I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1456: [All Asian skunks! 】

The netizen is stunned!

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

"Zhang Wei?"



"I am grass!"

"No? Not?"


"Please tell me not what I think!"

"Paralysis, maybe it's what you think!"

"Buddha! God!"

Slightly fried!

The people are bombing!

Zhang Wei's Weibo, shocked all of Asia!

When I first saw this Weibo, we didn’t dare to continue to guess, because it’s not just them. At the moment, the first impression of the entire Asian people, the black hands behind the seven national animations must be Japanese, definitely a Japanese cartoonist, because Japan is the country of animation, the most brilliant place in the animation industry in the world, seven animations are also sent in Japan, so everyone is the first to focus on the Japanese, have been besieged one by one. Once again, even if I saw Zhang Jian’s passage, I thought it was another matter.

Zhang Wei also painted cartoons.

He happens to be an eunuch.

If you change another person, other stars, the people will not think about it.

Others have gone to the movies, and you have taken movies, which is not relevant in itself.

But Zhang Wei is different. This name represents something different. When I think of this person as Zhang Wei, when I think about this guy’s nature, I read the Weibo again. Many people are shaking, one Everyone has widened his eyes, and the horror looks like a ghost!

Who is Zhang Wei?

Singing, hosting, directing, calligraphy, novels...

Everything is omnipotent!

Say other stars will draw comics? They definitely don't believe it!

But said that Zhang Wei will draw comics? No one dares not believe it!

This cargo plane will open, what is incredible to draw comics?

Besides, does Zhang Wei have this time?

He has, really, from the first "One Piece" serialization, it is the moment that Zhang Huan’s wife has just broken, Zhang Hao pushed off all the work and took home, and then when the seven anime eunuchs, it is exactly Zhang When my wife recovers, Zhang Wei returns to the first day of the entertainment circle! Time is not only in line with the conditions, but also in line with the terrible, coincidence of the terrible, that is, the day is not bad!

What is the speed of Zhang Wei?

Mouth skin? Asia first!

Speed? Asia first!

Zhang Wei’s amazing advertisements in "Good Voice" have so far made it impossible for all the hosts in Asia to catch up! There has also been a glorious history of recording ten episodes of talk shows overnight. This speed, this efficiency, this record, no one in Asia can be broken!

If Zhang Hao is the fastest in Asia?

If Zhang Wei’s painting speed is also the first in Asia?

Really this is possible, my grass!

Finally, let's talk about Zhang Wei's temperament, this lack of morality, this kind of killing regardless of buried hooliganism, Zhang Qiangan came out? What does he dare to do?

The answer is obvious!

He got it!

This is what his mother has done!

Moreover, this is itself like to do this kind of wicked thing, and has always been happy!

meets the!

meets the!

All conditions are in line!

Therefore, when Zhang Wei’s official Weibo’s official Weibo was published again, the public was not surprised by the scene they saw!

Studio pictures.

They are all manuscripts of comics such as One Piece and Naruto. The manuscript is the first version of the manuscript from the author's hand. There is no modification, no watermark, and no clean articles. This is only available to the original author and magazine. So when these pictures are out, they are already silent.

Zhang Wei’s studio hurriedly explained: “Mr. Zhang is not intentional. The main reason is that the blockade is too dead. All the work and works of Teacher Zhang in Japan and South Korea are extremely severely restricted. Therefore, since Mr. Zhang has revealed his identity. There is no way to continue painting. Furthermore, Teacher Zhang has returned to work, and his work is very busy. He has no time and energy to continue to complete these seven works. Please understand!"

However, these words are no longer useful!

When the identity of the **** was exposed, what words were useless!

Found the Lord!

Finally, his mother found the black hand behind the scenes!


the company!




Comic world!

All of Asia has set off a storm because of this microblog!

The news is like a wing, and it spreads all over Asia!



The editorial department of the Youth Hall.

Countless editors are working together.

"Found no one found?"

"All Japanese cartoonists have searched all over, no!"

"Where did this person come from?"

Then, the deputy editor-in-chief walked in with a look of anger, "I found someone!"

Seto Kyoko suddenly stood up, "What? Who is it?"

The deputy editor bites the back groove: "A guy who was squatting every day!"

There is a male editor who stunned. "No, we are all stunned every day? That is Zhang Hao, we are not like other people! Zhang Wei?"

"Is it Zhang Hao?"

"My God! How could it be him!"

Seto Kyoko fainted!

Everyone in the editorial department vomited blood!



Li Anxu team.

"The surname Zhang is back."

"Yeah, I don't know what to do."

"In any case, he doesn't want to come to Korea. He is willing to do things in China. We don't play with him!"

"Hey, how is "One Piece" not updated?"

"An Xuge, are you watching too?"


At this time, an assistant ran in like crazy, "There was an accident! Zhang Hao has a trouble! "One Piece" is his painting! "Naruto" is his painting! All his mother is painting him!"

"what did you say?"


Assistant voice: "It’s Zhang Hao! He has already accepted it!"

Li Anxu almost fell from the chair!



Yao Jiancai’s home.

Yao Mi is cursing at home!

"Don't let me know your address!"

"You are a pit!"

"You kill, no matter what you buried!"

"My "Slam Dunk"! My love of Rukawa Feng!"

Behind me, my mother came over.

The mother said, "Hey, honey, you have a news for Uncle Zhang?"

Yao Mi did not look back, not too concerned: "Hey news?"

The mother took the mobile phone and said: "I look at it, um, say that the seven animes such as "Slam Dunk" and "Gundam" are all drawn by him. What anime? Is it a comic?"

Yao honey is stunned!


An old blood squirted out!

I rely on!

Is my uncle Zhang?


a school.

Cao Mengmeng’s class has just finished class.

When the bell rings, the students get together and go down the street.

A girl: "How come there is such a lack of virtue!"

A boy cried: "My "Gundam"! Is this eunuch?"

Cao Mengmeng said: "Dead eunuch! Smelly eunuch! Too angry!"

At this time, a female student came across the phone with a stunned voice and took the screen to Cao Mengmeng. "Meng Meng, you should not be embarrassed."

Cao Mengmeng said: "Why can't I swear!"

The female classmate is crying and laughing, "Because that person is your brother!"

When the words came out, the whole class blew blood!

Cao Mengmeng dumbfounded, "What?"

The female classmate raised the mobile phone. "Look at it yourself, the latest news!"

After watching the mobile phone, Cao Mengmeng slammed his head and suddenly cried: "Rely, don't swear, don't swear, study hard, watch what anime!"

Everyone is sweating, you just didn't say this, ah!

The female classmate said: "Well, it’s not awkward."

Cao Mengmeng, on the first floor, "I still have a good girlfriend!"

The female classmates said nothing: "Because I don't have to swear at all, I don't need to swear at all. You can see for yourself. Now all the people in Asia are yelling at your brother!"

Cao Mengmeng: "..."

She is crying now!

She was bored, how did she spread such a cousin that can cause trouble!

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