I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1437: ["One Piece" is a blockbuster! 】

this day.


The day when the new edition of the Juvenile Museum comic magazine was released.

In the morning, my mom’s phone came again, and it has been urging for two days.

"You can't come back?"

"Come back."


"Oh, come back tomorrow."

"You are still addicted to Japan, are you?"

"I have something to do here."

"Who are you fighting with?"

"Hey, why do I have to fight with people?"

"Are you just fighting?"

"Oh, Mom, goodbye."

Hanging up the phone and eating breakfast, Zhang Wei went out with Haqiqi Xiaowang and others. The group slid on the street and walked into a large bookstore.

This kind of store can be seen everywhere in Japan. The size of the comics retail industry here is not comparable to that of other countries. Whether it is a bookstore, a small booth or even a lot of supermarkets, there are comic sales, and there will be a big piece in a conspicuous position. Areas, comic booklets, comic magazines, can be seen everywhere.

This is an animation country.

This is an animation center throughout Asia.

Xiao Wang looked around, "So many comics?"

Xiao Zhou asked: "Which is the youth hall?"

Xiao Sun saw it at a glance. "Where is there!"

Everyone used to take one.

Zhang Wei opened the magazine and found that the position of "One Piece" is not very good. In the back, I have to turn a lot of pages to see it. The magazine is quite thick. There are about ten serial comics. In fact, this serialization method As a Chinese, it is very difficult to accept it. At least if he is allowed to buy it every week, and if he breaks the first period, the serial content will not be picked up. Zhang Wei certainly has no such energy. However, in Japan, people's reading habits have been finalized. This has been cultivated for decades, and the national conditions are different.

One page.

Two pages.

Three pages.

A few people watched and talked.

Someone around is constantly coming over, one after another, and in the blink of an eye, they have sold dozens of copies, and the sales are amazing.

Xiao Wang: "How do you see a comic book that doesn't fire?"

Haqi Qi: "Look at sales?"

Xiao Zhou: "But there are a lot of comics in this magazine?"

Xiao Sun: "It is a survey of popularity. This is the most intuitive statistics. Of course, the sales of magazines will also be watched. For example, a national comic book can be used to double the sales of a comic magazine. This is to say, don't worry about it. There is not much that can be used to hold up a comic magazine with just one comic. Oh, yes, and the sales of the single book is also the focus, but we have just made the first words, and we can’t make a single book.”

Xiao Wang: "Hey, why don't you make a direct order?"

Xiao Zhou clap: "Yes, that's how happy it is, let's make it ten words!"

Haqi Qi: "At the speed of Zhang Dao, the day is not a matter of words. If you update with them, no one is Zhang’s opponent!"

Zhang Niu Niu - forced to say: "Do you have more words? I can write three words!"

Xiao Wangdao: "Yes, are there any comic magazines that are released every day? Weekly magazines are too slow. They have problems with this model, too immature."


Still three words a day?

You think everyone is so changing with Zhang.

Xiao Sun listened to this group of laymen and discussed it with some ignorance.


a school.

"Hey, have you seen it?"

“This youth hall?”

"When I finished reading, "Wu Wang" is still dragging the plot."

"This issue of "Dark Soul" is OK, very bloody."

"I like "One Piece.""

"Ah, I know, that new serial!"

"Yeah, the first words are good, I am looking forward to it."

"It's very good, that is, people are weird."


On the light rail.

"Hey? "One Piece"? New serial?"

"This person is so strange."

"Why is the eye so small?"

"It's pretty good, look at it."

"Yeah, I didn't look at it at first, but once I accepted this wonderful setting, the plot and settings were very pleasant."

"I also like this comic."


some company.


"Pure new people? I haven't heard of it."

"This kind of person can also get serialized? Paralysis, the key I still see with relish!"

"Luffy is so cute!"

"Yes, yes, I like him!"

"I also like Luffy, and my eyes are a little smaller."

"It’s a little bit ah, that’s a little bit!”



The editorial department of the Youth Hall.

Seto Kyoko and colleagues go out to eat and come back

"Kyoko, are you serialized on the comics you are responsible for?"

"Well, One Piece."

"Is that person particularly ugly?"

"Don't say that, every cartoonist has his own style. This painting is actually quite characteristic and impressive."

"Well, is the popularity survey coming?"

"The first batch of statistics should be getting better. Let's see how this ranking is. Can you guess who can get the first?"

"I don't want to, "One Piece" is to make up the number, when the editor-in-chief will be able to have a second comic book that can still pass, I will not be able to pass, the deputy editor has already spoken, if "One Piece" ten If you can't get the results, you can cut off the serialization and vacate the position. Hey, God, how can you not give me a good comic!"

"Haha, Kyoko is too bad luck."

"Yeah, Kyoko, you are all old editors, but none of the works that have won the popularity survey in these years."

"Hey, hello, don't you mention this?"

Several people are joking about her.

Seto Kyoko is also very depressed.

Over there, a drawing board was hung on the wall, and the survey statistics had come out.

Many editors have looked around and are very concerned about the comics rankings they are responsible for, because once the rankings are long-term, it means that the comics will be cut off and stopped serialized.

Seto Kyoko wants to see it, but he doesn't dare to look at it.

Spiritual spirit, spiritual spirit.

This time will not be the bottom again?

Not far away, many people have already exclaimed.



"This, hey!"

"Kyoko! Kyoko is coming!"

Everyone called her.

Seto Kyoko stunned, "What?"

She got up and walked over, and she looked up at the drawing board.

First: "One Piece", 1023 votes.

Second: "Wu Wang", 986 votes.

Third: "Dark Soul", 922 votes.

Seto Kyoko is dumbfounded!

The entire editorial department of the Youth Hall is also dumbfounded!

The editor-in-chief did not know when he was standing there. The two deputy editors also stood behind the crowd with stunned eyes and looked unbelievable!


One Piece first?

What kind of comics they used to make up the number? On the first day of the new serial, the first words of the first survey took the popularity survey first? Is this wrong?

For a time, countless editors looked enviously to Seto Kyoko.

"Kyoko, congratulations."

"This is a dark horse!"

"You hit the big luck this time!"

“Congratulations first!”

Seto Kyoko is crying excitedly!

Good comics?

Good work?

I am finally waiting!

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