I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 160: [We don’t have a bayonet device! 】

Internet trouble

The pressure of public opinion increases

Director Song’s home was a little far away from the work unit, and it took a lot of time to drive back. At this time, his phone rang, and he thought it was the police from the police station calling and urging him. He cursed as soon as he was about to open his mouth, but Yu Guang caught a glimpse of it. After the caller ID on the screen, he shut up.

"Shen Ju." Director Song respectfully said.

"Lao Song, what are you doing?" Shen Ju's voice was low.

Director Song hurriedly said: "I will take care of it here, and promise to solve it beautifully"

Shen Ju angrily said: "You have solved your ass. Now that the Internet is all fried, you are all questioning the official website of your police station. The official website of the police station has been screened and almost crashed. This matter has attracted the attention of the whole society in Beijing. Are you still dealing with it? How do you deal with you? Isn't it just an ordinary fighting incident? How come your police station can't even handle this mess? It's the current situation? Caused such a big mess? Do you know? You know? You guys are so passive now that the discipline inspection department of the municipal bureau at the sub-bureau is very passive and called us to ask questions, as if they meant to intervene in the investigation."

"Huh? Disciplinary inspection department?" Director Song was silly, "Isn't it? We are also doing business on an official basis. This case has not been investigated. That Zhang Ye has indeed beaten people quite hard, and the transmission of Zhang Ye is also It's not twenty-four hours, this is all normal, we..."

Shen Ju said, "You don't need to tell me, leave it to the Disciplinary Inspection Committee of the Municipal Bureau."

"Don't sink into the game, don't" Director Song is anxious, "Let's not trouble the leaders of the Discipline Inspection Commission.

"It's still the same sentence, it's useless for you to tell me," Shen Ju said, "Now it's spread on the Internet that your police station has tortured to extract a confession, beat someone, and even took a knife.

Director Song almost fainted, "No, Shen Ju, we swear to the heavens that there is no such thing. That Zhang Ye's poem is nonsense. There is no such thing at all."

Shen Ju said: "But the people believe that everyone spreads it like this"

Director Song's heart of crying is gone, "We are really wronged, this Zhang Ye is too wicked, he

"The other leaders of the sub-bureau also know about this now, Lao Song, if you go your own way, even I can't protect you, you can figure it out." Shen Ju obviously also knows some of this case. I wonder if a person who is playing a hooligan and trying to provoke a murder is not a serious injury and paralysis? Why did you get here but arrested the brave person? The police station handles the case, it is to consider the law and obey the law But how did the law come from? The law serves the people from a certain angle, so we must also take into account the feelings and reactions of the people. I won’t talk nonsense with you, I’ve said you If Lao Song is not able to handle this matter well, that's okay, you can get rid of me and I will let a capable person handle it."

Beep, the phone is broken

"Don't, sink the game, sink the game..." Director Song Khan was all down, and then he realized that he had caused a major incident. No, it was not his cause, it was all caused by Zhang Ye.

At this moment, Director Song had already scolded Wang Shuixin 10,000 times in his heart. Just as Director Song told his wife, he was doing a favor to his friends appropriately within the scope permitted by the law. Zhang Ye's behavior and behavior, In some loose places, he may just open his eyes, but strictly speaking, according to the law, he should be detained for a few days, so Director Song has not been under too much pressure, and he feels that he can handle the pressure. It doesn't matter if you live. But now, Director Song is obviously unable to carry it

Discipline Inspection Commission wants to intervene?

Is the whole capital paying attention?

The sub-bureau leaders also focused on them?

Director Song only felt that his back was sweaty and his clothes were soaked. No, he must be dealt with immediately, otherwise he might really be dismissed. He hurried to the police station.

ten o'clock.

It's night.

The police station was brightly lit. Several headlights were turned on. The policemen on duty have also changed from three or four people to a dozen people. Knowing that something has happened here, many policemen who have returned home have returned to help. Several policemen on duty invited the reporters out and stopped at the fence gate at the back door of the small courtyard.

When the car arrives, stop and open the door.

"Director Song"

"Director, you can come"

"What should I do now? I think it's all on the Internet..."

