I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 162: [Do you want to install broadband in your home? 】


Today's weather is exceptionally good, one word - sunny.

However, compared with the good weather, in a hospital ward, Wang Hao's mood is not very beautiful, and can even be said to be very angry.

The ward is open.

The nurse came in, "take medicine."

Wang snorted and ate his face with a black face.

"You have nothing to do, it is time to leave the hospital." The female nurse said.

Wang Hao’s face changed slightly. “I think I... I can actually save it again.”

The female nurse left a blank eye to him. "It is a skin trauma, what to rescue, early dressing, and the medicine is also on the medicine. I tell you that you should not leave, the police station will call in the morning. Say hello to the director and come over and take you there."

Wang Hao put on the garlic and licked his waist: "I have a backache, can't get up"

"Look at your bear-like" female nurse did not care about him, and walked away.

Because of the police station's involvement in the investigation, Wang Hao was already known in the hospital for the beating of women. The doctor even did not even give him a good face, and he looked down on such people.

Wang Hao suffered this contemptful look yesterday. He also hated it. Zhang was beaten into this virtue. Wang Hao still thought about revenge, and he slammed the words and let Zhang Wei wait. The result was over. The progress of the matter was not exactly what he thought. Zhang Wei was arrested, but he just read a poem and wrote a poem at the police station, and even let the public opinion completely tilt and reverse, and finally nothing happened. On the contrary, Wang Hao got the news. As soon as he was discharged from the hospital, he would be taken back to the police station for investigation.

Wang Hao hated the pole and looked at the watch. The person who knew the police station should arrive soon. He took out his mobile phone and called him and gave him a coach who learned Taekwondo.

"Hey, coach" Wang Yu bitter.

The coach is a Korean, but the Chinese is not bad. "It’s Wang Hao, what's your voice?"

Wang Hao called the bitterness: "I was beaten by people, but also a taekwondo. I am now with the hospital.

The South Korean coach was very angry. "Who is playing you? That Taekwondo Hall?"

Wang Shudao said: "I don't know where he is practicing. Anyway, it is similar to me. I don't know how to lose it to him. Coach, you can give me this revenge."

The coach hesitated. "This, you are playing normally, and the injury is inevitable. I am not going to come out."

Wang Hao bites the molars. "If you told me the brothers and sisters, I gave this hatred. I will give 200,000 to our Taekwondo Hall to renovate."

The coach heard the words brighten. "Hey, you said, you are my disciple. You have been bullied. Can I still be a teacher when I am a teacher? Who is that person? Where is he now?"

Wang Shudao said: "I know that he lives in the corner door, OK, I will send him his address."

As the son of Wang Shuixin, the leader of the TV station, Wang Hao naturally had the means to get the address where Zhang Wei is now living, so the text message was given to the coach. As for why Wang Hao and the other party started, there are some details on the things, even about Zhang Wei is a public figure, Wang Hao has consciously did not say, he is afraid that the coaches will know that there will be concerns in the future, Avoiding this, he now wants to clean up Zhang Wei’s meal, otherwise it’s hard to understand his hatred.

Corner Gate East.

Zhang Yi returned to the rented community in the morning.

He was **** the door with the key, maybe it was heard, and the landlord’s aunt’s house was not far away, and he found a small head. “Zhang Wei, are you coming back?”

Zhang Yan, "called uncle."

Chen Chen nodded, "OK, Zhang Wei."

Zhang Wei: "...what are you?"

"Who is looking for me?" At this time, Rao Aimin also pulled the slippers out.

Zhang Hao couldn't help but complain: "Auntie, you are too different. What good people don't live for a long time, what do you say to your child? You see Chenchen now, that is, you bring bad. How can I be a curse? The end of my line is done right. I have to pay a penny on the road. I will hand it over to the police uncle. No, you have completely broken my heart, just rush your sentence, breakfast. You have to control me."

Chen Chen issued a smile on the signboard, "Oh."

Rao Aimin yelled at him. "If you want to eat rice, you can say glutinous rice. It’s been a long time."

Zhang Yan got his arms and pointed his arms and said: "There are also my arms and legs. When I was brave enough, I was injured. You have to give me some medicine, hehe."

Chen Chen yelled at him, "Zhang Wei, you are so delicate."

Zhang Weidao: "Is it a squeamy? I am seeing the road with a sigh of relief. You didn't see my heroic position at the time. Don't mention that I have a punch here and I have a big fight with the man for three hundred rounds. Finally, in my awe-inspiring manner, my opponent was impressed by my discouragement and grace, and I wouldn’t be arrogant.” Zhang Wei softened and groaned: “I’m so hungry. ""

My parents went to work, didn't leave breakfast for him, and Zhang Hao had to go to Tianhou today to help me. The clothes at home were all moved here, and naturally I have to come back and change.

Rao Aimin can't stand him. "If you do it, if you have one hundredth of your effort, you can't stand it and go to your house to cook, just because I didn't eat it with Chenchen." "Well, I have not forgotten to educate the children. To Chen Chen said: "Don't learn from you, Uncle Zhang, you know how to blow."

Chen Chen is serious, "I know the big sister."

