I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1438: [Old Wu fell his foot]

The next day.


Zhang Wei and his party returned to China. When we left, everyone had a lot of heart in their hearts. They really didn't have a bottom in the comics field, but when they came back, the expressions of everyone were very excited.

When they got off the plane, they drove back to the studio.

Zhang Zuo, they have already waited.

"Zhang Dao!"

"Hey, can you come back?"

"Not hurt?"

"You don't want to go abroad next time, it's too scary."

"Fortunately, this time there is no danger."

"Oh, and Asia is very popular."

Zhang Wei’s popularity is getting higher every day, and he is getting closer and closer to Asia’s super-line. Their studios are naturally rising, and there are countless invitations. The notice has been everywhere. Zhang Wei has gone for ten days. The things that have piled up are also thick and thick. Waiting for Zhang Wei to see it in person.

Wu Yi was busy asking, "Right, how is the comic?"

Hazi Qi Le said: "Great success!"

Zhang’s left eye is bright: “Is it?”

Xiao Wang said with excitement: "Zhang Dao's comics have been serialized, and just after a speech, the Japanese side has received a warm response. The Youth Museum comic magazine has a popular survey." Seeing everyone did not respond, Xiao Wang said: "That this guy. There may be no concept, let's just say, "Wu Wang" know?"

Wu Yi blinked. "I have seen animation."

Xiao Wangdao: "Yes, on the special fire animation, "Wu Wang"'s comic popularity survey is ranked second, "One Piece" first!"

Everyone was shocked!

Is this OK?

Is Zhang’s comics really hot?

Haqi Qiqi said: "I have only made a speech now. The editorial department of the Youth Library attaches great importance to it. The editor has made several phone calls and has been trained as a key comic. Maybe it will take a long time to see "One Piece". The animation, then it will be able to radiate to the entire Asian region, and now it is time to see what the "One Piece" can be fired. This is not good now, it depends on the performance."

The fire of comics is also divided into many kinds.

small fire.

Big fire.

Even the national level, the degree is different.

"One Piece" has just started, everything is still unknown.

Zhang Zuodao: "Zhang Dao, this decade has piled up a lot of things -"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "First let go, I will go home first. My mom has been urging these days. I will go home and report it. I will handle the work and I will handle it."

Zhang Zuodao: "Well, you can go back quickly."

With the luggage, he drove in the car.




He opened the door with the key and went in and happily came to the sentence, "The buddy is coming back!"

As a result, I found that the atmosphere was wrong, my mom and dad were all there, and Lao Wu’s parents were all coming. Then I saw my wife, sitting on the sofa, with a foot on it, wrapped in white cloth. It seems to be plastered, and there is a pair of crutches next to it.

Mom said: "Do you know that you are back?"

Zhang Wei was shocked. "Oh my wife! What happened?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said: "Nothing, I fell off my feet."

Zhang Wei stepped up in two steps and rushed to the front of Lao Wu. He touched her foot and dared not touch it. "How did you fall?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said: "I didn't pay attention when I walked, fell, the child is fine, rest assured."

Zhang Yan’s eyes said: “You can’t do anything.”

Wu Zeqing said: "I am fine, good."

"It’s all right, this is good." Zhang Wei’s heart hurts, and he blames the old lady: “Hey, you are really, why don’t you tell me!”

Mom rolled her eyes. "I am not letting you come back soon!"

Zhang Yucai remembered, "Call your call in the past two days, because of this? Then you said, you have to say that I came back the day before yesterday!"

Dad said: "When you live, you can't tell you."

Zhang Wei said: "A few days have you fallen?"

Mom grinned, "Two days."

Li Qinqin said: "The ankle is broken, the other is fine."

Wu Changhe also said: "The bones are also connected, and the plaster is also hit, that is, it has to be cultivated for a few months." Then she said to her daughter: "You too, I didn't see the steps."

Zhang Hao Deng said: "Which step fell?"

Mom is happy, "Why? You have to give it a chisel?"

Zhang Yi gritted his teeth and said: "I smash it!"

Everyone laughed.

Zhang Wei went around the wife for a long time, and it was cold and warm. She looked at the film on the other side of the hospital. He suddenly thought that there was a [healthy spring water] that he had drawn from the prize. If he drank it to Lao Wu, this The injury should be ignored, but the left and right thoughts for a long time, hesitated for a long time, Zhang Hao can not use it, used to use the old Rao, to cure her internal injuries, but the internal injury is not in the face, see I don’t know how to touch it, plus Rao Aimin has been raised for a long time. It’s not surprising to say that it’s good, but the old Wu’s fracture is not the same. Just after the fall, the hospital’s X-ray film is here, and the moment before. With a cane, can you jump to the marathon in the next moment? How can this be explained?


dinner time.

Everyone also discussed to take care of Wu Zeqing.

Li Qinqin proposed, "I will pick up the Qing with the Yangtze River. It is not convenient for her to go upstairs and downstairs. I still live there, we take care of it."

Wu Zeqing smiled. "No, I am very good."

Li Qinqin shook his head. "You can't do it alone."

The mother objected, "I am taking care of him with my father. These two days are not all we are staring at."

Wu Changhe said: "You are not too young, running back and forth every day, cooking and working, certainly not, or let's come."

The two families fought for a long time.

Finally, Zhang Wei spoke.

Zhang Wei put the chopsticks on, "Don't fight, I am a wife, I am in charge."

Mom yelled at him, "Son, it’s not that Mom can’t look down on you. When you can go and run, you are taking care of my letter. Now it’s hard to go upstairs, let alone cooking and washing clothes. By your care? Just your cooking? Pigs have to make you hungry and bald!"

Dad also said: "Jing Qing is pregnant now, there are too many MSGs to take out, can not eat, many medicines can not eat, you have to rely on yourself to raise, you will not cook, get a soup to make up You can't make it, you got it, big deal, I and your mom come over every day."

Zhang Yan flipped his eyelids. "You don't need it, you don't care anyway."

Li Qinqin said: "No, you have to work so much every day, where do you have time?"

Zhang Wei said: "I pushed all the way. From today, I have been taking care of my wife at home in the past few months. I will not go anywhere, so I will fix it! Nobody will say anything!"

Washing clothes?

I learn!


I learn!


I learn!

This is my wife, I don't use anyone!

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