I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 148: [Stars are ruining their lives to save fans! 】

The next morning.

The sun just opened the horizon and was covered by dark clouds.

Zhang Wei took a leave today. Yesterday morning, I ran to the hospital to save people from busy work. Then I raised money, and then I sent money, and I was so worried that I wanted to take a break. After getting up, nothing happened. He turned on the TV to watch the news, and then logged on to the computer to see the post.

His post has suddenly had a lot of fans.

"Mr. Zhang, I am also your fan. My father is ill. I don't know if you can borrow me 500,000, and I will pay you when I have money."

"Mr. Zhang, I am sick, ask for help, our family has no money to see a doctor, can only come to you."

"I am your fan, you are so good to fans, can you lend me tens of thousands of dollars to see a doctor?"

"My sick doctor said that 100,000, 100,000 is enough, you are not bad that money, help me."

A lot of help posts have emerged. Some people directly borrowed money, even the reasons are not said. Some people did not say too detailed, they said that they are fans of Zhang Wei and are seriously ill, and even directly put the bank The card account is put up, which means that Zhang Hao will hit the money.

Zhang Wei’s original fan group is not very happy, but many people are asking for help and are seriously ill. This kind of post administrator is not too daring to delete.

"Where are there so many people?"

"Who is this with whom, how are they sick?"

"It must be fake. Is this gang robbing?"

"Not necessarily, maybe it is true, can Teacher Zhang help?"

"You are stupid, so many people, where to help, Zhang is not open to the bank, and even if Teacher Zhang has money, there is no such help. Who sent a post to send a bank card account Zhang Wei will have to give They fight money? Why? Where is this truth?"

"How is this handled?"

"I don't know, let's see Teacher Zhang react."

"Hey, Teacher Zhang is online, it should be seen."

Zhang Wei was seen, but he did not say anything.

One of the help-seekers sent several posts to remind him that it was obvious that Zhang Weiming did not respond online, and then sent another post. "What teacher Zhang’s TV on him gave him what he liked, I think it’s a slap in the face. Guys see people fans are women, girls, girls, you help? So many medical expenses are paid? We are not male fans? You are not looking at it? You are too different to treat it? Ah? Good guy? I think it’s a hypocrite."

Another person who had asked for help before said: "Yes, he will see that the person is a woman who helped. It is not good at all. Can such a person still go to the TV? I am"

Zhang Hao is not a fan.

"How do you say it?"

"Speak to the point"

"No. 1 is a **** fan who helped Zhang to play the world from the beginning of Teacher Zhang's debut. Or is the head of our fan group, Zhang, of course, who is going to help you? When you come up, you need to pay for your account, and you are still yelling at you. Humanity"

Then ask for humanity: "We are also fans, why don't we help others?"

Zhang Hao had to reply, and said: "I can't help, I can't do anything for now."

Help people to sneak in the nose: "Get it, your "Three Kingdoms" is so hot, there are all kinds of poems, all kinds of novel fairy tales, can you lack money? Tens of thousands are still worth the money for you? Don't want to help us just don't want to help We also say that what is powerless is really **** hypocritical"

Those who want money are on the list.

Zhang Wei did not care about them, he did not know what to say.

I thought that this was the case, but I didn’t expect it to be more and more fierce. The fan base of his post has been popping up with some people who claim to be fans of Zhang Wei. Various excuses borrowed money from him and got the last one. Things have caused some discussion on the Internet.

"Fans are difficult, should they help?" 》

-- Weibo has launched a vote and comment on such a topic.

"Hey, now this society, doing good things doesn't make people do it."

"How come so many people? Zhang Yi is also unlucky enough."

"Yeah, he helped one, what do people think? Hey, you help him not to help us? Why? Why? We are all fans, how do you treat them differently? Now it is counterproductive, Zhang Wei If he helps, he can't help, don't help, and other fans have opinions."

"Good things can't be done."

"How is this trend now?"

"Is that guy really a fan of Zhang Wei? I doubt it."

At the end, this incident also went to the fifth edition of the Beijing Daily.


Hu Fei, who is working in the unit, took an angry newspaper on his desk. "This group of people is too odious, but I don't know what to do?"

Xiao Lu asked: "What happened to Hu Ge?"

"Look at yourself." Hu Fei gave them the newspaper.

When Hou Ge just saw it halfway, he took the table angrily. "Is Zhang Zhang a cash machine? So many people are asking for money? Are they justified?"

Suddenly, a female voice came from outside the door.

