I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1473: [Get the Olympics! 】

The next day.

Early in the morning, Zhang Wei ran to the Ministry of Culture.

The concert is also divided into levels, and the most intuitive level is the venue.

Some third- and fourth-line singers have tried their concerts, especially in places like Beijing. It is not bad to try the water at the venue for thousands of people. Many good venues have to be lined up and must be approved. Some first- and second-line stars, as well as stars of professional singers, have the opportunity to perform in large venues. Like Zhang Wei, Zhang Yuanqi, and Xu Meizhen, there are only a few places to perform!

Ten thousand people?

15,000 people?

This is almost the end of the day, and it’s over!

Going up again? The venue of 100,000 people?

No one has ever done it! I have never heard of it!

The Olympic venue has just been built for a year. I haven’t heard of renting a star for a concert. Even the stars didn’t dare to think about it, that is, Zhang Wei dared to think that this actually played the Olympic Games. idea. It’s not that he is courageous, but on Zhang’s earth. It’s not that there is no such precedent. The Olympics in his world have been going on for many years. The stars who have performed concerts in the Bird’s Nest are not without. The same, but the things that work there, it is reasonable to say that you should be able to fight for it.

So he came in a hot air.

It is not so easy for others to enter the door of the Ministry of Culture, but Zhang Wei is different. He is the general director of the last Spring Festival Evening. He has seen too many leaders and met too many people. It is also a cross here, just like him in radio and television.

An office.

Zhang Hao knocked on the door, "Director Hu."

Director Hu looked up. "Hey, Zhang, what wind blows your boy?"

"I will see you." Zhang Yan smiled.

Director Hu is the old river, "You got it, you have no good things, let's talk." Let him sit down, then ask the secretary to come in and pour him a glass of water.

Zhang Wei is also welcome, smiled: "I can say that, the approval of cultural performances, do you manage it?"

Director Hu nodded. "It is ours."

Zhang Wei said: "I want to have a concert."

"Oh, good deed." Director Hu smiled. "What do you look for? What is your boss’s face in the radio and television?"

Zhang Yuzui said: "The key is not the approval of the performance, it is the venue approval."

Director Hu understood, "The venue? That's fine, little things." He immediately picked up the phone. "You say, see which venue? I will give you the approval now."

Zhang Wei said directly: "Olympic! Yun! Will! Field!"

When the jingle, the phone in the director Hu’s hand fell, “Hey?”

Zhang Wei repeated it again.

Director Hu was stunned and reached out and touched Zhang Jian’s head.

Zhang Wei: "What are you doing?"

Director Hu: "I don't think you have a fever!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I didn't burn, can I do?"

“What can I!” Director Hu said: “Do you dare to fight the idea of ​​the Olympic Games?”

Zhang Wei said: "Sports events can be held there, large-scale events can be done there, how can concerts not work? Recently, isn’t it quite idle? Rent it for me, I will create a reward for them, and idle is idle. ""

Director Hu was dizzy. "This is not a revenue-generating thing. Sports events are sporting events, activities are activities. You are different. You are a commercial show."

At this time, one person came in from the door.

Director Chen sighed, "Hey, what is Zhang Wei?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Chen brother."

Director Chen smiled and said: "How come you? Do you work?"

Zhang Weidao: "Yeah, look for Laohu to give me a venue, he will play with me."

Director Chen is happy, look at Director Hu: "Old Hu, this is what you are wrong. Last Spring and Night, Zhang Er is an old comrade who is fighting with us. You don't help this thing? You are not kind. "When you take a shot of your chest," Zhang Er, have you Chen Ge, I will give you approval, let's talk, which place to look at? I can't manage the Hong Kong side, you can pick anywhere in the mainland! ”

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I still pay attention to Chen Ge, I am watching the Olympics."

Director Chen’s footsteps, he turned around and left, “--again! See!”

Zhang Hao hurriedly pulled him. "What are you doing?"

Director Chen said without words: "This thing Laohu can't do it for you, who can dare to do it, you can really open the lion, you, the Olympic venue, where you change."

Zhang Wei sat down on the sofa and shook his head. "I just saw it there."

Director Hu also spoke. "This is really not approved. There is no such precedent."

Zhang Weidao: "I opened it first. Is there a precedent?"

Director Chen turned his eyes and said: "You dare to think about this!"

One hour.

three hours.

Five hours.

Looking for a relationship.

It makes sense.

Tell the pros and cons.

They are grinding a day in the Ministry of Culture!

The entire Ministry of Culture knows that Zhang Huan has been on the Olympics, and all of them are sweating on their foreheads. Originally, everyone thought that this kind of thing could not be done. If you have a large-scale charity event at the Asian level, it will be fine for you to give the venue, but how is the concert possible?

But at this time, things have changed.

A big leader of the Ministry of Culture can't stand it anymore.

The big leader opened a meeting and called a series of related personnel, including Director Hu, Director Hu, and said how much contribution has Zhang Zhang made to the national culture? Literary novels, calligraphy works, China's heavy metal music, the rejuvenation of the Spring Festival Evening, and even the recent rise of Chinese local animation were initiated by Zhang Wei. It is not too much to say that Zhang Wei is a new era leader in Chinese culture. How much light did Zhang Wei fight for the country? How much has been done for the cultural cause? Doesn't people want to have a personal concert at the Olympics? Excessive? Let him do it! I approved it! If the venue can't get it, I will go and find them!

Zhang Wei still has a face.

Or also added the face of Lao Wu.

Things have been fixed, it was a big thing, but the big leader opened his mouth and the big things became a trivial matter. The cultural department took the lead and the venue was taken down that afternoon. This is also Zhang Wei, and it is impossible to approve the change of Zhang Yuanqi Xu Meizhen or other Tianwang days.




When Zhang Wei came back, he immediately announced: "The venue won!"

Hazzi is dumbfounded, "What?"

Zhang Zuoran said: "How is it possible!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and threw a business card to Haqiqi. "This is the contact person at the venue. You can communicate with him about the performance time. The sooner the better."

At this moment, all the people believe!

For a time, the studio screamed like crazy!

"I rely!"


"Would we like to have a concert at the Olympics?"

"God, this concert is a bit big!"

Is it a bit bigger?

This is the largest performance venue in China!

It is also the largest venue in Asia!

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