I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1445: [How come another national anime! 】

A few days later.

The new phase of POO is on sale.

The new comics are officially launched.



The first words: The whirlpool Naruto.

In the past, there was a fox that harmed the world.

There are nine tails, and the fox shakes the landslide and tsunami. The people suffer from it and call the ninja.

There is a ninja who will give up his life to seal the fox demon, and he will die because of exhaustion.

This ninja is called as the fourth generation of Huo Ying.

"Huoying adults!"

"What's wrong? Naruto's kid is upset?"

"Yeah, this time it was a doodle on the stone statues of the illustrious people of the past, and it was still painted."



"Is the pirate watching?"

"I saw it yesterday, it’s wonderful!"

"It's getting better and better."

"Look at the Youth Hall now, and no other comic magazines will buy it."

"Me too, now the pirate is king."

"I saw a very amazing cartoon today!"


"called "Naruto"!"

"Don't you hear it?"

"It's a new serial of POO. It's a great one. It's awesome. If you haven't seen it, take a quick look. It won't regret it. It's as good as One Piece!"

"I also watched it, it really looks good to die!"

"Well, the first thing I saw was my blood!"

"There is a smile, a touch, and blood, awesome!"

"I have a hunch, "Fire Shadow" is going to be a fire!"

"The new serial of POO is too strong!"

"Really? I will take a look!"

this day.

The POO Society released a survey on the popularity of serial works, and the new series of "Naruto" actually won the survey ranking first with an overwhelming advantage! What is overwhelming? It is three times more votes than the second place! This kind of crushing situation has hardly appeared in any large comic magazine, and even One Piece has no such achievements in the Youth Hall!

For a time, the industry is eye-catching!

However, it is only eye-catching. At this time, no one believes that the new serial of "Naruto" can compete with "One Piece".


The editorial department is full of joy.

"I'm angry!"

"I will know!"

"But it is not enough."

"Yeah, you have to add a fire!"

"Hey, if Teacher Ozawa can serialize two words in the same week as Teacher Aoi, the rapid popularity of One Piece is also closely related to his serial load."

"Get it, teacher Aoi's change-state, how many can there be in the world?"

"Also, except for him, no cartoonist can update two times a week."

Everyone has some regrets.

Next to it, Fujiwara is calling and squatting there.

When I hung up the phone and heard the editor-in-chief and everyone talking about this topic, he couldn't help but cough and screamed: "Just Xiao Ze's agent called and said that he can also update two or even three words a week. There are more than ten words in his deposit!"

Everyone is jealous!

Then all the surprises!



"I rely on! Heaven helps us!"

"Great! This is great!"

"Is there still someone who can do more?"

"God, is the newcomer cartoon now so fierce?"

"Mr. Ozawa is mighty!"

"Down with the Youth Hall!"

"Dry "One Piece!"

It is also a dose of tonic, POO has no more concerns!

the other side.

The editorial department of the Youth Hall.

Of course, they are also very concerned about the dynamics of competitors. They also went to see the "Naruto".

"What's the matter!"

"Yeah, I have watched the comics for so many years. I saw the young protagonist of the long beard for the first time. What kind of person is set up, certainly not fire!"

"No, just got the news!"

"what news?"

"Naruto will also have two words in a week!"

"I rely!"

"Can they still have more words?"

“Isn't it only the teacher Aoi can do it?”

"Who is this Ozawa?"

"This is a provocation!"

"Paralysis, this is for us!"

"Hey, a new serial, how do you compare with us?"

"Would you want to go to war? Good! Let's go with you!"

In this way, the two largest comic magazines in Japan played.


one day.

Five days.

Ten days.

"One Piece" is still hot as ever!

The performance of "Naruto" is also climbing!

Many Japanese people are also divided into two factions, and they are gradually getting together!

"Fire is so good!"

"Yeah, I really didn't expect POO to come up with such a work this year!"

"Supporting Naruto!"

"Roll, pirates first!"

"Love the One Piece!"

"Only love Naruto!"

"There are two lack of Huo Ying!"

"I like pirates are silly goods!"

"Khan, don't bother, both animations are very good."

However, in the end, I still have to score. The score of "One Piece" is too high. The sales of one million copies of the first book broke the countless records. It is also the basis for the "One Piece" national comics. Even if "Naruto" is good now, With this big mountain in front, even if everyone holds it high, it can't be compared with "One Piece". The test works are always the market.

And this day.

"Naruto" finally got the page for the single-line sale.

The first volume of "Naruto" is on sale!

Industry concern.

media reports.

The Youth Hall is waiting to see their jokes.

However, on this day, the scene of making everyone unbelievable appeared. The scene of the "One Piece" 10,000 people rushing to buy it again appeared again!



A bookstore.

"Give me a shadow!"

"Fire Shadow!"

"I want one too!"



"Is there a fire shadow?"


"Why didn't you just get out?"




"Sold out?"

"I am going to line up at six o'clock!"


This scene is happening all over Japan!

The people of POO were frightened!

The youth hall and the entire comics world were also frightened!

Too crazy, this is not to buy comics, this **** is already grabbing comics!

Print it!

Print it!

Print it again!

The printing machine's machine was turned around, and it didn't stop. In the end, even the machine scrapped two sets, which was the speed of fans' crazy purchase!

The final sales finally came out!

This number directly scares the entire comic world!

"Naruto" first volume single-line sales: 1.09 million copies!

Actually, there are tens of thousands more copies than the first volume of One Piece. Although it is less than the sales volume of the second volume of One Piece, but the sales record of the first volume of Japanese comics history, it was "Naruto". "Broken, squeezed out the position of "One Piece"!


The editorial department is crazy!

"Oh my God!"

"Fire! This is a real fire!"

"Too scary!"

"One hundred and ninety thousand?"

"Is this not a dream?"

Immediately, POO announced the plan for the animation of Naruto!

Youth Hall.

Here is mad at it!

"How can it be!"

"Is it really catching up?"

"Which is this cartoon that smashed out of the stone?"

"Drawing so well, can you update the speed with the abnormality of Teacher Arai? Damn! Where is the cartoonist from POO?"

The industry has blown up!

"Don't believe it!"

"How come another national anime?"

"This is the glory of the comics world!"

"In the past six years, I have not been able to produce a national comic book. Now it is good. In the past few months, two pieces have been produced in succession. Are they all new works?"

"Yeah, and the two cartoons are Wang Dao comics, all of which are of high quality. It is difficult to tell who is tall and who is low. Now the comics industry is really talented!"



The whole of Japan has been occupied by these two animations!

The whole of Asia has been overturned by these two cartoons!

This is really a very exciting and shocking thing!

When did the national comics become Chinese cabbage, and one time?

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