I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1480: [Another big deal! 】

The next day.

in the morning.

Netizens talked about it.

"Have you seen the list?"

"It's up again."

"I really convinced Zhang Ye."

"Yeah, you can't accept it!"

"I don't know what big things will come out today."

"Let him keep doing this, maybe before he becomes a dad, he can really fill up the Asian popularity."

"Hang it, it's a lot worse."

"With his bad luck, can he live to reach the top of Asia?"

"Puff, too."

This is Zhang Ye's new nickname.

This guy can always use an ingenious way to gain popularity, everyone is used to it.


A certain park.

Inside a tent.

Zhang Ye lay inside and played with his mobile phone with his legs crossed. He lived in the park last night. He didn't dare to go home or go to the hotel. He bought a tent and set up on an empty field in the park. There was a gust of level five or six, although the two big trees next to it were blown down and damaged the tent, although a vicious dog got into the tent in the middle of the night, although when he woke up there was a grass snake entrenched next to his head and spit on him kindly He was stunned by Xinzi, but fortunately he survived.

Check out the news.

Look at the list.

Popularity has risen again?

But Zhang Ye couldn't be happy no matter how he thought about it, the day yesterday was really too difficult, and it is not over yet, there is still one day today!

How do you make it today?

Where are you going to evacuate today?

All Lotte supermarkets in Beijing have been destroyed by him!

How about going to the Lotte Supermarket in Tianjin?

【Five times difficulty】

[Remaining time: 26 hours, 5 minutes and 15 seconds]

Seeing the countdown of the difficulty dice on the game ring, Zhang Ye was very sad.

Therefore, he wanted to turn the situation around and thought of the game ring again. Apart from anything else, he opened the lucky halo (upgraded version) with the mentality of giving it a try, and clicked on the second category of lottery. No raise, just a try. After a sexual draw, he wanted to see if he could draw the item that would resolve the situation. He hoped that it would be perfect if there was an item that would end the difficulty dice in advance.

The lottery begins.

The slot machine began to spin.




Zhang Ye smoked again unbelief.

Still [empty]!

He finally stopped trying, which also made Zhang Ye come to a conclusion in his mind that the effect of Lucky Aura (upgraded version) is not five times as difficult as the dice. The effect of the latter is greater than the former, so it is five times as effective. The effect of difficulty was that Zhang Ye couldn't extract anything.

There was footsteps outside.

"Huh? Anyone?"


"You can't set up a tent here!"

"Go, go now."

The tent zipper opened and Zhang Ye came out.

There was a sanitation worker outside. When she saw Zhang Ye, the eldest sister was so frightened that she took four steps back and her voice changed, "Zhang, Zhang Ye!"

Zhang Ye opened the tent, put it away, and left.

The sanitation workers avoided him from the beginning to the end, like avoiding plague.

When the news was reported, netizens screamed. Now all Asian people know that Zhang Ye has no words. Before Zhang Ye went to the streets, he had to cover it tightly. He was afraid of being surrounded by fans. Now there is no need to worry about this issue. This guy went to the street and no one dared to walk within three meters of him.

On this day, Zhang Ye "wandered" on the streets again.

Wherever you go, everyone is afraid to avoid it!


"A face-slap appeared!"

"Go, go!"

"Hide him away!"


There is always a sense of sight of a devil entering the village.

Zhang Ye has been mentally prepared, and has coped with today’s situation with the same vigilance and tension as yesterday. However, strangely, there seems to be something wrong with the situation today. It has passed since Zhang Ye left the park until now. It had been an hour, but nothing happened. There was no vacant wellhead on the side of the road anymore, and no vehicles on the road ran into him out of control.

what happened?

This is not normal!

Zhang Ye was a little stunned, the more he was like this, the more vigilant he became.

Grass, mountains and rain are about to come and the wind is all over the building, isn't this guy trying to hold back and give me a big one?

half an hour.

One hour.

Two hours.

Everything is fine, unusually terrible.

If it's normal, this is of course too normal, but it's different now. The five times the difficulty of the dice is still counting down, and it's not over yet. How many accidents happened in the big battle yesterday? Today there are none? I shouldn't even think about it!

Slowly, it got dark.

Zhang Ye also became more unsteady.

In the evening, he started to call one by one.


Call home first.

"Mom, me."

"Where are you?"

"I'm outside, there is nothing wrong at home, right?"


"Where is my dad?"

"Watching TV."

"Where is Old Wu?"

"Just finished the call, at her parents' house."

"Where is Grandma?"

"It's all right."

"Hey, it shouldn't be."

"What do you mean, kid? Are you still looking forward to something wrong with us?"

"Ha, no, that's not what I meant, I'll just ask, care about it."


Call the studio again.

"Old man."

"Director Zhang, when are you coming back? I'm all worried about everyone."

"I'm fine, okay, how are you?"

"We? We're all right."

"Where is the concert?"

"Everything is fine."

"Has the site not collapsed?"

"Huh? What's the ground collapse?"

"Has the equipment not exploded?"

"Huh? It didn't explode!"

"Did any workers fall into the well?"

"Huh? No!"

"Oh, that's all right."


After making a round of phone calls, friends and relatives asked again, but nothing happened. They were all fine over there, which made Zhang Ye very nervous.


Absolutely not!

Something big!

There is definitely something going on!

Zhang Ye is really looking forward to something hurriedly. He has been hanging so much, but he is a little cautious. Five times the difficulty is absolutely impossible to be so simple. It is absolutely impossible that it will fail after only one day of action. He knows that at this time Something unfavorable to him must be happening somewhere at this moment, but this time it didn’t happen in front of him, so Zhang Ye didn’t know it. Zhang Ye was very sure about this. It was not that he was suspicious, but that these speculations were based on his right. With the knowledge of the game ring, he knows the rules of operation of these mysterious objects.

One hour.

Two hours.

It's night, still safe.

The media and the public did not watch it lively either.

"Oh, why is nothing wrong?"

"Is there no news about Zhang Ye today?"

"I have been waiting for a day."

"Puff, you have business but no business!"

"You are also enough, every day I look forward to someone slapped their faces and accidents!"

"Wash and sleep."

Zhang Ye also calmed down now, buddies are not afraid of things, I will follow whatever comes. Go to sleep, what really happened, I will know tomorrow.

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