I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 149: 【If you never betray, dependent life and death I will】

A few days later.

The number of fans in Zhang Wei’s nest is soaring

Almost in a straight line, the thousands of people who had just built the fans seemed to have become more than 58,000 people overnight. It seems that people from all directions have come in and have applied to join Zhang Wei’s fan group. A small fan group has been built so well.

You know, Zhang Wei is just a five-line artist, just a little star just emerging in the capital. The 60,000 people who are coming out are not Weibo fans, not the kind of virtual, and there is no zombie powder. It’s just about 60,000 fans, which is almost impossible for Zhang Wei’s artists of this level. Generally, the same kind of stars, the cohesiveness of fans can’t be so high, but Zhang Hao did it, he went bankrupt to save Yang. The lotus thing has touched countless fans. Many of them have not been prepared to chase stars or join any fan groups. This is also a name that has become a member of the Zhangye fan group.

Posting these days is very lively.

"Zhang Wei, we love you"

"Mr. Zhang, always support you"

"You really treat us, we all see it, fans will really treat you."

"I heard that I have to undergo surgery, I wish her a speedy recovery, and I wish Teacher Zhang... a good person will be safe in his life.

"Mr. Zhang, the number 1 is in the treatment of the disease, the big knife brother only manages the battle regardless of management. Now the affairs of the fan group are responsible for several small bar owners, and they are all made almost the same. The page has been changed to your "100 forums." A photo on ours is the slogan or description of our fan group. We haven't written yet, no, no literary talent, can you give us a sentence? Or what do you want to say to us? Yes, you can add it to the most prominent position of the post, so that everyone who comes in can see it."

"Right, let's not ponder, let Teacher Zhang think about the words, haha, Zhang's literary essays are not comparable to each other."


"Sit in the teacher's inscription"

"Zhang Zhang, come one"

In just a short time, this post was quickly pushed to more than 4,000 floors.

Zhang Hao, who just got up, saw it, and some of them were driven by the passion of everyone. So many fans, so many people who supported him, when did Zhang Lan think that he could have such a day? Except for the excitement, he is only moved in his heart. In fact, in Zhang Wei’s dictionary, he did not distinguish the stars and fans clearly. He did not feel that he was taller than the fans. He did not think that the fans should do anything. The fans could watch him and support him. He, this is to face Zhang Hao, he naturally wants to give fans face, but also to support and help fans in turn, such as Yang Lian's things are examples, are mutual.

After Zhang Hao first got up and brushed his teeth, this time he went back to the computer and seriously thought about it. Then he posted: "I don't know what words to say. If you want to say something, just want to thank everyone, thank you for your support and Trust, if you don't leave, I will live and die. This is a very popular sentence in his world, or a poem, Zhang Hao used it to be used.

Fans watched, all eyes lit up


"Mr. Zhang really exported into a chapter"

"If you don't leave, I will live and die. Just use it."

"Mr. Zhang, this sentence should be what our fans told you. If you don't leave, we will live and die and support you forever."

Soon, this poem was replaced by Zhang Wei’s post on the homepage picture. Zhang Wei’s post was instantly capped, and countless people commented on it.

The issue of the fan group has been on the right track. Some people take care of the rear, and they don’t need to worry about it again. Shut down the computer, Zhang Hao pitifully went to the open kitchen to cook a bowl of noodles, and also smoothly upgraded from "bubble man" to "hanging man", no way, can eat anything, no money, only noodles Now, getting an egg in the noodle nest is a change of taste.

In the open kitchen, the fumes are generally difficult to release.

Zhang Wei opened the window and opened the door, letting the two airs convect and put a noodle flavor.

When the door was just opened, a neighbor’s tenant came over with a crisper. “Xiao Zhang, hey, I’m going to knock on the door, come, this hold”

Zhang Wei’s subconscious mind, “Lv Shushu, what is this?”

The neighbor uncle laughed and said: "You have just stewed the beef, we read the news, know that you have spent a lot of money to spend money on the treatment of the fans. I guess you have not eaten well, anyway, we meat. If you stew too much, think about it and get it for you."

"No, you don't." Zhang said on his mouth, but the hand kept clinging to the crisper, a spit and a broken look.

Neighbors and uncles said: "Don't say it, you are holding it, look back and see what is delicious for you, I will give it to you, eat it, I am gone."

Zhang Wei busy said: "Thank you uncle"

The neighbor’s uncle waved his hand. “You’re welcome, huh, huh.”

After Zhang Hao went back to the house, he opened the lid. The good guy, the meat was still hot. He hadn’t touched it all these days. When he saw this box of beef, he saw the chicken like a weasel, and the eyes were shining. The chopsticks are useless, and I grabbed a piece into my mouth.