"Hu is the supervisor, do you bother?" is an acquaintance, and several of them know each other. It was the guest of the first issue of "The 100 Lectures" to record the program - Ci reporter. At that time, Zhang Wei and the column group had a conflict with the professor lecturer and the two guests. This kind of reporter also helped to play a few rounds, and the relationship with them was OK. This is also a well-known reporter in the industry.

Hu Fei accidentally said: "The reporter is coming? Please come in, is there something?"

Ci reporter smiled and said: "I am now in charge of the literary section with the newspaper, but someone on the other side of the news group has asked me, so I came over to help me understand the situation. Now there are many fans of Teacher Zhang who want to donate money. Do you know this thing?"

Dafeiqi said: "Just know."

Xiao Ludao: "These people really lack the virtues to get home."

"Don't talk nonsense." Hu Fei is very careful with reporters. Even if he is an acquaintance, some words can't be said more badly.

Ci reporter blinked: "Mr. Zhang spoke in the post at the bar, saying that he could do nothing and refused to donate money to those fans."

Xiao Lu mouth is fast, "Of course I can't do anything about it, Xiang Jie, I tell you, this time to save Yang Lian's surgery fee, do you know how Zhang Yi came from? He has no deposit at all, this money is his sale. If the two copyrights of Zhang Yipin Sanguo are exchanged for one million, if Mr. Zhang is not in a hurry to use the money, talk more, drag and drop, the two copyrights can be sold at least one hundred and sixty. Wan, Mr. Zhang can not afford to bargain for the sake of saving people. Also, even if the money is not enough, Mr. Zhang squanders and puts all his deposits on, and wants to sell the car, but the car can be used for a while. I can’t sell it, he finally manages the money we borrowed."

When the reporter of Ci’s listened, he said slightly: “What? Is there such a thing?”

Dafei whispered: "Isn't it, we don't have much money. In the end, Hu Ge borrowed 50,000 from Teacher Zhang. Teacher Zhang has to pay for three or four months at least. Now Teacher Zhang can't do anything about it. He The rest of the whole body is no more than a thousand dollars. He also helps anyone, he can't afford to eat himself.

Ci reporter is a little excited, "What do you mean?"

"Thousands of true" Hou Ge said: "Do we still use to lie to you?"

Ci reporter said: "I thought that Zhang Hao was not bad for this money, so I had to pay for the surgery. I didn't expect him... you don't care, this newspaper we sent to Mr. Zhang."

In the afternoon.

A newspaper was quietly released.

"The star is ruined, to save the lives of fans."

Content: Yesterday morning, a news from Beijing TV station caused widespread concern. The star saved the fans and took full medical expenses. Many people may know about the passing of the incident, but according to this reporter, the inside Things are far from simple. It turned out that Zhang Wei’s surgery fee for the fans was exchanged for his bankruptcy. He temporarily sold the copyright of his work, took out all the deposits, and finally borrowed money from colleagues in the office to make up. With this one hundred and one hundred thousand, Teacher Zhang has been almost penniless, preferring to carry debts and helping the girl to get the surgery.

However, nowadays, many people on the Internet who claim to be Zhang Wei’s fans are silently and arrogantly managing Zhang Wei’s money and borrowing money. We simply checked it. One of them, who claimed to be a Jiangnanese, stayed at the Jiangnan Second Hospital. I also used the excuse for terminal illness and Zhang Yu to ask for surgery, but according to the reporter's investigation, the IP address of his post is not in Jiangnan, not even in the south, but in the northeast.

There are still many people who don’t make donations by Zhang Hao.

I just want to say something here, you patted your own chest and asked yourself, you asked yourself with your own conscience, do you have a clear conscience?

Once the newspaper was published, it was shocked on the Internet.

"What? Is Zhang Wei a surgery fee that I borrowed money?"

"Is the message reliable? If it is true, then this person absolutely does not say it."

"Yeah, I thought Zhang Hao was very rich. After all, I am now famous with the capital. I didn't expect him to rely on selling copyright and borrowing money..."

"Paralysis, how is my eye red?"

"Me too, I haven't been so touched for many years."

"Who is arguing and extorting Mr. Zhang? I am grassing his ancestors"

"This bunch of uninformed things, Zhang Wei, squandered and saved people, but you are here to fish in troubled waters? Also smashed the reputation of Teacher Zhang? You lack the virtues of you."

Post it.

Zhang Wei’s fans are in the base camp.

A person posted the newspaper out, and then all the fans of Zhang Wei who saw this news were silent. They didn’t know what to say. They only felt that this moment was full of heart.

Those who have previously jumped on their feet or borrowed money from Zhang Wei have no voice anymore.

Only one person who had to pay for the donation made a post - "I'm sorry."

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