I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 167: ["I hope people last long" is hot! 】

A few days later.

Zhang Wei called at home.

"Hey, Mom, didn't you borrow 50,000 yuan from you and my dad to pay the debts last time. I have money again. I will give you 100,000 yuan. You can just spend it, buy clothes and buy clothes. Buy jewelry and buy jewelry. Don't be willing to spend money, not enough to tell me."

"Do not worry, Mom will not, spend money but professional."

"Khan, how are you?"

"What kind of politeness with my son? I will find you when I have finished, right, where do you come from? What copyright is it sold? Is it a novel?"

"Sold the song to a day after today."

"What, my son will still write songs? Is it sold to the queen?"

"That is, who am I, don't say mom first, I have to go to work today, rest for many days."

Zhang Hao had just packed Wang Shui's son a few days ago. For the purpose of protecting him, Hu Fei gave him a few days of vacation and let him stay at home. It also made the situation fade, and took a look at the follow-up. The development of the talks, but yesterday's "Hundreds of Lectures" has already broadcast the programs that Zhang Hao had recorded in advance a few days ago, so today he must also go to work in the unit and record a few more.

Think about it, "The Three Kingdoms" is almost finished. Zhang Wei sometimes thinks, waiting for the end of "Three Kingdoms", do you want to leave the TV station? Maybe, after all, he is too guilty of Wang Shui's new offense this time. Wang Shuixin will definitely not give up, but from another angle, Zhang Wei is not necessarily going to be fired, because the TV station is not a new person, Wang Shui. It was just the head of a channel, and his son played the little girl twice on the TV station. He was beaten by Wei editor for the first time. He was beaten by Zhang Wei for the second time. Wang Shui’s face is definitely not good. He It will certainly be questioned and greatly affected. After all, it is his pro-son. It is not bad to give him a punishment in Taichung. If he blatantly expels Zhang Huan at this time, the attitude of revenge for his son is too obvious. Absolutely It will arouse public anger, and he is not daring. Moreover, Zhang Wei’s "Three Kingdoms" is the star column of their local audience ratings. Even if Wang Shuixin is dealing with the leadership relationship in Taiwan, the leadership on the TV station is estimated. Have to measure the amount.

Everything is possible.

Zhang Wei did not think much about it. Anyway, he wouldn’t be jealous. If Wang Shuixin would wear small shoes for him? Then he picked up his shoes and threw them back on his face - this is the style of Zhang Wei.

The most unsatisfactory, the big deal is not good, here is not the grandfather, there is a place to stay.

However, how to develop after the springboard of this TV station, Zhang Wei has not thought about it.


Beijing TV Station.

When Zhang Hao came, he suddenly caused a lot of discussion from TV staff.

"Hey, Zhang Hao is coming."

"It's really him."

"I thought he had to resign."

"People are brave in their responsibilities, so they resigned."

"But offending Director Wang, he can have a good life in the future? I have to pack him up in the morning and evening. Hey, look at Wei Shushu, it is an example."

"Also, there are many good people in Wei Shu, and he is not let go of Wang Shuixin."

"But the program of Teacher Zhang Wei is top-notch in Taichung. It is estimated that no one dares to move him."

"That's not necessarily, I think we should observe the situation first and then talk about it."

For a time, no one greeted Zhang Hao. The one that saved Zhang’s fans was friendly to him. After this incident, Zhang Hao returned to a former state, and everyone was not very good. I dare to approach him. I am afraid that being too close to him will be implicated. They all know that Wang Shuixin not only covers the sky in the art channel, but also has great power in the TV station. The relationship with the Taiwan leadership is good. Of course, the alienation of Zhang Wei is also superficial. Zhang Wei’s new son of Wang Shui has been unknown to everyone on the TV station. Everyone feels great, and the heart is still more and more Good feeling.

Zhang Wei did not care. He used to be used to being cold-spoken. The name of the broom star was not blown out. He was used to it, and the old **** was on the floor.

Along the way, some colleagues' voices attracted Zhang's attention. They didn't see Zhang Wei, just chatting about the sky.

"Have you listened to the song last night?"

"I haven’t listened for a month. I haven’t had any good songs recently.”

"I don't know? Zhang Yuanqi has a new song, single."

"Hey, Zhang Jie’s movie, I see it every time, classic, but her song I didn’t listen to three years ago, and it’s getting downhill.”

