I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1467: [The dubbing lineup of "Qin Shi Mingyue"! 】

It's war!

At this moment, the field of animation has entered a stage where mountains and rain are about to come!

This is the first time in history that someone has directly challenged the animation industry and Riman. Regardless of whether everyone is optimistic, it does not hinder everyone's continued attention!

Who loses?

Who wins?

Everyone is waiting for a result!


Preparations for several Japanese animations have already begun.

"Did you send the source?"


"Hurry up, now it is difficult to deal with the dubbing problem."

"We have hired the best voice actors in the industry in China."

"Well, there is publicity, we must hit it."



Miracle Company.

Preparations are also intense.

One plan was taken out.

Sun Xiaobei: "Teacher Zhang, take a look."

Zhang Ye: "This won't work."

Sun Xiaobei: "What about this one?"

Zhang Ye: "This is not true either."

All the plans were rejected by Zhang Ye.

In the end, Zhang Ye tossed out a plan on his own and gave it to them, "Just this, follow this standard, and I will fill the gaps that are not enough."

The people at Miracle Company are stupid.

Chen Xiang was surprised: "This investment is too big!"

Sun Xiaobei was also frightened, "150 million investment?"

Zhang Ye added: "This is preliminary. If it is not enough, you can make up for it. The publicity fee is extra."

Sun Xiaobei inhaled: "If this is done, the production cost is likely to reach 200 million?"

"Yes." Zhang Ye smiled: "Since we want to compete with Riman positively, we must do something big. Let's be the best in the industry if we want to do it. I said, I don't want to play when we are small. big."

The people of Miracle Company are sweating!

But this is too big!

Forget it, it's already like this, let's do it!

If you die, you die, love whoever!

At the moment when the plan was finalized, many people held a brave mentality, they really bet everything on it!

Animation production begins!

Miracle Company recruits troops!

Zhang Ye has also started to write storytelling!

However, Zhang Ye’s pressure this time is not small. He has already figured out the comics. This is no longer a problem, but after all, animation directors and comic authors are still different. One is painting and the other is directing. There are essential differences. Zhang Ye has directed variety shows, and even directed the Spring Festival Gala, but this is the first time he came into contact with animation, especially 3D animation. This is obviously a brand new field. It is another cross-border performance of Zhang Ye. Every one of his Decisions require careful consideration, and of course, they also need some assistance.

Such as dubbing.

The voice actors of Japanese animation are a major feature. Many voice actors are even more famous than some small stars of the fourth and fifth lines. Today, voice actors are already an indispensable part of Japanese animation. Since they want to fight against Japanese animation, This must be remedied!

How to make up?

China does not have such a complete voice actor system.

But Zhang Ye certainly had his way, so his next killer was also offered!

He made a few calls.


Fan Wenli:

"Hello, Zhang Er?

"Old Fan, I have something to do with you."

"Hehe, tell me something."

"I'm going to do local animation."

"I know, it's all in the news, but I can't help this. Your animations are all dummies, and I can't make a cameo."

"You can dub it."

"Huh? Dubbing?"

"You have a nice voice, and you are also a professional music player, how about it?"

"Can I?"

"It must do."


Xu Meilan:

"Sister Lan, me."

"Ms. Zhang?"

"Please do something."

"You said?"

"My new animation, you can dub a voice for me and make a guest role."


"Yes, give me a show for my brother."


"After half a month, it depends on your time."

"Okay, you, Teacher Zhang, of course it's okay. I owe you personal love for the last broadcast and television."


Dong Shanshan:

"Shanshan, make an announcement with you first."


"Dubbing me an animation, leaving you a good character."

"Where do I dub?"

"How many of our broadcasters have not learned dubbing?"




Make calls one by one.

Zhang Xia.

Yao Jiancai.

Yu Yingyi.


Wait a minute, he made an appointment if he could.

Except for some friends who had noticed that they couldn't schedule the time, Zhang Ye basically managed to make a single call, and everyone was very generous.

This is his another killer!

Not enough voice actors?

Star Minato!

A similar pattern is not available in this world, but it has already existed on Zhang Ye’s earth. There are countless cases of celebrity cameo animation dubbing, so Zhang Ye is no stranger, but others don’t know it. For people in this world, This is still too novel, no one has seen it before!

When Zhang Ye gave the list of voice actors to the people from Miracle Company, one could see that Sun Xiaobei, Chen Xiang and others were all dumbfounded!

Chen Xiang was stunned, "I'll go!"

Li Zhi shouted: "My God!"

Han Bin said: "This lineup is too awesome!"

Hu Kebang frightened and said: "Are all the first- and second-tier stars? And the queen?"

Zhao Chengfei: "My God!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "In the previous local animation, the dubbing has always been a shortcoming, and it may not be able to make up in a short time. Then I can only think of other ways. Although I am not popular in the circle, but friends There are still a few. Don’t worry, they don’t cost much. They are all friendly guest appearances, and their professional level does not need to be questioned. They are absolutely professional, no worse than anyone."

Everyone looked at each other and had some confidence for the first time.

This dubbing lineup is nothing short of frightening, it is unprecedented in history!

Xu Meilan!

Fan Wenli!

Dong Shanshan!

How many people can call these big names out for dubbing?

Nothing! No one can invite! If you take the money to ask someone to make a movie, they have to look at the script to see how the character is, not to mention a "character" who doesn't even show his face? How can they be dubbed behind the scenes in their capacity! Teacher Zhang actually invited them all?

On the earth where Zhang Ye used to be, "Qin Shimingyue" did not have such a big battle or investment, but in this world, Zhang Ye now has a lot of resources. Since it can be bigger, he is sure To be bigger, he is never afraid of big things!





He uses all the best!

He uses the biggest one!

All he has to do is to make "Qin Shi Mingyue" a blockbuster!

Aren’t you not optimistic about local animation?

Don’t everyone think that 3D animation is not feasible?

Okay, I will let you know this time, our own style of animation can also surprise Asia and be invincible!

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