"There are too many reporters outside. Just after a wave, another wave came. The door was blocked. The back door and the front door were all reporters."

"Director, our police station is well-known, ah, I just came here by bus, and I picked up a call from a previous case in the car. I just reported to my house that I was from the police station, bus. Several people above heard it, and they all looked at me with that kind of contempt. Don't mention that feeling. It made me never look up along the way. You said who we provoke?"

When Director Song came, everyone complained.

"Where is Zhang Ye?" Director Song asked directly.

Old Zhao pointed over there, "Still in the little black room."

Director Song didn't answer their words, and went straight to the small room.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Zhang Ye sitting on the ground, touching the handcuffs on his feet, and humming a song leisurely, as if he was all right.

"Director Song?" Zhang Ye raised his head.

Several policemen have also followed. I want to see what Director Song will do. Now that there is such a big disturbance, in the final analysis, it is Zhang Ye's two poems. It is strange that Director Song's temper is not angry. Sure enough, Director Song yelled at the time, but what all the police did not expect was that Director Song was not shouting at Zhang Ye, but at them.

"Who put the handcuffs on Teacher Zhang Ye? Ah? Who is it?" Director Song said with a furious expression, pointing to the policemen, "Who is it for me to stand up?"

Everyone is blinded

A little policeman almost vomited blood. Didn't Director Song you let us handcuff him?

Director Song angrily patted the table in the small black room, and then re-patted it without saying a word, "Are you going to rebel? Huh? Do you still see me as the director?" Then, He pointed to Zhang Ye who was sitting on the ground and said loudly, "Do you know who this is? Do you know? Is this a famous writer and historian in Beijing? How could such a prestigious teacher as a historian beat someone? You give it back to Zhang. Teacher Ye is handcuffed? How did you handle the case? Ah? Are you trying to **** me off?"

Old Zhao: "..."

Female police: "..."

All the police have a feeling of black eyes

Director Song yelled: "Look at what I am about, what am I still stunned at, why don't you let the handcuffs of Teacher Zhang Ye loosen quickly, what are you waiting for?"

A little policeman hurried up and said: "I'll come, I'll come"

When the handcuffs were untied, Director Song was still saying, "I just left for a while. You guys made such a big mess for me. I told you how many times have you treated a respectable person like Teacher Zhang Ye. Respectfully and politely, but how did you do it? Did you take my words to your ears? Not only did you not be polite to Teacher Zhang Ye, you also handcuffed people?" Director Song patted the table sadly and said: " I’m so heartbroken. I’m so disappointed in you guys.

Zhang Ye is highly respected?

Let us be respectful and polite to him?

Damn, when did you tell us this

Looking at Director Song, it was as if he was a different person. The righteous expression made Zhang Ye sitting there very speechless. The small table was almost collapsed by the Director Song. It can be seen how much. Hardly, looking at the four legs of the table, they almost drilled four holes in the dilapidated concrete floor of the house.

"Everyone is going, I will be annoyed when I see you." Director Song blasted away a group of policemen.

As soon as they left, Director Song hurried up to help Zhang Ye get up, "Teacher Zhang, you are wronged. I didn't discipline the people below. Get up quickly."

Zhang Ye stood up and flicked the dust on his buttocks.

Director Song glanced at him, "But Teacher Zhang, I think you are a little unattractive. You are really a little unattractive. What kind of confession book, what leather whip, and **** bayonet, you say with your conscience, you Have we touched your finger since we came here? We didn’t, but you wrote these nouns and adjectives in your poem, and you were tortured? I think you’re a bit careless.”

Zhang Ye said casually: "It's just artistic processing. Actually, I didn't mean to sarcasm you. I just sent it out of feeling, and it has nothing to do with you."

Director Song was dumbfounded: "But the people believe it. Everyone says that we have tortured you severely. Did you say we died unjustly? Didn't you?"

Zhang Ye spread his hands, "I'm a literary, so I can't control how you understand it."

"Look at you, we can all talk about it. In fact, we have no plan to give you criminal punishment. This is a good thing to do with courage. This is something that should be vigorously promoted and publicized." Director Song said seriously: "We will still Detaining you? This can’t be a symbolic way of bringing you back for investigation and showing everyone a look. Look, you must have misunderstood us.”