When he went to his house, Rao Aimin first cooked the porridge, fed it on a small fire, and then let Zhang Hao lie on the bed and opened his clothes and showed him. "I was shocked by the thought that I was hurt." There is no fart, it is two green, and it will go down in a few days."

Zhang Yu cherished his life: "That's also giving me some medicine. I am returning to the hero who is brave and brave. Your attitude is too warm."

Rao Aimin grinned, "You must be a hero like this, that is, everyone can save the world."

Zhang Weidao: "Save the world, do you have more cartoons? Childish."

However, the next moment, Rao Aimin sneered, grasping Zhang Wei’s wrist and turning it back.

Zhang Hao, ah, screamed, "Hey, you, why are you, have something to say, don't do it.

Rao Aiming screwed his arm and said: "Your boy has been working long time? Is he living in the house of the old lady, eating the meal of the old lady, and now I still learn to carry it with me?"

Chen Chen sneered at the side.

Zhang Hao called: "No, I dare to step on you, me, and... and the house is yours, but I am spending money to rent a house."

Rao Aimin said: "The rent has risen twice. Have you seen the residents here who are still lower than your rent?" After tossing Zhang Wei for a while, she let go.

Zhang Wei was lying there and pretended to die. "No, my arm is broken and my arm is broken."

at the same time.

Two people came in the corridor.

"Coach, is this?" asked a face-lifting young man.

Korean coach looks at the phone, "Well, it’s here, the one in front"

The youth suddenly became angry. "Bully my brother? I have a coach. If you don't have a shot, you don't need to do it. I will give it to him alone."

The coach said: "Wang Hao said that the man named Zhang Wei is about the same level as his Taekwondo. You are a black belt. It is enough for him." He didn't really want to come, but he didn't feel at ease, so he took a look. It is also a plus insurance, and this can be related to 200,000 yuan. Their Taekwondo Hall is in Nancheng. It is not too big or too small. It has been in disrepair for a long time. He has long wanted to decorate the museum. of.

The young man is very imposing, his face is thin, his body is uncorrupted, he is very burly and tough, and his skin is dark. When he sees muscles, he has explosive power. "Who is it? Which one? I have to see what the three sons have in our library. The brothers dare to see if I can't beat him."

The coach is very satisfied with the youth's impulse. "Very good, we must have this momentum of martial arts. Oh, come, let's go, I will sit for you in the back."

"Yes, coach, give it to me." The young man sneered, and when he walked the shoes, the shoes fell to the ground. They were all screaming and fierce.

Because the kitchen in the open room is also in the house, the kitchen bedroom living room is integrated, the smell of oil smoke is not good, so Zhang Hao’s door is not closed.

Just listen to the conversation inside.

"My arm is broken"

"The old lady is still not working hard."

"I can't do it, I can't move."

"Is your boy still touching porcelain? Is it me?"

"I can't do it, I can't do it in the future. I have to pack the meal for the rest of my life."

Rao Aimin was amused by him, his eyes slanted, and he saw a pair of iron scissors thrown on the coffee table next to her. She copied it. "When you screw it, you will kill it. OK, let me see my three points." How is the strength of the screw?" The voice just fell, Rao Aimin turned his right hand into a palm, and cut it toward the scissors.

No sound

There is no movement at all

The front section of the pig's scissors was actually cut and bent by a pair of flesh palms. It seems that Rao Aimin’s wrist is shaking and the scissors are bent.

At the same moment, the Korean coach and black belt student also stood at the door.

"Is Zhang Jia's home here? Ah?" The young tiger looked fierce and sinister. Then, the next time, he and the coach saw the picture of Rao Aimin's freehand scissors.

The two of them stayed for a while, then instinctively looked at each other

Zhang Hao knew the landlord's aunt's ability, and he was not too shocked. He looked at the outside two people: "Yes, this is my home."

Rao Aiming dropped the curved scissors. "What are you doing?"

The young man squatted on the chest muscles, and then... the waistboard suddenly softened, and smiled and said: "Do you want to install broadband in your home? We are doing activities here now, as long as 99B as long as 99B passed by. Miss big sister, you can do one."

Rao Aimin did not convinced to look at the people, especially the one behind, "selling broadband? Is it wrong, why haven’t you seen them in the community? Which broadband company do you have?"

The South Korean coach swallowed and said, "We are a new company. We have just established and are expanding our business to our community. Now we have broadband to send small gifts."

Chen Chen blinked, "Is there a small gift?"

Rao Aiming turned back and said: "It is really cheap, can you pretend?"

"I have already installed it." Zhang Wei suddenly regretted: "I knew that your company is so cheap, hey, I am pretending to be so early, I have spent money."

Rao Aimin said: "It’s a pity, my family is good morning."

The young man said: "This is really a pity, then we will not bother, do not bother."

Rao Aimin sent them out. "Well, then you go slowly. I suggest that you put a table in the community and write about how much money. At that time, there are definitely many people looking for you. It's really cheap."

The coach quickly said: "Oh, this idea is good, quite good, thank you for your advice, we must adopt it, please go back, stay, and stay"

"Well, I still cook porridge, then I will not send it."

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