I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 161: [After the day, find Zhang Hao to help! 】

People put it.

Director Song went to a corner in the small courtyard of the police station, took out his mobile phone and turned it over, and gave Wang Shui a new call.

"Hey, old Song." Wang Shuixin has not slept yet.

Director Song did not have a good voice: "Pharaoh, Zhang Hao has already let go, I will say hello to you."

Wang Shui new, "What? Released? Why put it? He made my son like that, and your police station is still..."

Song said: "You still have a good time to tell me this? Just to help you, I almost lost even the official hat. The leaders of the branch smacked me several times. The Municipal Bureau of Discipline Inspection and Inspection Commission almost intervened to investigate our above. The instructions are all out. What can I do if I don’t let people go? What do you tell me? Also, this is the first problem that your son made. You should not find other reasons. You should have a mental preparation first. When your son is out of the hospital, we must have to call him here. Maybe we still need to be detained and fined Lao Wang. I am already doing my best. If you listen to it, if you can’t listen, I can only say it. Here, the pressure of public opinion in Zhang Yi’s two poems is too great, and no one can protect your son.

Wang Shui new road: "Old Song, we have known each other for so many years, you..."

Song said: "It’s because I have known you for so long, I have to pay this for you, and, after that, you should not look for me again after this Zhang Huan. This person, I am afraid of him."

Vegetable market.

Parents' home.

Every household has almost slept, and the community is quiet. After Zhang Hao was sent by the old police, he got off the bus and went straight up the stairs.


Zhang Wei and the door outside: "Dad, Mom."

The door suddenly opened, and the mother rushed out. "Hey, my son is back."

"Yeah, come back, you haven't slept yet?" Zhang Hao entered the house to change shoes.

"What are we going to sleep? Just now, my dad and your dad went to the police station to see you. As a result, the police did not let the two of us go in. I smacked them at the door for a long time," said the mother.

Dad also came out of the living room. "Is it hurt?"

"No, they are very polite to me." Zhang Yidao.

My mom blinked his eyes and said, "What poems are you writing? Bayonet, beaten, you almost scared me and your dad, they really didn't hit you?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "They have to dare, huh, huh, not so serious, I just poetry and dare to write and write, just right, Mom, I am hungry."

"Wait, I will give you a hot meal." Mom went to the kitchen.

Dad stopped her. "I am going to hot meals. You should call the relatives first and say a word."

Mom just remembered, "Yes, I almost forgot, they are still worried." After that, I went to the sofa and called. "Hey, Xiao Dan... I will tell you, your brother has already Going home, there is nothing wrong... Yes, you tell your parents not to worry... well..."

Seeing this, Zhang Wei also called, and his friends and colleagues must be worried about it. It is estimated that there is no effort, and he must be notified.

Dudu, pass.

"Hey." The head was a low voice.

"Chen Chen?" Zhang Yan said: "How is your call? Are you yelling?"

Chen Chen used the tone of an adult: "Hey, it’s Zhang Hao, I am going out to run."

Running still so late? However, when I thought that Rao Aimin was a martial artist, I was relieved. "I am fine. At my parents' house, you will let you rest assured."

Chen Chen’s words are very irritating. “I’ve been very reassured by you, I’m talking about it. Good people don’t live long lives, and the evil will live for millennia. You’re sure.”

Zhang Wei: "...mn¥¥0"

The landlord’s aunts are all in the police station. Your mouth is still so poisonous.

Then, Zhang Wei called several other colleagues.

"Hey, Xiao Lu, it's me..."

"Hey, Hu Ge, I am out..."

"Hou Ge, is your brother also with you? I am at home, thank you for your memory."

The rice is hot, it is some leftovers. It should be the parents who eat at noon or in the evening. The Zhang Qi, who is used to the festival, is not picky eaters and is swallowed up.

"We slept first," Dad said.

"You eat it yourself, the bowl doesn't need to be brushed, and I will brush it tomorrow." Mom also went back to the house.

The old couple were scared for a whole day, and they called and ran to the police station. They were also tired. If they had to go to work tomorrow, they would go to rest first.

After Zhang Wei had eaten the meal, he still brushed the bowl, then went back to his room, opened the older desktop, and told the fans about it. He knew that he could come out so smoothly this time. The help of the fans was that they gave the public security organs pressure. They helped them to make the incident so big that they caused social attention. Therefore, Zhang Wei naturally had to report to the fans first.

