I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1439: [Zhang Yu turned into a family woman! 】

the next day.

Zhang Wei's studio issued a text: From now on, due to family reasons, Teacher Zhang Wei stopped all work activities for a period of about three months. Please excuse me.

Interview? Push it!

activity? Push it!

ad? Push it!

All activities are terminated!

Zhang Wei has been doing this all the time, to do it in the end, or to do it all the way!

The news is also lively.

The reporters are naturally well informed.

"Zhang Wei stopped working activities! 》

"What's the latest news: Zhang Wei's wife's foot fracture! 》

"Zhang Wei's wife accidentally fell! 》

"Mr. Zhang will become a family woman?" 》

On Weibo.

"So suddenly?"

"No big deal?"

"It seems that there is no ordinary fracture."

"That's good, then."

"I wish a speedy recovery."

"Mr. Zhang is very good, this time I have to stay at home with my wife."

"Yes, don't worry about working (fighting), take care of your wife."

"Yes, work (play) can be done at any time."

"I saw the brackets upstairs, I laughed."

"Every time after a face-lift, the popularity has skyrocketed. Others’ leave is a loss of popularity. For a star, the exposure is life. But Zhang’s wonderful miracle is so popular in him every time, so every time Seeing that he said leave, I laughed and said nothing."


Friends have also called, although the fracture is not a big thing, but it is not small.

Zhang Xia said with concern: "Is it okay?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Nothing big."

Zhang Xiadao: "Speak up if you want to help."

Zhang Weidao: "I have to marry grandma, I am now learning to cook."

Zhang Xiadao: "Oh, very good, just a few months of self-cultivation, and also grind your temper."

Zhang Wei smiled. "Even if you have a temper, my first priority is to serve my wife and children. I don’t know how difficult it is to be a master. I didn’t know anything before. I went to the vegetable market to buy food this morning. I Stupid, I don’t know what the squid looks like. I can buy it wrong if I buy it with the same recipe. It’s not easy to know that the wife is too easy. My husband is too incompetent.”

Zhang Xia smiled and said with emotion: "The whole world, your wife can let you take back your heart."

It’s almost noon.

Wu Zeqing is still busy working in the bedroom. Although she has been on leave for a few months to get sick at home, there are a lot of jobs in the radio and television industry that are inseparable from her. People are officials. Of course, they can’t be as self-willed as Zhang Wei’s, and they’re picking up their sons. Processed at home.

Zhang Wei has already started cooking downstairs.

This is soy sauce.

what is this?

Try it, um, it’s salt.

He used his mobile phone to check the cooking steps while drumming the rice.

Just the phone call came, this time it was played by Yao Jiancai.

Yao Jiancai asked: "I just heard, how is your daughter-in-law? Is it okay?"

Zhang Weidao: "It's good, it's hard to walk."

Yao Jiancai said: "Are you still working?"

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "Now don't tell me about work, talk to me about cooking."

"Hey." Yao Jian was happy. "Your kid is really fake? Is it cooking?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Right, is the scorpion next to you? Call me scorpion, I ask how to make squid soup, there are too many online practices, a dozen methods of breaking soup, one person, one, I I don't know who to listen to, I used to drink the squid soup, I like it."

Yao Jiancai is not happy: "Where, I will call you her."

The phone changed, "Hey, Xiao Zhang?"

Zhang Wei: "Hey, scorpion, find you to learn."

The soup is stewed.

Which of the trotters is below?

Who will do the pig's trotters?

Zhang Wei recalled it and called Li Xiaoyu of the Spring Garden.

"Small, how do trotters do?"


"Pig trotters, winter sister and AMY are not saying that you are trotters stewed?"

"Ah, are you going to have a meal?"


"Hey, I am recording a program on TV."

"What do you record, teach me first."

"Good - director, I am sorry to wait for five minutes."

Toss for more than an hour.

The dishes are fine too.

The soup is also cooked.

Zhang Xiaochao shouted upstairs, "Old Wu, have dinner." Then went upstairs to help the wife go down. "Slow down, look at the bottom of the foot."

Wu Zeqing smiled, "What have you done so?"

Zhang Yude said: "Great meal."

Wu Zeqing said: "I am really hungry."

He is not very good at caring for the person. The next floor will be tossed for a long time. Hold it down, the stairs are narrow, and it’s afraid to touch her feet. Zhang Wei is also an angry temper, simply from the back to the old Wu waist. On the last one, I was able to raise my wife and children, and I came down in three steps and five steps.

Lao Wu is busy: "I will go by myself."

Zhang Wei insisted: "No."

At this time, the mother also took the key to open the door and just saw the scene of this horror. While running up, she exclaimed, "Slow down! Hey, slow down!"

Zhang Wei put the old Wu Yi, "Qi live!"

Mom is speechless. "Is there such a downstairs?"

Zhang Wei from the channel: "I am too big, can't fall, how come you? Smell the smell? Just as my food is much more, you eat it."

"You take care of you alone. Can I rest assured if I don't come to see it? If my daughter-in-law is a little bit of meat, see how I can clean up you!" Mom looked at the dinner table. "What have you done?"

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "Salmon soup, pig's trotters, stir-fried vegetables."

The mother snorted. "How do you not know how it tastes? It’s really like that."

Zhang Wei greeted: "Try it, taste it."

Counting it, this should be the first time that Zhang Wei was cooking in the underground kitchen except for instant noodles.

Several people sat down and ate chopsticks for dinner.

Wu Zeqing tasted a soup elegantly, and the beautiful eyes smashed up and said gently: "It's really good, good."

My mom tasted it and said, "Let's make it better. It's better than that, but at your level, it's still beyond my expectations."

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes.

Don't say that, this is that I didn't get the cooking skills. If the buddies are full of cooking skills, I will make a table full of people and believe it or not!


Brush the bowl.

Clean up the kitchen.

Mom and her mouth are very powerful, and my heart still hurts my son. Hurry up and say: "I have done it, let me come, and I haven’t let you do the work because of this size."

Zhang Wei has a hand, "You don't move, no one should grab me with my work--oh, old Wu, you sit down for me, who will let you get up, drink water? I will give you Take me for you - this is the end of the matter, there is no clothes to wash - oh, where is the washing powder? Hey, found it!"

Before and after, left and right, inside and outside, all of them look at Zhang Wei alone, although the cooking is not so fragrant, although the bowl costs a lot of water, although the clothes are not so neat, but each Everything Zhang Wei is doing seriously and doing his best.

Mom looked in my eyes and was relieved.

When the mother left, Wu Zeqing said: "Small, don't be busy."

Zhang Yan smiled and walked over. "What happened?"

Lao Wu reached out and wiped the sticky washing powder on his wrist. "You, you are busy with your business, that is, your legs are awkward. I can't take care of myself? I am not as delicate as you think." ""

Zhang said: "I am serving you now."

Old Wu: "No."

Zhang Xiao smiled. "Do not worry, work can't fall."

Lao Wu: "How to tell?"

Zhang Wei: "I haven't told you yet? Haha, my buddy has now successfully entered the 'enemy' inside, but no one knows it. The comics are more casual and can be painted anywhere. It’s just these months. The comics will be well-organized, and when the day is announced, you will be able to collect a lot of popularity in Asia, so you can't get it right, you can take care of your illness, and you can still understand what you are doing."

Lao Wu smiled and said: "Well, then I will enjoy my husband's blessing at home these few months."

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