I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 147: [Collect the surgery fee! 】


The news channel of Beijing TV station aired a piece of news.

"Let’s take a look at a newsletter. It is a thrilling scene recorded by our reporter from the People’s Hospital in the morning. At that time, a terminally ill girl stood on the top of the hospital and wanted to commit suicide. Her relatives and the police were all dissuaded. When I was about to jump down, my colleague Zhang Ye from Beijing TV, who happened to be on the scene, came out and saved a life with a poem."

Zhang Ye appeared in the screen.

There are people all around, exactly at the hospital scene at that time.

"When the spider web relentlessly sealed up my stove..."

"When the smoke of ashes sighs the sorrow of poverty..."

"I still stubbornly flatten the ashes of disappointment and write with beautiful snowflakes: Believe in the future."

At the end of the scene, the girl squatted on the roof, crying, and was rescued by the police who arrived in time.

Jumping back to the studio, the news anchor said: "According to what our reporter and the hospital have learned, Yang Lian is a fan of Teacher Zhang Ye. Her parents said that she has always liked Zhang Ye's work, and every poem can be memorized backwards. , Yang Lian’s surgery fee has also been settled, and Zhang Ye has borne all of it. When it comes to this, I can’t help but say a word in my heart, there are still many people in this world..."

Once this news was broadcast, it was frantically discussed on Weibo, forums in the Beijing area, and Post Bar.

"So awesome?"

"Teacher Zhang Ye has another new work? Did you save people again?"

"It's amazing. With such a tense atmosphere and scene, someone can create such a great modern poem temporarily without drafting it?"

"Believe in the Future", it's so well written"

"Why are Zhang Ye's poems so good? Did he beat him up?"

"I have to bear all the medical expenses for the fans? This character, this character, I really have nothing to say"

"I heard people in the circle say that Zhang Ye has a bad reputation. How could someone who did this for his fans be a villain?"

A meager person who certified as the vice president of a certain company commented: "It's not that Zhang Ye has a bad reputation, or that his character is too good. He dares to speak the truth and offends too many people. To be honest, I read this news. The first feeling is that I can’t believe it, and the second is that I’m moved. I never advocate star chasers. I think it’s meaningless. It’s a stupid behavior. After chasing stars for a long time, do other stars know who you are? But today, my attitude is a little bit I'm not so determined anymore. It's probably a happy thing to be a fan of Teacher Zhang Ye."

At this time, a meager big V spoke. Seeing his certification, he is a celebrity or an elite in the Beijing economic circle. "I have heard a live broadcast of the Mid-Autumn Festival Poems on Beijing Radio once by chance. I remember Zhang Ye won the award. Later, I said such a speech,'Literature and science are indeed useless compared to science. But the biggest use of literature may be that it is useless. I don't know why these words have been difficult to understand, but they have always been in my mind. Thinking about it, I think I understand what Zhang Ye said today."

"well said"

"I have decided, I will be a fan of Teacher Zhang from today"

"Me too, where is the Zhang Ye fan club? I want to join"

"Count me, Teacher Zhang Ye did such a beautiful job today"

Post it.

Zhang Ye's nest.

The fan base camp at the moment is even more frying than the discussion on the Internet

"Number l almost committed suicide? How could this be?"

"It's because the money is not enough, No. 1 doesn't want to drag her parents down"

"Not enough to tell us, everyone can donate money, she's so stupid"

"She wants to be strong and doesn't want to cause trouble to others. Fortunately, fortunately, Teacher Zhang Ye rushed over in time. Otherwise, the consequences would be unthinkable."

"Ms. Zhang is too fierce, this girl loves him to death"

"Yeah, Teacher Zhang is too timely to descend from the heavens today"

"Ms. Zhang Ye paid out all the medical expenses for No. 1? Does Mrs. Zhang have that much money? He just started working and is not rich, right?"

"Do you think Teacher Zhang is like someone else. "Ghost Blowing Lantern" has been published. Now it has sold a lot. Teacher Zhang is much richer than the average person."

"Yes, Teacher Zhang is a big money"

"Then I can rest assured, alas, we really don't have the wrong fans"

"Of course, Teacher Zhang is completely different from the average entertainment industry."

"If anyone dares to say bad things about Teacher Zhang Ye in the future, I will be the first to go up and fight with them."

