I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1446: 【Come out! "Detective Conan"! 】



"Is the fire shadow animation?"

"Look, cow - forcing!"

"I am also down, I am chasing."

"I am watching the pirates, I am fascinated!"

"What are you, the animated version is too slow, I am going to smash the comics, I have finished it, do you want me to give you a spoiler? The back is more exciting."

"The spoiler is getting out of the way."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha."



"Can't stop."

"Like Naruto."

"I also love watching One Piece."

“It’s all good works that haven’t happened in ten years.”

"Yes, I heard that the whole of Asia has been screened by these two animations."

"Looking forward to the plot."



Today, the school is on holiday, and a few sisters come to the door.

The big sister Cao Dan is the most sensible. When he comes in, he asks the nephew first. "Scorpion, is your foot better?"

Wu Zeqing smiled. "It's much better."

The second sister, Cao Yu, was blind. "Hey, I want to listen to the little baby."

"Yes." Wu Zeqing smiled and waved, "Come."

The third sister Cao Mengmeng also called: "I want me too!"

The two men carefully put their ears on the old Wu's stomach for a long time, and they didn't know that they didn't hear the movement. The two were shocked.

Zhang Wei and Cao Dan talked, "How is the short video shot?"

Cao Dan smiled, "still learning, not dare to do it easily."

Zhang Yan said, "You haven't graduated anyway, don't worry."

Cao Dan said: "I was recently fascinated by anime, look at it every day."

Zhang Yan’s eyes lit up, “Oh? What?”

Cao Dan said: "One Piece and Naruto, ah." Speaking of this, she only remembered that her cousin was an angry youth, and was fighting with Japan and South Korea, and quickly shut up.

However, Zhang Wei did not agree, but smiled and said: "How do you feel?"

Cao Dandao: "Yes, but it is not suitable for our girls to see, there are too many plots of blood fighting."

The two talked for a long time.

He does not mean that.

dinner time.


"Brother, the craft is okay!"

"Yeah, it's delicious."

"Don't you really cook?"

A few sisters are very surprised.

Zhang Yule said: "That is, after doing so many days of cooking, the fools have learned, but the level is limited, and they have to be in line with my wife."

Wu Zeqing smiled. "It's quite good, better than me."

After the meal, my sister went away and went over to eat rice.

After Wu’s nap, Zhang Huan returned to his studio and thought about the words of the younger sister. It’s really right. China is no better than Japan. For example, the acceptance of comics is lower, and it’s more like animation. Different types, "One Piece" and "Naruto" are the way of the **** kingdom comics, everyone in Japan loves, but in other parts of Asia, the audience is still smaller for girls, this needs to be considered . This time he has to rely on comics to make a wave of things. He can't have short boards. He can't walk on one foot. Naturally, the bigger the audience, the better. The more people you see, the better. Then Zhang Hao fell into thinking again.

five minutes.

ten minutes.

Suddenly, the studio sounded the shouts of the gods!

"Come out!"

""Detective Conan"!"


That night, Zhang Wei drew two words.

Early the next morning, a video conference opened.

When the studio people came to work, they were scared by the words in Zhang Wei’s video.

Haqiqi was shocked: "Hey?"

Xiao Wang fainted: "Another one?"

Xiao Zhou shouted: "Do you want to open three?"

Wu Yidao: "You are an iron man?"

Zhang Zuo wipes the road: "Zhang Dao, is it enough? "One Piece" and "Naruto" have already been in Asia, and this popularity has been enough?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Not enough. Where is this? Where is the difference? Let's do it. The manuscript has been sent to you by email."

Xiao Sun sweats, "But my sister and my brother-in-law have already -"

Zhang blinked. "Are you busy?"

Xiao Sun is dumbfounded: "Ah?"

Xiao Wang: "Hey!"

Xiao Zhou also sprayed!

You are doing it with the little grandson family!

Do you want to point to their family!

Haqiqi asked: "What is this time?"

Zhang Wei said casually: "Call the wild."



The Youth Hall and POO have already been beaten!

"Naruto" comics sales record high!

Soon, "One Piece" has refreshed the record!

Then, "Naruto" caught up again!

In the field of animation, "Naruto" and "One Piece" have the highest ratings for a while, and the first time it has the highest ratings, it is impossible to play!

The final battle has been upgraded!

The two comics are on the serial!

"One Piece" became a three-week word!

This is the amount of updates that have never been seen in the comics industry, and scared countless people!

But no one thought that "Naruto" followed, and began a series of three words a week!

Countless cartoonists in Japan are crying.

"I rely on it!"

"Do you want to do this!"

"How do you let us live?"

"These two metamorphosis!"

"Grass, cattle - forcing you four more! Four more!"

Also bursting into tears is the weekly magazine. As one of the three largest comic magazines in Japan, the weekly magazine has a very low sense of existence. The editors are willing to go to work every day to wear a bundle of woolen sweaters, facing the other two comic magazines. The dragons struggled, they couldn’t get it.

A piece of leisure.

The flowers in the editorial department raise flowers and plant grass.

And their magazine sales are also lower than a week.

Drop by two percent.

Decrease by three percent.

Sales have hit new lows.

The spirit of the editor-in-chief is going to go wrong. I sit there and talk to myself every day. "Cang Tianyi, also gave me a national cartoon!"

At this time, an editor exclaimed and ran up.

"Come on! Good comics are coming!"


"where is it?"

All the editors are playing with blood!

The editor shouted with a manuscript: "Newcomers contribute! It's amazing!"

"Let me see!"

"Get it soon!"

Everyone gathered around to observe.

When you read it, everyone yelled!

"My grass!"

"finally come!"

"The wind and water are turning, come to my house today!"

"Mahjong! Finally, his mother is our turn!"

"Detective Conan"! It's you!"

As a result, the editor said another sentence that made everyone so happy. "And the teacher of Hatano said it! He can also be more than three times a week! That is not a thing!"

At this moment, the editorial department of the weekly magazine has been with the New Year!

"What do you want?"

"Let's get fire!"

"Look at the words of others, that! All! No! Call! Things!"

"Domineering! I like this tempered cartoonist!"


"Detective Conan" is officially serialized!

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