I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1454: [This is a hornet's nest! 】

The Japanese manga industry has an earthquake!

This is an unprecedented earthquake!

Since the beginning of the comics, there has not been such a major event that shocked the world, a national anime eunuch, and the loss of a national anime has a huge impact on them, but they can still barely bear it. It can still be cured by time. If there are two, they can no longer bear it. If it is three, they can hardly imagine it!




The same day, at the same time, the collective eunuch!

At this moment, the Japanese manga world only feels that there are 100,000 heads of grass nima galloping past, then galloping back, and then galloping past again.

"This bunch of scams!"

"Hold it, you must hide it!"

"Yes, no exposure!"

"If this matter is stabbed out, it will definitely be a devastating blow to the Japanese animation industry!"

"Find someone first! Find out the author!"

"Damn, the phone can't get through!"

"This is broken!"

"It's a **** thing!"

The industry is crying!

Countless editors are so angry!

No one like this, no one like you!

After all, the paper still cannot contain the fire. After such a big movement, it is impossible to not leak any news. Soon, the Japanese media will know, and then the Japanese people will know it, and follow it. Later, Korean people, Chinese people, and Asian people all know!


Japan is blown up!

The people were shocked!


"Stop drawing?"

"Pirate Naruto Conan Gundam is not drawing?"

"I'm grassing your sister!"

"Are you **** kidding me?"

"Paralysis! Aren't you iron men? Don't you claim that the third watch never fails?"

"Update! Update quickly!"


Korean anime fans are crazy too!

"where is the guy?"

"Come out!"

"I rely on you not to do this!"

"Oh my God, I'm chasing all seven animes!"

"This is fake, it must be an illusion!"

"This is too shameless! Are you eunuchs at the most critical moment?"


The Chinese people are also stupid!

"This group of grandsons had three and four changes last week!"

"Do you want to be so irritating?"

"Very wicked! Too **** wicked!"

"This, isn't this cheating!"

"I just got addicted, are you **** eunuch?"

"Who is it? Don't let me know your address!"

"Ahhhhh, I'm going crazy, I have never seen such a sinister cartoonist!"


The Asian people are gone!

This is a mess!

This is arousing public anger!

These seven people simply lack great virtues!

If you don’t get good grades in the comics, forget it, if the plot collapses, forget it if you draw slowly and you can’t draw it. No, it’s not a single one. It’s not good. You're all **** national anime! The plot collapsed? The plots of the seven anime are at the climax-the key point! Can't draw slowly? The seven of you are perverted one by one! Every Thursday, you are all even better. If you draw slowly, all Japanese manga artists will not die! But you are actually eunuchs, this is inhumane!

All of a sudden, the people's resentment was raging, and the hatred of the "eunuchs" of the entire Asian people was suddenly drawn, and they gritted their teeth and scolded their mother!




All cried!

Suddenly, there were a lot of noises.

"You said, is this a person?"

As soon as these speculation sounds came out, countless people started to sweat!

A person?

Will these seven people be one person?

The media was stunned!

The editor of the comic magazine was stunned!

The people also took a breath!

Don't want to know it, just think of it!

First of all, in terms of the quality of the comics, the seven comics are completely different in style and type, but one thing is the same, that is, the quality is too bad. Each is a national-level animation. They used to be in the industry for five or six years. It may not be possible to produce a full-length national animation, now? Seven consecutive releases in a few months? This is suspicious in itself, where are so many national animations!

Then there is the amount of updates. The update of the seven comics is unprecedented. Two updates a week are enough to shock people. They can actually be stable three times a week, and even four times when they break out occasionally, no It’s a coincidence that one person, seven people, everyone is like this!

There are also authors. Every author has never been seen. The editors of every magazine have only met the author’s agent. Everyone didn’t know this at the beginning, but it was later revealed by many magazines. The authors of the other party were also signed by agents, that is to say, what are the names of these seven people, who are they, and even what nationalities are they all smeared? This is also suspicious!

Then there is the most critical and most suspicious place. Seven cartoonists and seven works have announced that they will be stopped indefinitely at the same time. Even the words and phrases are exactly the same. How could it be such a coincidence, this **** already I can't explain it by coincidence!

In fact, many people did not make bold guesses before. After all, there were too many doubts, but many people negated this guess after a little thought, and did not continue to delve into it. What is it that blocked everyone's suspicion? Is the amount of updates! The update volume of one work three times a week is unique in the industry. It is already at the same speed as a machine gun. One work is like this, let alone seven? Many people want to come, if those seven people are really one identity, it means that they have to draw at least three words every day, and update at least 20 words or more every week!

The most talk of others!

Can he draw twenty words?

How could there be such a person!

How could there be such a perversion!

But now, countless facts and logic are in front of them, so they can't help but believe that the seven cartoonists, such as Aoi, Ozawa, Muto, and Hatano, may really be changed by themselves!

This discovery shocked everyone!

"A person?"

"It can't be wrong, otherwise it won't make sense!"

"There can be such a coincidence in the world!"


"My grass was painted by myself?"

"Where the **** is this god-man from?"

"More than twenty a week? Which pervert painted so fast!"

"Who the **** is this man!"

"Paralysis, come out for me!"

"Yes, get out now!"

"This is a conspiracy! A big conspiracy!"

"Your sister! Whose **** is pitting us!"

"It's too late to stand up now, we count you surrendering!"

On this day, countless people in Asia are gnashing their teeth to find the trace of that person!

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