"I am Zhang Wei, now I am at home. Thank you for your concern and support. I am bothered by you. I am very good. The police station has already investigated the matter clearly. I have reason to believe and I am willing to believe that our The public security organs will not marry a good person, nor will they let go of a bad person. This sentence is well known in the world of Zhang Wei, but the world seems to have not seen this statement yet. Zhang Wei does not matter, it is still used. The main thing is that he has to give it a round of it. Anyway, he is fine. If the fans are not ruthless, they will have counter-effects and cause any discordant social influence. That is not what Zhang Wei is willing to see. It is.

"Ha ha is Zhang Wei"

"Zhang Yu teacher came out"

"Great, they finally let go."

"This is relieved, and finally I can sleep in a down-to-earth manner, Teacher Zhang is good night."

"Victory cheers, brothers, this is the victory of our Zhang Wei fan group. It is the result of everyone's efforts. Thank you, 6 brothers. Thank you, Zhang Tianhou's cosmic army is not you, Teacher Zhang must not come out today. The grace of the spring is reported

Zhang Wei’s fans have started to celebrate

Can you look at it, but it’s a glimpse? 6? Where is this? Fans of Zhang Tianhou? How did her fans make this fun? There is no network in the little black house. What Zhang can do is to let things go out and do two poems, but he doesn't know anything about it. So Zhang Hao quickly minimized the meager interface, went to his own fan group, and asked about the situation.

Someone answered: "This time, thanks to the people who have 6 bars, they are not seeing the road. Seeing that our number is too small, the strength is not enough. Therefore, we actively support our people. Their people use your "Prisoner Song" and "My Confessions". "I almost brushed the entire post again. It’s too derogatory and there is Zhang Tian, ​​but she rarely uses meager, but at night she gives you two poems, so later Zhang Tian’s fan army also came over. people

After they explained, Zhang Hao suddenly understood, and for a time the heart was full of emotions, and the heart was also hot. He said nothing, immediately went to 6 and sent a post: "Thank you, come to Japan." There are not many words. It's very simple, but the weight is very heavy. This is Zhang Wei's promise. He will return this person.

"you are welcome."

"If you see something wrong, you have to take care of it."

"Good people have good news, Teacher Zhang does not have to thank us."

6 people in the bar have replied, and then the small bar of the Zhang Wei fan group and the bar owner exchanged a moment, the two stickers also exchanged links, became a friendship post.

After finishing this, Zhang Wei first put aside the things of Zhang Yuanqi, and went online to look at what happened on the Internet when he entered the small black house. Then he saw the speech of Qian Lao, and Wang Xiaomei, Zhao Guozhou, Zhou Dajie, Tian Bin, etc. The support of the old colleagues is also very grateful.

He didn’t have the money on the old phone, he could only whisper a private message.

As for Zhao Guozhou Tian Bin, Zhang Wei was one by one and called the phone, and reported a peace with them, and thanked him for a blind ride.

After this battle, the number of fans of Zhang Wei’s fan group has risen again, and thousands of people have been added. Moreover, he checked the popularity evaluation value on the official website of the star rating used for popular reference. Zhang Wei has already entered. The top five artists are getting closer and closer to the four-line artists.

Just overnight, Zhang Wei’s popularity has soared so much.

In the final analysis, it is still too much to write about his two "My Confessions" and "Prisoner Songs". It is too good to be indomitable and fearless in life and death. It really touched many people and even Zhang Wei. At that time, many literary workers have left a message behind these two poems. Everyone’s evaluation is very positive. Although this poem is used in the environment of Zhangye, there is some exaggeration in art processing, but for the literary and discouragement inside, No one will question the two poems, and everyone has a deeper understanding of Zhang Wei’s artistic level.

Finish this and handle the processing.

Zhang Yucai turned off the computer brushing his teeth, then he thought about it in bed, but he didn't have time to call the day. After all, people are too big a wrist. I don’t know if I slept or sleep, and Zhang Yi gave it. Zhang Yuanqi’s mobile phone sent a text message, first reported peace, and then thanked, “Thank you, your fans have helped us too much this time, there are things in the future, you talk.”

Did not return.

There was no movement for a long time.

Zhang Wei shrugged indifferently, and when he put down his mobile phone, he drilled his bed and prepared to sleep.

About half an hour later, at 11:30 in the evening, Zhang Wei’s cell phone suddenly rang, and Zhang Tian’s text message came over.

I wrote the above: "I really have something to look for. I will come over and help me tomorrow. I will let my agent contact you when I turn back. That's it."

Zhang Wei replied: "Okay, but what is it? You first show me the bottom?"

As a result, there was no more time back in the days, so Zhang Wei was a little bit crying, can you still be a little bit worse? Can you die back to me?

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