The fragrance is too sweet.

The outer mouth of the crispy mouth is full of mouth... well, this is not to describe beef.

Anyway, it was delicious. Zhang Yiyi still had to eat seven or eight pieces before he was too addicted. It turned out that the good guys had good news, and the neighbors still remembered him. Zhang Wei was also very warm.

After eating and drinking, there is still some work time away from work time. Zhang Wei opened the interface of the game ring and checked his total reputation. There are 3.4 million people in Zhangye’s news on the Beijing TV station to help fans win the respect of everyone. The value is more of the prestige value accumulated by the "Popular Forum" in the normal situation every day. The hundreds of forums have been broadcast for more than ten periods. Except for the first two periods, everyone thought that the first time they saw it, the shock was relatively big, so The prestige value is very high, and the rest of these periods are slightly less, especially Monday to Friday. After all, it is working time. The ratings can also be seen to be much lower than the weekend. Even if you watch the video later, you can make up. Some prestige is not as much as the first period. Of course, there are few and no where to go. There are still hundreds of thousands of people a day.

More than four million

Zhang Wei feels that she is a nouveau riche.

The lottery must be taken once and can’t help it.

Zhang Wei has been married for ten days. I really can't bear it anymore. Although he decided that the recent career is still quite smooth, the "Hundreds of Lectures" are also booming. The ratings have stabilized, so I want to accumulate these reputations. It can be used again, just like the one that he screamed after the lesbians in the world after visiting Taobao. If I visit Taobao again this month, I will pick up my hand. It turns out that this sentence is the one that ranks him. One of the world's top ten lies is totally untrustworthy. Zhang Wei is also now.


Leave 300,000 emergency, and the remaining 4 million are used.

Zhang Wei opened the lottery and started to shake it. After the first time, he was ready to try his hand and didn't raise it. It didn't matter whether it was good or bad. Anyway, it was not bad. He is now a nouveau riche.

a circle...

Two laps...

Three laps...

The pointer slowly stopped.

The area that is parked is the largest consumption area

The treasure chest was opened, and Zhang Hao took out the treasure chest and opened it. There was a small bottle with some blood-red liquid inside, and it looked crystal clear.

The blood bottle is effective after drinking, and the player's injury is restored.

Zhang Wei will add the blood bottle into the inventory, which is an extra spare item. It may be used when it is used. This kind of good thing is never too much.

Come again

This time all raised

Zhang Hao has to gamble again, and then he wants to raise all the prestige after opening the lottery. However, hesitating a little, he is still ready to look at the pointer and probably stop there and say, after all, he can use the reputation of 3.8 million. Value, if you missed dozens of useless things, he will pick up the vegetables.


The pointer starts to shake

Zhang Wei stared at the compass and watched the pointer slow down in a circle. Finally, the pointer passed toward the area of ​​the attribute class and the skill class. If there is no accident, it should stop at these two. One of them, Zhang Wei, is relieved, because the attribute class and the skill class are even worse, and they can get a skill. The seemingly useless unlocking skill didn’t help Zhang Hao catch two thieves before. ? So Zhang Hao immediately opened the raise and set aside 300,000 reputations, adding all the remaining 3.8 million.

Great gambling

This time is the real gamble.

The lottery continues, the pointer moves slowly forward

Finally, under the attention of Zhang Wei’s eyes, the pointer stopped in the attribute category column, and the lottery ended. Suddenly, there were thirty-nine treasure chests in the inventory. The icon looked at the dense gold treasure chest, Zhang Wei. I can’t help but feel excited.

Open the treasure chest, Zhang Yi find out

[Charming Fruit (Sound)]: Effective after eating, permanently increases the glamour value of the player's voice.

The charm of the sound?

Is there still charm in the sound?

Zhang Wei didn't understand, so he took out all the treasure chests one by one, and took out the red and green fruits in the bottom of each box.

Just thirty-nine glamour fruits

I have had the experience of eating the eyes of the last time. This time, Zhang Wei is very cautious. Pick up one and try to eat it.

The throat is slightly hot, and the body is also burning.

For a few seconds, this feeling faded a little.

Zhang Wei took up the remaining charm fruit (sound) and sent it to the entrance one by one.

Finally finished eating, Zhang Hao is already sweating, he immediately went to the toilet to take a bath, while washing and squinting, casually said a word, "burn it, my little universe"


The sound seems to be more magnetic

But what else does it feel like?

Small forty glamour fruits to eat, this effect? Could it be useful, but I can't feel it myself?

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