will be fine, the hotel will not be lost, on the contrary, our annual performance is very good, the hotel is still considering the expansion, it will not have any impact on us!"

The Japanese official does not care!

Asakusa Hotel has a bad attitude!

- This is the answer they gave!

Both China and South Korea are crazy.


"What person!"

"Can't cure them?"

"Get off the problem book right away!"


Things get bigger and bigger!

Many Chinese and Korean travel agencies immediately announced the termination of all future cooperation with Asakusa Hotels. Many travel service websites also announced the immediate removal and search service of Asakusa Hotels!


one day.

Two days.



Cancel cooperation!

A wave of attacks are aimed at them!

However, there is no point at all. Asakusa’s attitude is tough. No matter what the outside world is, they just don’t leave books, they are still doing their own thing, and they are also using this matter to promote it everywhere, and they want to recruit Japanese guests who also have a right-wing tendency. No one can take them!

Things seem to be so bad.



Zhang Wei did not open his mouth from beginning to end.

The Internet is all embarrassing, the stars are resisting, but there is no movement in Zhang Yi, this can not help but make people in Zhangye studio amazed.

Xiao Wang blinked, "Zhang Dao, let's also express our attitude!"

Haqiqi also suggested: "Yeah, let's have a few words."

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "So many people are jealous, and it is not bad for me."

Xiao Wang is a little anxious. "But that's not the same. Let's show our attitude. Otherwise, how do people see us? Every time we do this, we are all doing our part?"

Zhang Yan shrugged: "What do people think of me, what is the relationship? You have seen the attitude of the Asakusa Hotel, what do they use? People don't care."

Haqiqi: "But!"

Zhang Dao, is this awkward?

How is this low-key this time?

They don't understand, and they can't figure it out.

At this time, the phone call of the Asian charity organization also came, because tomorrow is the day to go to Japan.

The phone is connected.

Qu Huahua: "Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Hey, Qu Jie."

Qu Huahua: "There have been too many things in the past few days, and I have not been in touch with you. We have already negotiated with Asakusa for countless times before, and they have not achieved results. We have decided to terminate their cooperation with them, so we need Change to a hotel, you see what you like, we will arrange for you."

However, Zhang Wei is amazing!

Zhang Xiao smiled. "I think the Asakusa Hotel is very good."

Qu Huahua stunned: "Ah?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "Let's just change it."

Qu Huahua inhales, "But there are no Chinese people who dare to live in their hotels. Do you not know about their problem books? This -"

Zhang Weidao: "No one dares to live? I dare."

Qu Huahua: "..."

Zhang Wei’s studio: “...”

Zhang Yule said: "Qu sister, I live there."

Qu Huahua is speechless: "If you said this, then okay, but can you think about it?"

Zhang Wei: "Oh, I think about it."

Do not dare to live?

I don't dare to live!

You should worry about them, dare not let me live!

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