"Yes, a star can do this for our little fans. Ask who in the world can do it? Whoever fights against Zhang Ye in the future is to fight against me."

"Yes, I will support Zhang Ye all my life"

"Support fl66 for a lifetime"

at the same time.

On the other side, Beijing TV Station.

As soon as Zhang Ye parked his car in the public parking lot of his unit, his little sister Cao Mengmeng called.

As soon as the phone was connected, the little girl was chirping over there, "Brother, I read the news, you are so powerful, you are so handsome, are you so handsome?"

Zhang Ye said, "What is handsome?"

Cao Mengmeng said: "I am passionate about what that poem says"

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "Come on, I was in a cold sweat at the time. I won't tell you anymore. I have something to do here. I'm hanging up."

Into the TV station.

Many people watched him and greeted him, obviously they all knew the news just now.

"Teacher Zhang."

"Ms. Xiao Zhang is back?"

"Thank you today, cow."

In the past, Zhang Ye was a character like a broom star on the TV station. Many people can't avoid it. Even people who don't deliberately avoid it, unless they have to, they rarely talk to him because everyone knows Zhang Ye's past bad deeds. That's the one who dared to scold anyone who started the fire. But as soon as this incident came out today, Zhang Ye immediately won the respect of many people. People who had never greeted him before, today some people greeted him with a smile. Of course, there must be a reason why "Hundred Schools of Forum" is getting bigger and bigger.

Zhang Ye dealt with it a few times and went upstairs to his office area.

Hu Fei and they are all here, "Oh, Xiao Zhang, we just talked about the news, and we are about to call you.

Xiao Lu smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang is Mr. Zhang, who can be on TV for a day's rest at home. This time he is famous again."

Da Fei asked, "By the way, how did you come to the unit? Haven't the show been recorded for many periods? There are no other recording tasks today."

Zhang Ye hesitated: "I'm here to raise money. If you have a million, can you lend me first? I will use it at night, and I will pay it back when I sell it later."

Brother Hou said: "One million?"

Di Hou said, "Is that girl's medical expenses?"

"Right." Zhang Ye said: "I have tens of thousands of money here, which is not enough. My car will not be sold for a while, so I want to borrow it first and don't delay Yang Lian's operation."

Hu Fei said: "Your car will definitely not be sold. You are a bulletproof car. It is not used by ordinary people and is not very practical. Few people will buy it. Even if you want to buy it and have the ability to buy it, it is not bad for the money. It’s estimated that you won’t buy a second-hand car. Even if you drive it for a few days, it’s difficult to sell it. I have a deposit of about 100,000 yuan. If you need it in a hurry, you can take it away, but it’s not enough.”

Xiao Lu fumbled with his wallet, "I can get ten thousand."

Brother Hou said dumbfounded: "Teacher Zhang, you have no spare money? Then you promised to cover all the treatment fees? You are too righteous."

Dafei also disagreed: "Yes, we can't do it, if you help others..."

Zhang Ye shook his hand, "She helped me when I was in trouble. Now it's my turn. Even if I sell iron, I have to let her take care of my illness."

"In this way" Hu Fei thought of a way, "The director talked to me yesterday that it is your copyright issue of Zhang Ye Pin Three Kingdoms, because there are other local TV stations that may want to broadcast, and the station wants to strike while the iron is hot, while your program is not broadcasting. When it's finished, I will publish a few PB. Instead of cheaper and free video sites, we should sell this one by ourselves. This copyright belongs to you. It seems that I want to buy it from you first. I wanted to download it. I'll talk to you in a week. Since you are anxious to spend money, there is only this way."

Zhang Ye said without thinking, "Okay, I'll sell it."

Hu Fei said: "Okay, then you follow me to the director's side."

Wang Shui's new office.

Hu Fei told him the matter again.

Wang Shuixin nodded, "Okay, what about the price?"

Zhang Ye didn't open more. He knew the value of the PDR spoon of "Pin Three Kingdoms", even if the sales volume would not be too good, but it would certainly not be bad, so he quoted: "One hundred and one hundred thousand will do." It happened to be the price for Yang Lian to cure the disease.