Zhang Ye said, "Is that so?"

"That's it." Director Song looked up at the "Prisoner's Song" on the wall, "and this poem, oops, who dares not let you out? The door for you to enter and exit is always open. , Who would dare not let you go? Lao Song is the first one to fight with him. What immortality is in the fire? Not so, too much, too much, Teacher Zhang, you can go back now, I will let you drive you back Family"

Zhang Ye knew that his poem had caused a shock, but he was not in a hurry, "It's okay, Director Song, I stayed very well, I understand your work, as a citizen, I naturally have an obligation to cooperate fully, you Be busy, I will continue to wait for the results of the investigation."

Director Song hurriedly said: "Don't tell me, how can this be done, the environment here is so bad, it's really not suitable for a respected teacher like you, I will let you give it to you."

Zhang Ye waved his hand, "It's really good here. You think about Director Song. I write and write poems here. It's really not boring at all." After all, Zhang Ye looked down and looked for it. Seeing a lot of crushed cement stones and soil on the ground that was just smashed by the table by Director Song, I went to pick up one.

When Director Song saw it, he felt a little frightened, and he rushed up, "Don't say Teacher Zhang has something to say, we have something to say, don't write poems." The two poems have already made their police station feel restless. Yes, still write? You still want to write?

"Come on, come on, come on!" Director Song drank

The old policeman opened the door and came in, "Director, what happened?"

Director Song pulled Zhang Ye while pointing to the ground and said, "Quickly clean up the broken stones and wipe them away. Don't leave anything behind."

The old police wiped his sweat, "Okay"

Zhang Ye said silently, "Why are you? If I don't write poems, I just write two words to relieve boredom."

"Teacher Zhang, you are killing us, don't write it, don't write it." Director Song saw that the old policeman was too slow, so Yu Kui went with his bare hands and broke the small pits. The stones and cement blocks were all planed out, with agility, and then handed over to the old policeman for him to throw away.

Zhang Ye sweats.

Did you graduate from Lan Xiang?

Are you so skilled in mining technology? ?

Director Song also had a hard time saying, but he didn't dare to let this Zhang Ye write again. People used guns to kill people, and fists used to beat people, but Zhang Ye obviously couldn't be judged by common sense, he thought. It's not necessary to use guns or cannons at all, just use the pen, and Director Song and their police station obviously have already learned Zhang Ye's way and have suffered his losses, so naturally they will not be stupid again.

"Teacher Zhang, let's sit down and talk, okay? You give me a face to Lao Song." Director Song said, "We gentlemen speak but don't move."

Zhang Ye said, "I didn't do it?"

Director Song said bitterly: "You are writing hands. Our previous attitude may be a little inappropriate. I apologize to you here. Teacher Zhang, please go home soon. Don't toss us. We are just a small police station. Little, I really can't stand such a toss, raise your hand high, raise your hand high."

Zhang Ye is not an unreasonable person, but it is really the attitude of Director Song and others to him that made him very annoyed, and his **** was too crooked. "What about the case? I haven't investigated it yet."

Director Song hesitated, then gritted his teeth and said: "The investigation is very clear. You have acted bravely and have done nothing wrong. The gangster and the Wang Cen who tried to beat others, we will bring him back for investigation and detention when he comes out of the hospital. Impose a civil fine"

This is almost the same.

Zhang Ye thought for a while, "Well, now that I checked it out, I'll go back."

Song Suo let out a long sigh, and said to the old policeman impatiently: "Send Teacher Zhang Ye home quickly. Drive slowly on the road. Don't drive Teacher Zhang."

The old policeman also said helplessly: "Yes."

Seeing Zhang Ye go out, Director Song still said loudly from behind: "Teacher Zhang, please turn around and send a Weibo to help us clarify. Our police station really didn't use a bayonet. There is no weapon storehouse in the city bureau branch. Give us the bayonet equipment."

Zhang Ye waved to the back without turning his head, and didn't know whether he agreed or not.

Director Song wiped the sweat from his forehead and finally gave away the broom star. He didn't want to see Zhang Ye again in his life.

Have seen wicked

I have never seen such a wicked one

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