I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1455: [The first **** exposure in history! 】

The news is overwhelming!

"People resentment! 》

"The animation industry has made a big deal! 》

"The seven national animations come from one hand?" 》

"Who is behind the scenes? 》

"People shouted: hope that they surrender themselves! 》

"There are speculations in the industry: What is sacred?" 》

What new movie, what new songs, who, and so on, what is the singularity of the singer and the singer, after the exposure of the biggest "eCun event" in the history of the animation industry, all of them have lost their attention in an instant, no one has seen it. Even the news that Zhang Hao returned in the morning was swept away in an instant.

the film?

Electric sister!


Look at your sister!

Compared with the most sinister "big eunuch" in history, those are still a fart!

At this moment, the eyes of all of Asia are gathered in the animation industry, gathered in the person behind the seven national animation!

One by one name was smashed out!


"Is it Yamamoto?"

"Ah, it's possible!"

"Yes, Yamamoto's painting is very fast!"


Then, the social circle of Yamamoto Takeshi, who has been sealed for many years, has been blown up!

One page!

Ten pages!

One hundred pages!

From the first comment to the tens of thousands of comments, all of them are the voices of the people!

Yamamoto Takeshi was shocked and quickly posted a text explaining.

The people did not believe that they had killed him.

In the end, Yamamoto took a poisonous oath and the people let him go.


"Is it spring?"

"Yes, spring day!"

“Spring Day teachers have a variety of styles and are known for their change!”

“Yes, she is likely to draw seven different types of works!”

"Rely, you give me out on spring!"

"Say, is it you?"

Kasuga West was also drowned by the boiling people!

Spring and West are almost fainted, what is it with, what is me! What does this have to do with me? If my mother can have a handwritten 20-hour hand, will my mother also be edited with a kitchen knife to find the door one day before the day of the week?

This pot, I can't back!

She quickly denied it!


"I know!"

"who is it?"

"It is Muto Igawa!"


"Because his wife was previously named Aoi, his mother used to be surnamed Hatano!"

"Rely! So smart?"

"It's him! It's a mistake!"

"Busuke Ikawa! You are coming out!"

Muto Igawa was besieged again!


The people are mad, catch who bites!

One cartoonist has been implicated!

One cartoonist has suffered a "poisonous hand"!

The cartoonists swear by the poisonous oath, denied the denial, and some even exposed their own surgical orders as evidence. On a certain day, they were undergoing surgery and were hospitalized for more than ten days. It was impossible to update at that time. Comics - there are countless such things. This pot is too big, this pot is not a cartoonist in the entire Japanese comics industry dare to back, but also his mother can not afford to ah, they can hide far away to escape far!

But the people are not reliant!

Asian people joined hands and vowed to take the black hand behind the scenes!



the study.

Find evidence.

The Japanese cartoonists who were almost active and sealed were finally looked up by the eager eyes of the people. After the exclusion, there was no one that met the conditions!

The people are so angry that they call out!

"who is it!"

"Who is it!"

"Why can't I find it!"

"I don't know, how come there is a major suspicion?"

"God, is that man coming out of the crack in the stone?"

"There must be clues, there must be!"

"Let's find it again!"

"Paralysis, you have to pick him up in the field!"

"This dead eunuch!"


The outside world is in a mess.

The whole of Asia has been affected!

At this moment, the people in Zhangye’s studio are frightened one by one!

Xiao Sun called: "Look at the Internet!"

Xiao Wang Fu, "It's over!"

Xiao Zhou shed tears, "Play big! This time I played big!"

Haqi Qi looked at Zhang Wei, "Zhang Dao."

Zhang Zuanhan said: "You can make a horse this time!"

Zhang Wei is also on the Internet to read the news and comments. When he sees the Asian people's enthusiasm, he is a little bit stunned. He is also a little guilty. He coughs: "Isn't it? Behind the scenes? Who is this? How do you surrender?" I am talking about it, I am like a criminal, what is the word?"


You can now hate crimes than criminals!

Everyone turned their eyes.

I only listened to Zhang Wei Zhen Zhen’s words: "What do they know? Creation is a very difficult and difficult process. How can everyone not understand this? Hey, who can guarantee that a work can always be smooth and smooth? Can it always be perfect? No one can, the author is also a human, there are cases when there are jams, when there are illnesses, and when there is no time to write, eunuchs are not very normal things, you can’t swear, everyone must understand each other, it’s not easy to create. ""

Everyone turned their eyes again.

Someone else serializes a cartoon, you have seven serials!

When someone else updates a week, you update more than twenty words!

Is it easy to create?

Why didn't we see that your creation was not easy!

You are clearly aware of this!

Hazziqi asked: "So, what about now?"

"How do you tell everyone?" Zhang Zuo also asked.

Zhang Wei has been indulging for a moment, and Da Yi suddenly said: "Forget it, hey, or I will explain it to you. Everyone is a reasonable person and will understand."

Haqiqi: "..."

Zhang Zuo: "..."

So, just in the eyes of the outside world, when everyone was looking for a behind-the-scenes black hand, Zhang Wei made a meager.

Zhang Wei: "After a few months of rest, my wife finally recovered. Thank you for your concern. I started to return to work today and continue to serve the people. Please support."

There are very few respondents, and the people are not at all concerned.

Someone is still chatting with Zhang Wei's Weibo.

"I know it!"

"I read the news in the morning."

"Hey, now I care about who the dead **** is!"

"Yes, it's too irritating!"

"This little Japanese is too wicked!"

"Yes, I thought that Zhang Wei was the most sinister guy in the world. I didn't expect to have a more sinister now. This eunuch! The most earth-shattering **** in history!"

"Don't let me know who it is!"

"You must find this goods!"

After a while.

I saw Zhang Wei and made up a meager.

Zhang Wei: "Right, I have been idle for a few months of rest. I drew some comics. I didn't expect to have a good result. Thank you for your love, but because of the relationship between Japan and South Korea, because of me. The relationship of work can't be updated anymore, sorry, my eunuch!"

User reply.

"Hey, Zhang Wei also went to draw comics?"

"Haha, how are you going to change again?"

"You are also an eunuch?"

"You are **** again, you can't compare with the big eunuch, but people are - oh!?"

Suddenly quiet!

The silence is silent!

Then the next moment, everyone screamed and jumped!

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