I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1425: [Big news! 】

the next day.

On the day of departure, in the morning.

Wu Zeqing is making breakfast, and my mom is helping Zhang Hao to pack her luggage.

"Do you have a toothbrush belt?"

"There is there, no need to bring it."

“The towel is one, the hotel is not clean.”

"Oh, no."

"You said that you have been going for so many days?"

"Hey, go shopping in the past."

"Going there must be safe."

"Know Mom, I don't know if I have this skill?"

"Who said you, I am paying attention to the safety of others, don't go there and make big things, let the police take it away, how come you come back?"

"No, rest assured."

"As far as your temper is concerned, I can safely blame!"

"You Wu, you can help me stare."

"I still use you to say? Take yours."

The luggage is packed.

Eat breakfast.

Zhang Hao pulled the suitcase out of the door.

At the door, Yang Lan had already carried Haqiqi Xiaowang and others waiting there. Xiao Sun quickly came down to help him with his luggage and loaded Zhang, and Zhang Hao opened and sat up.

The car is open.

Haqiqi smiled bitterly. "You didn't tell the family about where to live?"

Zhang Hao shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing."

Xiao Wangdao: "Why do you have to live in Asakusa?"

Xiao Zhou said: "Yes, there is the cusp of the wind, and you can't avoid it."

Zhang Xiao smiled. "That hotel is very good."

Xiao Wang: "Hey! Where did you see it coming?"

However, Zhang Wei did not explain a word.

Everyone drove to the airport, got off the bus, checked in, passed the security check, and boarded the plane.


On the plane.

Everyone talked about comics.

How to contribute.

How to operate.

How to hide people's eyes and ears.

After all, this is the real purpose of their trip.



Inside the Tokyo airport.

Xiao Wang Xiao Zhou is the first time to go abroad, look curiously and look left.

Suddenly, Xiao Wang pointed out, "Is that what they are taking?"

Everyone looked at the past and found out that the pick-up card wrote their name.

The people of the Asian charity organization came to pick up Zhang Wei and his team, and the team leader Zhang Wei had seen one side, it was Qu Huahua. Qu Huahua is a woman in her thirties. She is a bit fat, but the five senses are particularly charitable. She is very good. You have to say that she is not a charity.

Qu Huahua reached out and said, "Mr. Zhang, don't come innocent."

Zhang Wei and her shaking hands, "Qu Jie, how come you work in person."

Qu Huahua smiled and said: "A lot of people know your itinerary, I don't trust, I have to come in person."

Haqiqi stunned, and did not seem to understand that others knew that Zhang Wei’s itinerary was not related to the restlessness. The next moment, they understood.

not far away.

Dozens of Japanese people suddenly shouted loudly.

"Zhang Wei!"

"Where is it!"

"It's him!"

"This rogue!"

"Get out of Japan!"

"Get out of Japan!"

"I don't welcome you here!"

"Hey, who made you come!"

"Go back to China!"

A bunch of people scream!

Some people still hold the sign of the Chinese word, which is swearing.

A trip here, many passengers at the airport also looked over.

“What is Zhang Wei?”

"Is he?"

"Rely, he dares to come?"

"This bastard!"

As a result, many Japanese passengers who did not come to Zhangye also followed suit.

Unlike other Asian countries, the Japanese people themselves don’t care much about the Asakusa hotel. Many people don’t even know about it. They haven’t caused much sensation here. Their emotions are still stuck in the boycott. On the squatting, the video of Zhang Wei’s monks in Peking University was also good. “Man Jiang Hong” was a slut, and there was something about Kimura and his “hit” in China. Everyone had a raging anger, this month. How many days have you not spent in the big Zhang Huan? The Asian popularity of this product is still rising day by day, almost mad at them, this Zhang Zhang came to Japan, so many Japanese people have come to the streets!

Haziqi, they are very vigilant.

Xiao Wang Xiao Zhou also made a effort to go to Yang Lan, and felt that it was safer.

Qu Huahua has no choice but to say: "Hey, you are very popular here."

Zhang Wei also smiled and calmly said: "I don't have so many people in China to pick me up. I didn't expect to come to Japan to have this treatment."

The staff of the charity organization picking up the phone heard more and looked at Zhang Wei. Is this their new charity ambassador? Most of them also saw Zhang Wei himself for the first time.

