I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1472: [One more vote! 】

this day.

The news is released.

"Zhang Ye accompanied his wife to the hospital"

"Zhang Ye's wife expected delivery date is approaching"

"Zhang Ye Studio Revealed: Zhang Ye may leave the entertainment circle soon"

As a person in the Asian entertainment circle (causing trouble), both the media and the public are always paying attention to Zhang Ye’s latest developments. In particular, Zhang Ye has just set sail and reached the top three ratings in Asia with an anti-sky local animation. It's a time for much attention.

On Weibo.

"Are you going to take a kid?"

"More than two months left?"

"This guy really wants to be a father."

"Congratulations in advance, and look forward to the birth of Xiao Zhang Ye."

"Haha, I'm afraid that just like his father, he is also a troublemaker."

"His goodbye, how can it take a year and a half, right?"

"There is no time to reach the top in Asia."

"Hanging, not enough popularity, time is too tight."

"Before you leave, give us some works."

"Yes, @张烨, let's have a concert."

"Yes, yes, I want to listen to Zhang Ye's concert, he has never done it before!"

"It's the end of the year, let's have one!"

"I want to listen to new songs!"

All of a sudden, the people responded, shouting for Zhang Ye to hold a concert.



Mom and Dad came to "inspect".

"Where is Zeqing?" Mom asked.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "The maternity leave has already been closed in advance. My mother-in-law insisted that Lao Wu stay there for a few days. I just sent Lao Wu over."

Dad gave a notice, "The time is almost up, you should also take care of yourself."

My mother hummed, "All your jobs should be closed."

"I understand." Zhang Ye checked the date with his mobile phone. "For these two months, I will definitely finish the matter and prepare well. From now on, my buddy will be a full-time dad."

My mother was happy, "Just you? Come on, I still believe Zeqing, if the child is brought to you, you don't know what to teach."

The people in the studio are all cheating.

Zhang Ye doesn't like to listen, "Why can't I teach well? Can I teach writing? No matter how good old Wu's calligraphy is, I can still be good? I really don't believe it."

My mother curled her lips, "Don't blow, because you are afraid that after you finish teaching, the child will learn to write "fight" first instead of his own name!"

Zhang Ye: "..."

Everyone in the studio: "Hahaha!"

Zhang Ye turned sideways as soon as his parents left.

Zhang Ye hummed: "Who was laughing just now? Huh?"

Everyone pretended not to know, "No."

Zhang Ye said, "For what you said before, you have to think of a way."

Ha Qiqi helpless, "I really thought about it. There is nothing left to do. I want to reach the top of the Asian entertainment industry within this year. Basically, there is no hope. Now our main difference is the popularity and attention of South Korea. Although this breakthrough has also entered the market there, there are still a few people in South Korea who like anime. Most of them don’t buy it. In addition, the restrictions on you are still there, and our works cannot enter. Your news reports are also regulated to a certain extent, it is impossible to get it done. I have thought about it."

Zhang Zuo blinked, "Director Zhang, or forget it?"

Zhang Ye rolled his eyes, "Just one step away."

Wu Yi said: "But this step is a bit big."

Ha Qiqi said: "Auntie said just now that I have given you a deadline for work. I estimate that we will be able to take the last job."


South Korea?

Zhang Ye pondered for a long while, but there was no good way. He just felt it was a pity. Now it’s a shorthand, but there is no way to go up. Moreover, he is about to leave the entertainment circle for a while, and his popularity is estimated to be difficult to maintain. Live, if you don’t rush up now, you will have to catch up slowly and start over again, so it’s a bit regretful. If you can climb to the top of Asia in one breath, it doesn’t matter if the popularity drops a bit in the future. China and Asia have all reached the top, and the resume has been taken. There is no need to walk this path again at that time, and wait for him to come back. At that time, you can venture into the international entertainment circle with peace of mind.


Do international variety shows?

Sing international pop songs?

A lot of things are waiting for him!

But now, it seems difficult.

Zhang Ye said to himself, "Is time enough for the last vote?"

Do it?

Zhang Ye is the only one in the entertainment industry who uses this description of work, but the people in the studio thought about it carefully, this statement is really appropriate, at least for Zhang Ye, the word is too vivid.

Ha Qi said: "Yes, one more vote."

Zhang Ye smacked, "What do you do then?"

Xiao Wang said: "Many people hope you have a concert."

"Right, right, right." Xiao Zhou exclaimed: "Countless people have suggested, I want you to listen to it before you leave."

Zhang Zuo also nodded and said, "This is pretty good. For one, we really have never held a concert before, small or large, no one at all. Secondly, it can be considered as an explanation to the people before leaving. From your debut. It’s been so many years since everyone has supported it, and I always want to thank you."

Ha Qiqi laughed: "Maybe the concert is a big success, and the song will be spread to South Korea, and it will be full of attention from South Korea."

Zhang Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Is this possible?"

Haqiqihan said: "Of course not."

Zhang Ye: "..."

Zhang Zuo couldn't laugh or cry, "Director Zhang, let's not just patronize the popularity."

Hearing this, Zhang Ye nodded, "Brother Zuo is right, okay, then with this last ticket, let's make a concert. How big it is, it must be beautiful!"

"Good." Ha Qiqi smiled: "I'm going to Zhang Luo, and I will start preparations today!"

Zhang Zuo asked: "Where is the venue set? This must be communicated with the organizer in advance to make an appointment. Some venues are really difficult to enter, but due to our popularity, the largest venues in China can be chosen at will."

Zhang Ye: "Where are the best venues?"

one two three four.

Let us list them one by one.

As a result, Zhang Ye was not satisfied.

Ha Qiqi said: "But that's all there is?"

Zhang Zuo said: "Yes, there is no other place."

Zhang Ye said astonishingly, "There is one more place-I want to do one in the Bird's Nest!"

Everyone looked confused.

Bird's Nest?

What bird's nest?

Zhang Ye was startled, only to realize that there is no bird's nest in this world, so he changed his words: "Our concert will be held at the Olympic venue. I will find someone to communicate with you!"


"Olympic venue?"

"You, are you sure?"

"I'm dizzy, can't it be done there?"

"No one has ever held a concert there!"

"That's a venue for nearly 100,000 people!"

Everyone is dumbfounded!

If this venue is closed down, it will be a big deal!

Only then did they know that Director Zhang hadn't given up on the idea of ​​reaching the top of Asia. With his last vote, he still wanted to try to surpass Asia!

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