I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1463: [Zhang Yu is cramped again! 】

The day.


Miracle animation production company.

The company is located in Tongzhou District, a geographically unsatisfactory place. Some old office buildings have a small brand on the third floor, which reads the words "Miracle Animation". If you tell this is a domestic one. The top five animation production companies, everyone certainly does not believe.

Within the company.

The six shareholders of the team sit together.

They are all college students. After graduating, they collectively pooled money to form this company. They have been rushing in the animation field. The monkeys and parrots and the "Wulin Wars" that were produced have made the company stand out, the team has grown and the company has continued to grow. Development has also become one of the most outstanding animation companies in the domestic animation production. However, with the arrival of the domestic animation winter, they have also been hit by the bottom, one project is losing money, one member is leaving, that kind of despair, it is difficult Described in words. When the company was named, after the people voted for the name "miracle", they wanted to work together to create a miracle of local animation. However, the name is now extremely ironic.

Today, the meeting room is silent.

Because another shareholder left the company, it was a friend and comrade who had co-founded with them and accompanied them for many years.

They thought that they had become accustomed to this kind of scene, because they have experienced too many partings in these years, but every time they really got to this moment, they found that they still couldn’t accept it, and they felt very uncomfortable. This kind of attack brought them more than the deserted market. The damage is even bigger!

Chen Xiang: "Small is gone."

Li Zhi: "There are twenty of our former classmates. We are left with six."

Han Bin: "Why are you?"

Sun Xiaobei: "Isn't it good to fight together?"

Chen Xiang: "The company is losing money every day. He can't hold on. His girlfriend has found a programming job for him and went to Shanghai to develop."

Hu Kebang: "Which animation company in China is better now? Everyone is the same. I always believe that there must be a way out for domestic animation. There must be!"

Chen Xiang: "I used to believe it, but now I am beginning to doubt."

Hu Kebang: "Shengzi!"

Chen Xiang: "Let me finish, so many years have passed, and you have seen the market now. There is no improvement at all, and this time, the whole world has set off the "The Pirates" and "Huoying". The market has worsened, leaving us with a smaller living space. Japan has almost occupied more than 95% of the domestic market. Everyone is watching the day, and some things have to be acknowledged. We are too late. On the scale of the company, the scale of these domestic companies is not comparable to the size of the family. On the level of production and the professionalism of the team, we are also much worse than others. Animation, if it is you, which one would you look at?"

Not a seat.

Not too good.

Today's domestic animation is too embarrassing.

At this time, Sun Xiaobei spoke. "The opportunity is not waiting."

Chen Xiang said: "I know that the market is developed by myself, but how to open up? How many times have domestic animation companies tried so many years? Who succeeded? Even if there are occasionally one or two local animations with good results, It’s just that it’s not warm, even the one-twentieth of One Piece’s heat is not there! If this is also called success? What is the significance of this success?”

Sun Xiaobei said: "But I still want to try."

Chen Xiang sighed. "Now there is no project, how can I try?"

Sun Xiaobei’s eyes are firm. “I don’t believe that we can’t do what others can do. Domestic animation can’t be crushed at the foot of the whole life.” Suddenly, she asked: “Zhang Yu’s studio has echoed. ?"

Zhao Chengfei said: "Not yet."

Chen Xiang shook his head. "We are a small company. How can people take care of us?"

Li Zhi also said: "Yes, it is not necessary for your invitation letter to be sent. Teacher Zhang is an Asian superstar. People work more and more mountains every day. It is impossible to come and join us. Who knows that local animation is a bottomless pit. The investment is big, the risk is high, and the return is low. Don't say that there is a superstar in the family. The slightly-famous director will not jump into this pit. His "Pirates", "Huoying" and "Conan" are not painted. How? Maybe you're running to play local anime? Come here?"

Sun Xiaobei bite his teeth. "Then I will go to the studio and ask him."

Chen Xiang said: "The people will not let us in."

Sun Xiaobei said: "Then I will wait at the door. When Teacher Zhang sees me, Teacher Zhang is the only Chinese who has been in the field of animation, the only one!"

Li Zhi: "We can't see it."

Chen Xiang grinned, "Hey, unless Teacher Zhang’s brain is cramped again."

Hu Kebang snorted. "That is not good. Zhang Ye is often cramped."

Everyone shook their heads. Except for Sun Xiaobei and Hu Kebang, no one expected Zhang Wei to reply to them.

At this time, the door of the conference room suddenly opened.

An employee rushed in, "Sun Zong! Sun Zong!"

Sun Xiaobei looked at him, "What's wrong?"

The man stuttered with a fax, "Look! You see!"

Sun Xiaobei looked suspicious, took a fax to take a look, and then stayed!



"What fax?"

Sun Xiaobei looked at them blankly and raised the fax in his hand. "Old Hu, you are right, Teacher Zhang’s brain is really cramped!"

Everyone heard the words and was shocked!

"what did you say?"

"Zhang Wei's fax?"


"I rely!"

"Let me see!"

A few people shouted and swarmed!

Sun Xiaobei smiled and smiled and his tears fell. "It’s Zhang’s handwriting. I can’t read fifty times in Lanting Preface. No one can imitate this word!”

she cried.

The moment she saw the fax, she cried.

The fax also wrote three sentences and answered their three questions.

One: Of course, there is a way out for Chinese animation.

Two: The way out is at our feet.

Three: Ok, I will try it with you.

Zhang Wei.

Six shareholders are crazy!

"It’s Zhang Hao!"

"It's his signature!"


"Mr. Zhang gave us a reply!"

"Beckham! You are too cowy, you!"

"It's done! It's really!"

"Zhang Hao! This is Zhang Hao!"

"It’s too fierce! Let’s take Zhang Hao’s teacher out of the mountain?”

They can't believe their eyes, they are excited to hug each other!

At this moment, the hope of the domestic anime that many people are about to extinguish is suddenly burning and getting out of hand! (To be continued. Your support is my biggest motivation.) 17-02-2001:21:25

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