I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1466: 【Come out! "Qin Shiming Moon"! 】


Joke a few words, everyone also talked about business.

Haqiqi said: "In fact, I have never suggested that I should declare war with the Japanese. The opponent is too big and the enemy is too strong. Our local comics are relatively low and they have not found a good profit direction and operation. Mode, our own positions are not standing still, and the trade is rushing with the Japanese. This is too high. If you lose, then everything is in vain. It’s better to be your own and compare with yourself. Just fine, as long as you can stand out from the local animation, if you succeed, why compare with the day?"

Xiao Wangdao: "Yes."

Xiao Zhou said: "I am afraid I can't do it."

Wu Yidao: "The other side is coming, but we are unprepared and hard to win."

Except for Zhang Wei and Sun Xiaobei, everyone else has no confidence.

Sun Xiaobei said: "Actually, we didn't want to compete with the Japanese in the first place. We also know that the difference between the masses is too big, but the opponent has already come, and it is unscrupulously declared war, and we must push us into a dead end. This time We can't be afraid of things, we have to slap on the scalp!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Yes, everyone has come up, how can there be no reason?"

Haqiqi said: "Then the words are now released, but the animation schemes and themes are still uncertain. What works do we take with them?"

Sun Xiaobei said: "Today, I have to fix it, and then I will start making it."

Zhang Weidao: "I have several themes, but I haven't thought about it yet, let me think about it."

Everyone gave suggestions and discussed together.

Zhang Wei is actually hesitating, which one is better?

This must be done well, to start, but also to win, the choice of the work is particularly important, a little inadvertently must be lost all over the place, Zhang Wei does not like to lose, he does not do it, do it Do the best, do the best to win, let everyone have no temper. His world has some top local animations, but some are outdated, some are not suitable for today's earth and the times, so they can't be used. After you eliminate these, the choices left for Zhang Wei are really not much. It’s nothing more than that.



Can it be hard and hard?

Still have to come out to win?

Zhang squinted and thought about it. It seems that there is only one piece of work. Only the piece, Zhang Wei is the most confident and win-win - that is a milestone in his native 3D animation on earth. Some of the plots and details need to be easily modified after getting the world, but it doesn't have much impact. After thinking for a long time, there should be no more suitable for the current situation than that animation!


It's it!

Come out! "Qin Shiming Moon"!

The rise of local animation on this planet has to rely on you to stand up!

I have worked hard for my buddy. I am not at ease with others.

- Finally, Zhang Wei still took this killer sacrifice!


Zhang Wei returned to the animation field!

The news is still very sensational, at least Japanese comic magazines and animation companies have been shocked by this news!




"Zhang Hao is back?"

"He went to engage in Chinese local animation?"

"How is he again!"

"Rely! Is he a ghost? He!"

"This is not dead!"


Youth Hall.

"what's up!"

"He deliberately!"

"You don't have time to serialize, but do you have time to engage in local animation?"

"This is not a heart and we are going to fight it!"

"This guy has to mess up again!"

"How is it us? We invite you to mess with you!"


Weekly magazine.

"How can I have a bad feeling?"

"Me too, this guy doesn't have a good time every time he comes out!"

"This is to fight with us!"

"But what can he do!"

"Chinese native animation? Is he too arrogant?"

"What animation can China have?"


The sound of a mother in Japan!

They are really scared by Zhang Wei!

A while ago, Zhang Wei, a **** statement, almost ruined the entire animation industry in Japan. The economic loss was left to the side. It was the kind of psychological blow and injury that could not be healed for a lifetime. The pain of a lifetime, some Japanese people and practitioners now think of "One Piece", think of "Naruto", they are still screaming!

These can all be caused by Zhang Yi alone!

And now? They have to fight against Zhang Wei’s front again?

When I think of this, many people are a little embarrassed. They really don’t understand. How did this surname Zhang work with them?

Can you change your personal life?

Are you going to find someone else to trouble you?

In fact, they don’t think that Chinese local animation can pose any threat to them, let alone threats, that is, even the obstacles can’t be done. The gap is too big. If you change someone and stand up and call them, they are all I don't care, but this person is Zhang Wei. It is just Zhang Huan who has made the whole Asian animation field awkward. Although he hates him, although he feels that this person is wicked, he has to admit that Zhang Wei is indeed It is one of the top cartoonists in Asia, and this is really a big worry.

As a result, the Japanese side has been stunned and always warned of each other's movements.

The news on the Chinese side was also transmitted little by little. After confirming the news of Zhang Wei’s latest animation, the Japanese animation field was finally completely relieved!


This silly - forced to engage in 3D animation!

The Japanese anime world is gloating!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Laugh me!"

"The layman is a layman!"

"Does he dare to jump in the 3D pit?"

"This is a stupid name for Zhang, who doesn't know that 3D animation has no future!"

"Scare me, I thought he would come up with something. I was afraid that he was making a "One Piece", then we might be a little stressed, but now I can relax. Oh, I don’t know. 3D animation is something that has been abandoned by the animation field for many years. When we came out with 3D technology, we were actually very excited. We also wanted to make something different. What happened? Countless experiments proved this. It doesn't work at all, the investment is big, the return is zero, the audience still doesn't buy it, no one has already done it. A thing that has been abandoned by the comics industry has actually been thrown out by him?"

"These two goods!"

"The surname Zhang is dumb!"

"How come he sees this time!"

"Ha ha ha! This fun is big!"


fling in teeth!


Japan is crazy!


The domestic side is also dumbfounded!

At home, domestic animation companies, many people saw Zhang Hao’s coming out of the mountain, but also ignited hopes. Some people were spurred by Zhang Wei’s essays. They all thought that Zhang Wei and Miracle would join forces to come up with something earth-shattering. The animation is coming!

The results of it?

3D animation?

Just **** this!

I am dizzy!

"It's over."

"Don't count on it."

"This is a bottomless pit!"

“Do people still dare to play 3D animations now?”

"This is a death!"

"I sweat, miracle company is also the top local animation production company in the industry, what are they thinking? Zhang teacher Hu Lai, they also follow Hu Lai?"

On Weibo.

The people are also dizzy!

“Isn't 3D animation done by nobody?”

"The more things that no one is doing, the more Zhang Hao dares to do, you forgot what temper he is? This guy has always been courageous!"

"Mr. Zhang has to pick up things again!"

"This, can this work?"

"I have a hunch, and Zhang Ye has an eunuch!"

"This is too dare to play!"

"Yeah, and playing once is bigger than once!"

"I thought he was going to take what he had to do with the hard day. It turned out to be this? It’s still hard, just not yet, I’m going to die first!”

Many people laugh and cry, almost no one is optimistic!

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