I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 163: [Two people who fled in the wild! 】

In the corridor.

The elevator door opened.

The coach and the trainee were just about to leave. A tenant next to Rao Aimin heard it. It was a female college student. "Hey, the landlord aunt, I just heard what broadband is? I want to install it, the last broadband expired. The speed of the network is very slow, I am trying to change a service provider, what about people?"

Rao Aimin greets the two, "Hey, your business is here."

As a result, the two seemed to have not heard the same, hurried into the elevator, hehe, the door closed.

Rao Aiming said strangely: "Hey, these two silly goods, there is no business to say hello? Do not want to earn commissions? Oh, lack of mind."

The female college student is depressed: "If you leave, you can do it."

Rao Aimin said: "You go to the property to ask, they should have outlets here, very cheap, only 99B for two years."

"Is it? Hey, then let me go, it’s too cheap." The female college student rushed out. After a while, she came back. When passing by Zhang’s door, the female university student said, "The landlord aunt. The property says there is no such cheap broadband, they don't have this cooperation."

Zhang Wei has already gotten up to eat. "Well? What was the reason for the two?"

The college girl shrugged her shoulders. "Who knows, maybe it is fraud."

"No? I don't think the two people's clothes and shoes are cheap." Rao Aimin is also very confused.

Chen Chen gave a sneer, "Oh, I saw that they are two silks at a glance." In this world, the word silk is coming out early.

Outside the community.

The two silks called by Chen Chen - the coach and the trainees have ran out of the outside, so they are still not at ease, just a few hundred meters away from the community, the two talents brushed the ground Tone.

The young and strong man patted his chest with a sigh of relief and exhaled: "Fortunately, fortunately, I am still smart, saying that it is selling broadband."

The coach also wiped the sweat from his forehead. "You react really fast. It’s very important to do well."

The young man said: "The coach is also fast, I have never thought of giving a small gift, or you are professional, too real, and it’s really flawless."

"That is, I used to...what I have to hold." The coach only reacted. The two of them are fleeing, so shameless, and what are they touting? But when I think of the scene of the young woman’s hands-on scissors, the coach wants to marry her.

The young man slammed on. "What the big sister is in? Is this too arrogant? Is she still a person? She? Can the scissors be bent? Is she magic?" They are very common in the people who practice Taekwondo, or that they are the ones who practice Taekwondo. They love this one. They empty the planks and kick the planks. These are their normal activities and training, such as the black belt test. Sometimes it will test these

But... but that’s just wood.

Even if some will stack several layers, it can be thickened again.

What is the young woman? It’s your mother’s scissors, pure iron scissors. It’s not a heavyweight at all. It’s not a world.

The coach was silent for a long while. "You said that we are leaving, is it a bit shameful?"

The young man immediately went to the stairs and gave them the next step. "No shame, not at all. The woman is not a human being. It is a female animal. The coach does not say that we are both the champion of the Olympic Taekwondo. I have never heard of anyone who can smash the iron. Ah, I still have one-handed shackles in one hand, and I have not resorted to any other external force and leverage principle. This is no longer in the normal category. It is a metamorphosis, so what are we going to lose?"

The coach is also looking for a step for himself. "Well, too, you are right."

The young man exclaimed: "Fortunately, we didn't go in and beat people. Otherwise, I guess we can't get out. It's calculated that it has to be divided into several petals. The woman's even iron can bend, especially Speaking of people, if she slaps down, her legs are not broken, but she has to have a comminuted fracture. The whole body can’t stay.” When I think of it, the young man has a nap. Now think about his account from looking for someone. The fierce face instantly turned into a wretched face that promoted broadband. He would only feel gratified. If it wasn’t for him to react quickly, the two of them would have to account for it.

The coach said: "There are people outside, there are days outside."

The young man grinned and said with anger: "This Wang Hao is also not a pothole. What do you say that he is comfortable with him? That Zhang Hao’s family is such a big master. He still let us avenge him? He is not safe. Kindly, he is going to kill us."

At first glance, the coach also hated Wang Hao. "This Wang Hao is not too particular about it. I said how he would donate 200,000 to the pavilion. Even my teacher dare to hang?"

The young man said with a black face: "Today, we really have a life, can't, can't let this kid revenge him? Get out of the way, don't let me see him again next time."

The two of them walked side by side.

Coincidentally, Wang Hao’s phone suddenly hit.

When the youth saw it, they smashed the phone to the coach and then picked it up. "Hey."

