I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1440: [Manga big fire! ]

Wash your clothes.


drawing comic.

Days go by day.

When people take a break from work, they are idle and have nothing to do. They can be smashed. The more they rest, the more busy they are. This is a leisurely temper. If you have nothing, you can find something to do. This is not, this goods do not know which ribs move, fascinated with cooking, every day has changed the pattern to the wife and children cooking.

Zhang Hao’s family and friends can be guilty of old crimes.

The crew.

A certain field.

Director: "Okay, get ready to boot."

The deputy director said: "The phone is muted."

Everyone turned off the phone, only Yao Jiancai shouted: "Wait a minute, I will take a call." Then I answered the phone silently. "Why?"

Zhang Weidao over there: "How about fried eggplant?"

Yao Jiancai: "You call me today!"

Zhang Wei: "I won't fire."

Yao Jiancai: "Let's put oil."

Zhang Wei: "It’s useless. If the oil goes down, the eggplant will do it."

Yao Jiancai: "Oh, how are you so stupid, eggplants eat oil, you put more oil."

Zhang Wei: "Rely, you said it, hung up!"

Put down the phone, the people who saw the crew were watching him, Yao Jiancai could not help but raise the mobile phone, "Zhang Wei, this guy learned to cook."

Everyone listened and they were happy.


A concert backstage.

"Several teachers are ready to play."

Xiaodong and amy are all ready.

Only Li Xiaoyu is still on the phone. "Mr. Zhang, I am going to take office soon."

Zhang Hao hurriedly said: "You tell me first, my pot is hot, fast!"

Li Xiaoyu had to say: "You have to take a look at the water and take out the blood."

Zhang Wei: "Is it still drowning?"

Li Xiaowei: "Of course, otherwise it is not good."

Xiaodong rolled his eyes.

Amy urged: "Small, hurry up, come on stage, don't worry about Teacher Zhang. He has called eight times these days. He is not the one to cook!"


A commercial event site.

Fan Wenli just sang a song down, the water has not been served, the phone is coming.

"Old Fan, how do squirrel fish?"


"Hurry and tell me that the osmanthus has just been hand-cut by me!"

"You are going to get you, you are not doing the tomato scrambled eggs, you still squirrel mandarin fish? Did you learn to go to space without walking?"

"Hey, you look down on your buddy, are you?"

Li Xiaowei.

Zhang Xia.

Fan Wenli.

Etc., etc.

As long as he is a friend who will cook around Zhang, these days are all harassed by him. It is almost a meal when the phone is ringing. Everyone is bothered. The key is that you can’t beat Zhang Wei, you are impatient. As soon as you say that he can't, this product is still in a hurry with you. How do you say it?

Zhang Hao himself is full of fun.

I cook a few dishes every day and watch him sing after he finishes eating. Whenever this time, Zhang Wei will be satisfied and feel very fulfilled.

Of course, he did not fall in business.

Zhang Wei is heading for Asia's super line.

Every night Wu Zeqing sleeps, he will come to the newly created studio, drink a cup of coffee or tea, and then start painting, one painting will arrive in the early hours of the morning. When the state is normal or tired, he draws a word every day. When the state is better, he can draw two or three words a day. "One Piece" has more and more stocks in the hands, but the distribution in Japan is too slow, or the speed of the weekly words is serialized. At the end, Zhang Wei suspects that they are too fleshy, simply let the studio communicate with each other. Can you send two words to three words a week, plus a page.


the other side.


The new phase of the Youth Hall was released.

The second word of "One Piece" was serialized.

If the first words are just introduction background and doping memories bring out the main line, then the second words are really officially into the plot.


"Start playing!"

"Rubber man!"

"This fun is fun!"

"Luffy is so cute!"

"There are new people."

"It's getting better."

"This comic is good and worth seeing."

"This new serial is very fresh, I have already recommended it to my friends."

"Oh, it’s just that people are too ugly."


A week later.

"One Piece" third serial.

"looks good!"

"More and more looking forward!"

"I am going to die! Suddenly I think people are very good!"

"I am also, I am used to it!"

"This person is too special."

"The popularity survey ticket for this issue is returned to it."


Youth Hall.

Editorial Department.

The new phase of the popularity survey was released.

All the editors, including Seto Kyoko, looked forward to the crowd and watched them. After the first look, the editors sneered.

"It is "One Piece"!"

"First again?"

“The first three consecutive surveys have been conducted.”

"This is the biggest black horse this year."

"Kyoko, please."

Seto Kyoko smiled and blossomed, but his mouth said: "Why, I am so stunned, and Aoi has been urging several times, saying that the number of serials per week is too small. I hope to add pages to the volume of two or even three words per week. I have never had this precedent."

When the editors heard it, they almost vomited blood!


"Is he still too little?"

"Three words a week?"

"Kyoko, you made a big profit!"

"How can I not have such a dedicated cartoonist?"

"Kyoko, I am envious of you, my cartoonist, all of them are small experts. Every time they don't know the end, they don't know how to make progress. I need to pick up the door, sometimes I have to blink with them, I, I can't spread such a good cartoonist!"

"Ah, people are dead than people!"

"Kyoko turned over this year!"

""One Piece" now has a sign of a big fire, the single line has been nailed, and if the sales are good, it must be animated."

At this time, the editor-in-chief came.

Seto Kyoko is busy: "Editor."

The editor-in-chief sighed, "First?"

Seto Kyoko smiled and said: "Yes."

The editor-in-chief thought about it. "How many words did the "One Piece" hand in?"

Seto Kyoko said: "There have been 30 words. Teacher Aoi does not know how many assistants have been invited. The creation speed is too fast, and I have read it several times for each sentence, and the quality is extremely high."

The editor-in-chief nodded and said, "The thing you said before, we have discussed it in the meeting. The precedent does not, but it cannot be opened."

Seto Kyoko surprised: "What do you mean?"

"You can try." The editor-in-chief said: "This week just stopped a serial, you can give this part of the serial page to "One Piece", two words a week, see if it works, if the effect is not good, then withdraw. ”

In this way, "One Piece" opened a series of two words a week.

The popularity of "One Piece" has swept the whole of Japan with lightning speed!

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