I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1481: [The true body of the legendary hacker! 】


The sun is coming out.

The bird called cheerfully.

Zhang Hao in the tent woke up, pulled out the zipper and climbed out from the inside, looking at the rare blue sky, he yawned and stretched a lazy waist, and felt refreshed. Look at the game ring, there are three hours left in the countdown, five times the difficulty time is about to pass, and he is in a better mood.

come on.

Look at what's going on.

Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone and surfed the Internet.

However, this does not matter, Zhang Hao immediately dumbfounded!

Not only him, at this moment, China, Japan, South Korea, everyone is dumbfounded!

Just recently, the South Korean side released a news that shocked all of Asia. After years of unremitting efforts, their security technicians finally captured the legendary hacker "2", which ranks first in the world today. Basically locked the target!

Chinese hacker 2?

The famous Trojan panda burns incense?

China and South Korea hacking war?

The Korean network has been devastated?

Of course, these Asian people will not forget that many people have experienced the scene of the year, and now they are still shocked. Hacker 2 is a mystery in the eyes of many people. They think that this mystery seems to never be solved, because after the Sino-Korea hacking war, hacker 2 disappeared and never appeared, but now, South Korea. The aspect actually found the trace? How can this not make people horrified and curious? In contrast, Zhang Hao’s unfortunate incident is nothing short of this. At this moment, the eyes of all of Asia have been pulled over!



"who is it?"

"Who is it?"

"2 great gods are my idols!"

"Yes, I was leading a Chinese hacker to sweep South Korea in the past 2, and now I think I am all excited."

"Is it really found out?"

"I want to know too much, but I don't want to know."

"The exposure of hacker status often means disaster!"

"2 great gods are national heroes, and the country must protect them."

"Well, with the technology of hacker 2, the country must be compiled, and it is impossible to give him a whitewashed identity. It is impossible to hand it over to the Korean side."



"I finally caught him?"

"This hack is really amazing."

"The panda burns incense, it's a horrible virus."

"The South Korea of ​​that year was really a corpse."

"So many years, so many people are looking for him, how did South Korea find it first?"

"Speaking, hacker 2 is also my leader. I was a network technology major because I admired him. In the Chinese, I admire him the most."

"This is indeed a legendary hacker."


The shock in South Korea is the biggest.

"Catch people!"

"This pit goods!"

"Now I saw the panda, I was shaking!"

"Yes, it was that he got it out!"

"This person has caused us to suffer from the catastrophe in the entire national network system and computer field. I must not let him go, it is too bad!"

"Hand over hacker 2!"

"Yes, hand it over to the International Court of Justice!"

"This guy can hate more than Zhang Wei!"

"Paralysis, my computer has also been a panda burning incense."

"What are you, I have been eight times! Grass!"

For South Korea, there are only two public enemies.

First: Hacker 2.

Second: Zhang Wei.

Just these two!

Both people have caused serious mental damage to the Korean people!

Hacker 2 is obviously still in front of Zhang Wei!

Of course, Koreans certainly don’t know that their two public enemies are actually one person.



The name is a bit far away, and Zhang Hao himself is almost forgotten. Yesterday he guessed that something was going to happen, and it didn’t matter. When I woke up, things really came out, or an old case many years ago. Zhang Wei is also somewhat helpless at this time. It seems that it is still coming.

Found me?

How to find it?

The phone rang and the phone came.

Zhang Yiyi seems to be obvious, it is the telephone of the director of the network supervision department.

Hesitated for a moment, Zhang Hao picked up, "Hey, Lao Dong."

Director Dong sighed. "Look at the news?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "Look."

Director Dong said: "I know that you must be worried, so I will tell you that South Korea doesn't know what the big deal has hit. When I checked another case, I found a computer, which happened to be the invasion of the year. The machine, and a device used by hackers, was added to the 'cans'. 2 When it was used as a springboard for broilers, it appeared to be a clear record, but it still left traces, which was just found in Korea. Through investigation, the IP address difference has arrived at our network supervisor, and even specifically to our office area, this stick is really a dog, this probability is almost a few million, hey, Xiaofan is not good this time. I have done it."

Zhang Yanran, "Who?"

Director Dong said: "Xiao Fan."

Zhang Wei’s stunned, “Fan Wenli?”

Director Dong said: "Well, Hacker 2 is her."

Zhang Wei: "..."

Director Dong said: "The network supervisor has a lot of good technology here, but there is a hacker 2 technology. Except for Xiao Fan, there is no other person. She used to have a previous record."

Zhang Wei asked: "Fan sister admitted?"

Director Dong said: "She said that she is not her. The above has been sent to investigate, and the South Korean side is also urging, but certainly will not give people to them."

Zhang Wei immediately said: "Not a sister."

Director Dong said, "Why do you say that?"

Zhang Wei said: "What kind of temper is Fan Jie, don't you know? Before she invaded the US company, even the IP address was not hidden. It was not covered up. Otherwise, can she catch her? With Fan's temper, if it is her Dry, she must admit, believe me."

Director Dong: "This, check it again."

Zhang Wei repeated: "It must not be her!"

There is also a voice over the phone.

Fang Xiaoshui: "Dong, I believe Fan Jie!"

Meng Yi also said: "Absolutely not her!"

Both of them had worked with Zhang Wei in the past, and they were all from the network supervisor.

Director Dong said with a smile: "You don't want to use emotions first, everything is waiting for the results of the investigation."

Zhang Wei asked: "What if I find someone?"

Director Dong thought that he asked Fan Wenli, and said: "Now the evidence has been found on our side, the impact is very bad, the above also attaches great importance to it, how to hand over a person, the impact of the current Panda burning incense Too big, the damage is too great. If it is Xiao Fan, it must be a slap in the face. After all, she is not the same as others. She has not only had a criminal record, but also a person who monitors her own network, knowing the law and breaking the law. First, this is more serious in qualitative, but I will find a way, people we must keep!"

After listening to it, Zhang Hao nodded. "I know."




The five times difficulty time is over.

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