Wang Hao asked: "Teacher brother, did Zhang Zhang solve it? How? Did he beat him badly?" Seeing that he did not speak, Wang Hao thought it was: "Haha, the teacher and the coach shot, surely the hand came, I also asked for more."

The youth is almost mad, and the family is not terrible? He’s a fart, if I’m running fast with the coach, we’re almost terrible, and he’s angry: “Wang, you’re too damn, you’re telling me, you’ll tell me later, don’t let me see you otherwise. I am going to fight for you to find your teeth and want to take revenge? Next time you go to yourself, this kind of thing is not looking for me and the coach wants to die. You want to take us and want to take us? You Wang Hao is enough, I have not lived with the coach. Enough, who can you dare to provoke?"

Wang Hao is stupid, "Ah? What happened? Master, you yell at me, what happened? I don't know, you tell me soon."

"Say a fart, if I am you, I will not provoke that kind of person in my whole life." Young people don’t want to talk to him poorly. "You can do it for yourself."

"Master brother, teacher brother" Wang Hao called.

The young man snorted and had already hung up.

that side.

The door of the ward was pushed away.

Director Song came in with people. "Wang is it? Let's take a trip with us."

"Uncle Song, I..." Wang Hao obviously knew him. After all, it was his father's old friend.

But Song’s director did not know him. The official business said: "Let's go to the police car and wait for you to answer your questions."

Wang Hao’s mind was still on the phone. He didn’t understand what the instructor and the teacher had met in the police car after they went to the police car. Didn’t you want to mess with that person for the rest of your life? How could it be that Zhang Haoming is almost the same level as his Taekwondo, and maybe even in terms of strength and speed, how can he let the instructors and teachers respond to this reaction?

Does that Zhang Wei have three heads and six arms?

However, he may never understand this matter. He is going to face public security detention at this moment. This stain will never be washed away. Until now, Wang Hao had some regrets and regretted that he should not play TV at that time. Female employee, regret not to start with Zhang Wei, regret not let his father help him whole, or even if there is a link in which he takes a step back, it will not become the current situation

The corner door.

Zhang Wei’s rental room.

Zhang Wei was surprised and curious to take the scissors that had been bent by the landlord’s aunt for a long time. Look at the left and look at the right. It’s amazing. “Auntie, you’re too fierce, is this all right? Hey, I When do you have this hand, then I am going away every day."

Chen Chen yelled at him, "Oh."

Zhang Weidao: "What? Don't you believe it, when you uncle Zhang uncle, this uncle will take you to the pavilion every day."

Rao Aiming shook his head. "You? Next life."

Zhang Wei is not convinced: "Then tell me how to cut."

"Coinc, let's say you can't understand, understand you can't learn." Rao Ai Min.

"But I want to learn, you teach me." Zhang Wei is very interested in this, and Wang Hao's fight, let him realize his lack of physical combat strength, at that time, if he had not eaten a blood bottle "It must be him who is fattened. He certainly wants to be better and better."

Rao Aimin yelled at him and sneered: "I guess you can't even understand what is a national skill. You still learn a fart. You are a half-hanger who is practicing taekwondo. I talk to you about the national technique, the one you are practicing now. Most of them are taking advantage of the situation. At most, they rely on skill sensitivity and strength. They are all three kinds of things. They are all empty and empty. The first thing to pay attention to is the self-cultivation, from the inside out."

"I am now starting to cultivate my body, and I can do it for you." Zhang Yidao.

"Then you have passed the age of practicing martial arts." Rao Aimin is not optimistic about him at all. "When I was a few years old, I started to step on the pile. Are you at that time?"

Zhang Ruran, "No wonder you are so well maintained, so beautiful, so good body, it was the reason for playing a small martial arts."

Chen Chen slammed his mouth, "flat, shy."

Zhang Hao’s old face is red. “Auntie, you taught me two tricks.”

"You love to listen to you." Rao Aimin said: "But it is useless to shoot my ass. If you can't learn, you can't learn. You still have peace of mind as your play."

Zhang Wei cuts: "If you don't teach, don't teach, what's the matter, can't I learn by myself? You wait and see, wait for the buddies to practice later, and make a plan."

Rao Aimin only made a sound, "...hehe."

Zhang Yan’s words are a bit big, but he really doesn’t have a chance. If he is lucky enough to draw a skill in the special class of draws, such as a gossip or Wing Chun, he will be able to buy it. After eating hundreds of thousands of books, you may not be able to make a few hands with Rao Aimin.

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