Wang Shuixin frowned, "Xiao Zhang, you are the lion's big mouth. You are an employee of our station. You can have your current results and ratings, and you are also pushed by the station, without the promotion of our art channel. , Can your "Pin Three Kingdoms" have today's hot discussion and achievements? Whenever you mention copyright, you open up more than one million yuan. You are not particular about it, right? I think it's too much if you half-fold it in half."

Zhang Ye was unhappy, "Director Wang, I don't want more, right? If I talk directly with the partner, I want 1.5 million, and some people will buy it."

Wang Shuixin stared at him, "Do you still want to skip the stage and sell the copyright yourself?"

Hu Fei gave Zhang Ye a hand and immediately said, "Director, should you watch the news just now? Xiao Zhang is for a patient who is in urgent need of surgery. The operation fee is exactly 1.1 million. He has no money. I have money, so I want to raise medical expenses as soon as possible to treat the little girl."

Wang Shuixin waved his hand, "This has nothing to do with the unit. I can't just because your Xiao Zhang promised to donate money to anyone, and to do public welfare, it would harm the interests of the unit and violate the principle." He thought for a while, "600,000, up to six. One hundred thousand"

Hu Fei was also black now, "Director, this is too little."

Wang Shuixin may know that Zhang Ye was eager to spend money, and took advantage of the fire to rob him: "Our unit is not a charity, at most we can give so much. Um, unless Xiao Zhang also sells the permanent contract for copyright broadcasting to the station, it just so happens that several local TV stations have recently I’m talking about it, so I can give more, one million, one hundred and one million is absolutely impossible."

Hu Fei fought and said, "It's just one hundred thousand short, you..."

Wang Shuixin shook his head, "No more points, this is the principle."

Zhang Ye gritted his teeth, "Okay, one million is one million. I have sold them, but I have a request. I have to get the money today. I'm still waiting for the operation over there."

Wang Shuixin took the air and said, "I can't guarantee this. I have to communicate with the finance side. Let's draw up the contract first, and then finish the contract."

I thought that a single PB could sell the copyright to talk about 1.1 million. Who knows that in the end, a permanent copyright fee for the broadcasting right was added, and in the end it was only 1 million, and there was still a hundred thousand to cover the surgical fee, even Zhang Ye said that, saying that saving lives was imminent. He was stunned that he could not guarantee that he would be able to get the money today. Wang Shuixin's cheeky cheeks, let alone Zhang Ye, Hu Fei was stunned, and Hu Fei didn't expect Wang Shuixin to be such a man of such a kind and character.

Back to the office area.

Xiao Lu came up and said eagerly: "How is it?"

Zhang Ye calculated: "I still have tens of thousands in my hand. Adding that one million is still a shortfall of forty to fifty thousand. Can you lend me a little first, and I will pay it back when I start the salary. If my salary is not enough this month I install it in installments." He doesn't have a credit card, so he can only do so first. There is no other way.

Da Fei was surprised: "One million? Impossible. I heard that outside partners give you copyright assessments. Regardless of the TV station share factor, you, the original author, have at least 1.3 to 400 thousand copyright fees. what.

Hu Fei said: "These are still two copyrights, and the broadcast is also sold."

"They are all sold? They are all sold for only one million? Teacher Zhang, you are stupid." Brother Hou couldn't listen anymore, "This is not a small amount of money, where can it be sold so cheaply?"

Zhang Ye said frankly: "Life is important and money is important? It's important to save people first, we can't control so much."

Xiao Lu couldn't help cursing: "This Wang Shuixin is too wicked"

Da Fei also said angrily: "He even has the cost of saving lives? Does he still have a conscience? He is not afraid of going to **** after death."

Hu Fei immediately opened the online banking, "Xiao Zhang, please tell me your account number. Needless to say, I will pay out the remaining fifty thousand. I don't need you to pay it back, as I donated it."

Zhang Ye categorically said: "Then I don't want it. That is my fan and my business. I can't ask for your money. I will assume that you borrowed it from me, and I will pay it back slowly."

In the afternoon, Zhang Ye signed the contract.

Wang Shuixin did not guarantee when the money would arrive, so Zhang Ye went to the financial reminder for five or six times.

The finance side was still reasonable. Knowing that Zhang Ye was anxious for money to save people, he made an exception.

Zhang Ye finally collected 1.1 million before leaving get off work in the evening, and he went to the hospital without saying a word, and settled Yang Lian's surgery fees.

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