I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1462: [Zhang Wei to do local animation! 】

A few days down.

The Asian popularity list has been updated several times.

Zhang Wei’s popularity has risen a bit, but he is still in the fourth place in Asia. The ranking has not moved, and the popularity has been delayed. In light of this, Zhang Wei’s popularity rating in Asia has been relatively stable, and it’s not easy to go up. It’s impossible to lose it for a while.




After Wu Zeqing went to the radio and television compound, Zhang Wei came to work. Today he was the first one. The other employees have not come yet. He walked in the studio with nothing to do, watching the day of Lao Wu’s stomach. More than a day, his sense of urgency is getting stronger and stronger.


Where are you going to get some popularity?

He thought about rushing up, so he turned over the recent invitation to announce.

Commercial speech?

Not connected.


I will not do it for the time being.

Hey, is there no suitable job?

Suddenly, when I saw a thing, Zhang stunned.

Hey, is this?

Not long after, people have arrived.

The people sat down to the meeting to discuss the next work process.

Haqiqi said: "Zhang Dao, the rating has been updated."

Zhang Xiao smiled. "I saw it."

Haqi Qiqi said: "It has risen a little, and I looked at it. In fact, the Japanese star who is third in Asia is not too far away."

Zhang Zuo added: "Yes, I also noticed that we rushed to the fourth place overnight, and opened a lot of gap with the fifth Korean star. On the contrary, it was close to the third Japanese movie star. I think I should be able to surpass him if I repeat it."

Xiao Wang said: "Yes, hey."

Xiao Zhou also said: "Give him down."

Zhang Wei said: "Yes, there will be a few months left. When my child is born, I really can’t take care of it. So I have to speed up the summit. Now it’s the fourth place, then the next goal. Let's make it smaller. Let's go over the third person who is close at hand."

One is the fourth?

One is the top three?

The amount of gold is different!

But now, the problem is also there.

Haqi Qi slammed the brain and said: "The restrictions are still there. The tricks we have been able to use have been used almost the same. Now there are not many means to increase popularity. The Japanese side is full of brushes. South Korea will not be able to enter it for a while, so don't think about it for the time being. If you want to go up in a short time, you can only continue to return to the domestic market, and you have to consider it at home."

Zhang Wei smiled. "Where to go, it is not as good as your own home."

Haqiqi laughed. "Yes, the motherland is always our backing. No matter where you hit it, you still have to come back. This is the root of us."

Zhang Hao nodded. "Say well."

Zhang Zuo said: "How about the next wave?"

Zhang Wei looked at everyone and smiled and said: "Or else return to the motherland?"

Return to the motherland?

How to return?

Everyone did not understand.

This is also the temporary intention of Zhang Wei. After that, he turned over in the pile of documents at the table, and finally found a cooperation invitation and pushed forward.

Everyone saw it and they were shocked!


“Isn't this from the animation company a few days ago?”

"What are you doing?"

"Isn't this?"

“Do you want to make domestic animation?”

"You can think about it, domestic animation is very difficult."

When you say a word to me, everyone does not agree.

Zhang Wei said: "The more difficult it is, the more it has to be done. Otherwise, how can it be called back to the motherland?"

Haqiqi smiled bitterly. "But this is not a difficult problem. It is too difficult."

Zhang Zuo also wiped the sweat: "Returning to the motherland can, but we can't put ourselves in. The domestic animation is a deep pit. How many people have been in these years."

Zhang Wei said: "I know."

The domestic animation of this world is like a pool of stagnant water, not to mention the scenery, even a little wave of no flowers, there are countless animation companies in China optimistic about this market, went forward and then rushed up, and then died a batch and then a batch, and finally live to the present domestic The animation company, basically with the fingers, can count, and basically it is not profitable, they are all dying, they are struggling under the squeeze of Japanese anime, and the days are very difficult.

Why can't domestic animations work?

Nobody knows!

They can't figure out why!

Maybe the road is wrong?

Perhaps they are not enough?

Perhaps this road is a dead end at the beginning?

Many people have been optimistic about an industry many years ago, but they are struggling in China. No one has thought that China’s animation industry will be so deserted!

From hope!

To disappointment!

Then despair!

Someone gave up and someone left.

Chinese anime people have experienced a lot. They used to dream. They thought that the whole world was theirs, but now they are the first people to be abandoned by the world. Capital, market, everyone can't avoid it. Such a experience, more than a bleak can be described?

The invitation to cooperate with Zhang Wei on the table today was sent by a small company. There is no big company in the domestic animation industry. It is not so much an invitation letter, but rather a letter from a domestic animation team to Zhang Wei. On the letterhead, the people of the animation team sincerely asked Zhang Wei three questions:

One: Does China's animation market have a way out?

Two: Where is our way out?

Three: If there is, please help us.

This letter is the most sloppy and most common invitation to cooperate with Zhang Wei. Even after the invitation was faxed, he did not go to the leadership of Haziqi and Zhang Zuo. The man gave him a cold palace and threw it aside. It was also Zhang’s temporary enthusiasm and boring to turn over the recent invitation to the notice. Only then did he see it, but he was moved. So at today's meeting, when Haqiqi Zhang Zuo and they mentioned the motherland, Zhang Wei first thought of this letter.

Where is the way out for domestic animation?

This is a problem. I am afraid that no one on this planet may be able to answer it, but Zhang Wei thinks that he may be able to. It is not that he is a big man, but on his former earth, there have been countless anime people who have made a **** road.

Maybe this is Zhang Wei’s responsibility?

He should be obliged.

Hazziqi asked: "Are you really deciding?"

Zhang Yan said: "Set."

Zhang Zuo: "Are you sure?"

Zhang Wei is hard to be modest: "Try it."

Haqi Qi smiled, "Okay, then fight again!"

Reward the motherland.

Increased popularity.

By the way, you can also look at people.

One arrow and three carvings, why not?

Ever since, Zhang Hao picked up the pen and wrote back to the other party.

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