Sure enough, the name is not lost!

This teacher is really big!

With so many buzz, I still talk and laugh?

Qu Huahua said: "Well, let's go?"

Zhang Weidao: "Get it."

The airport also dispatched police forces to guard them to leave.

It is not the Japanese police who are willing to take control, but their duties.

In the car.

Qu Huahua said: "It is still time to change the hotel."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "No need to change."

Qu Huahua’s hand, “Well, I really don’t know what you think.”

Along the way, everyone also briefly experienced the scenery of Japan.

When the car arrived at the hotel, it was already at noon. When the car stopped, Qu Huahua said: "Okay, then I will be sent here, and the other let Xiaoyan take you to check in."

Zhang Wei said: "No, I can do it myself."

Qu Huahua thought for a moment. "Well, there are quite a lot of reporters there. The storm is not small. You should be careful. If there is anything, please call me at the first time."

Zhang Wei smiled. "Working hard, sister."

Qu Huahua said: "You are welcome."

Zhang Hao and others got off the bus and watched their car drive away.

Haqiqi glanced at the Asakusa Hotel across the road. "Is it here?"

Xiao Wang snorted. "The scale is really not small."

Xiao Sundao: "Zhang Dao, then we?"

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "You stay."

Xiao Zhou said: "Don't, let's go with you first."

Zhang Wei said: "No, I am going to have a good rest in the hotel these few days. You can do your thing, don't worry about me, don't come over to find me, keep the mobile phone unblocked."

Haqiqi: "Ah?"

Zhang Wei: "That's it."

Xiao Wang: "But-"

Zhang Wei: "Xiao Yang, to protect everyone's safety."

Yang Hao nodded, "Senior brother!"

After that, Zhang Hao took his suitcase and passed by alone.

Xiao Zhou was frightened. "Do you lead a person?"

Haqiqi smiled bitterly. "Forget it, no matter what, he must have his plan."

They didn't book the Asakusa Hotel, but lived in a hotel opposite the Asakusa Hotel. It was just across the road, so when they turned around, they entered the hotel gate and went to check in. As for what Zhang Yi is planning, they don’t I know, I can't guess.


Asakusa Hotel.


Zhang Wei strolled in and found that the team stayed quite long, the business was very good, and he did not receive the hum of the Chinese side. He went to find a team and went up, about two or three minutes. It is his turn to put the documents and passports.

The female front desk is smiling.

"Hello there."


“Is it check in?”


"Please wait."

When the front desk of the woman finished, she looked at him a few more times. She felt familiar, but didn’t think much about it. But when she got Zhang’s passport and opened it, she stopped!


Zhang Wei?

That Chinese king?

The female front desk raised her head and asked in English: "Do you really want to stay?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "YES."

The female front desk was dumbfounded. "Are you not mistaken? We are Asakusa."

Zhang Wei said: "I know, you are here."

The female front desk checked the booking record, and it was very wrong. Actually, his mother really had the name of Zhang Wei. What do you mean? How do you live in our hotel? Don't you read the news? However, she did not stop at hand, and quickly went to Zhang Hao to check in, and by the way, people were notified.



Work area.

The hotel owner quickly got the news.

"Zhang Hao stayed?"

"Yes president."

"Why is he here?"

“It’s a cooperative order from a charity organization.”

"Is it all canceled?"

"It was canceled, but except Zhang Wei."

"Only he lived?"


"Does he live for a few days?"

"The order is ten days."

"Is he sick?"

"President, his reputation in Japan is very poor. Everyone is jealous of him. Are we giving him orders?"

"Haha, let him live, how can I expand the propaganda? I have dared to choose our Asakusa hotel because of such a big thing? This is how much trust we have for our hotel! Just let the people in China and South Korea see one. Look! Are they not boycotting us? Isn't it canceling the order? Look, there are still people who will live! And it's still a big coffee in Asia! This is free to let us publicize!"



Zhang Wei’s stay is very fast.

As everyone knows, in fact, when he first came in, he was recognized by many reporters from China and South Korea.


"This, isn't this Zhang Hao?"

"Why is he here?"

"Award for public service advertising?"

"But how can he live here?"

"Fast, write a story!"

"This is big news!"

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