"Haha, then you go to listen to the single that just started online last night, called "I wish people to be long", that is not the usual good."


"Who listened to "I wish people are long"? I also listened. It's great."

"Yeah, I also accidentally listened to an ear yesterday, and the result was out of control. My single loop took two hours and listened to it sleeping."

"Me too, Zhang Jie can finally make a comeback in the music scene. With this song, the popularity she lost in music before will definitely come back."

"Is it so good? I listen to it on my mobile phone, wait for me to search for a search... Hey, how do I feel familiar with this lyric? I seem to have seen it... I see who is composing the song... Oh, no, lyrics Composing is Zhang Wei? Which musician is this? Is there anyone in the industry?"

"Zhang Wei? Ah, I think of it. I don't rely on this word. Our unit, Zhang Wei's "Water-sounding singer's head has a few months", don't believe that you check it out. The team after the day finds Zhang Wei's poetry. Authorized to buy it? Not right, what is the composition of the song? Teacher Zhang is not only a lyricist, but also a composer? How can he compose music? And that song is so nice..."

"The same name with the same name?"

"The lyrics are exactly the same name as the composition? Where is it so smart?"

"If it's the same name, there will definitely be a mark on it? There is no such thing here."

"I rely on it, is it really Zhang?" He will write novels and write poetry. He will talk about history and write fairy tales. Can he also make advertising ideas and songs?"

"God man"

"Yeah, this kind of talent can really be called a man of God."

Column group office area.

Zhang Xiao smiled and came in. "Everyone has been gone for a long time."

When Xiao Lu looked at him, he jumped up. "Mr. Zhang, you can come here and we will discuss it. Zhang Tianhou, "I hope that people will last forever" is not your composition."

Hou Ge is busy: "Is it Teacher Zhang?"

"What are the songs of yours?" Dafei did not set the channel.

Zhang Wei returned to his desk. "I did it, can the song be okay?"

"Is it you?" Xiao Lu said with amazement: "It’s okay. This song is so good that I heard the explosion. I have already downloaded the phone. I listened to me one night yesterday. In the morning, I accidentally turned to the songwriter and found out. It’s Zhang Huan’s writing. I just remembered that I’ve seen your first Mid-Autumn Poetry Competition’s first prize, “Water Melody,” and I’ve just contacted you. I’m still wondering how you can compose music?”

Zhang Wei perfunctors: "When the inspiration comes, I write a book for them. After all, it is my own word. I understand that it is definitely deeper than them."

At this time, Hu Fei came in.

Xiao Lu immediately said: "Hu Ge, do you know? Teacher Zhang wrote a special song."

Hu Fei did not pay attention to the music scene. "And this? Where? Let me listen."

"I am looking for you." Xiao Lu took out his mobile phone and opened it to play the song.

When Hu Fei heard it, it was a bit shocking to heaven. "Xiao Zhang, you have to face more flowers."

Zhang Yidao said: "No, it's just fooling. They ask me if I don't want to help. My main thoughts are definitely on the TV host."

Hu Fei smiled. "You don't have to come with me to this virtual one. The more famous you are, the better the ratings of our programs will be. I am too happy to see it." Look at the watch, Hu Fei said: "Okay, let's go. Today's work is still very heavy. Let's prepare for an hour. After an hour, we will start recording. If Teacher Zhang has no problem, we may have to record it all day. Everyone has a mental preparation."


"No problem, Hu Ge."

"Give it to us."

Everyone is getting busy.

Zhang Hao has nothing to prepare. He first went through the work of the days he was absent, and then went online to read the news of "I hope that people will last forever".

"Zhang Tianhou's new single released a red burst of the night"

"Publish ten hours, I hope people can break through 1.3 million long-term hits"

"After two years, Zhang Yuanqi used a long-awaited person to tell you all the time - that was once again in the music world."

The title is different, but the content is similar. One of the news comments from the media people is that Zhang Wei thinks it is good: "This new single of Zhang Yuanqi is not optimistic. Many people in the industry are I said that I have been eating for two or three years, and the fans have gone far, but last night, "I hope that people will last for a long time" was published. Everyone still tried it as always, why? Maybe no reason, even if there is no People are optimistic, even if everyone is disappointed with the music works of the past two years, but because she is called Zhang Yuanqi, with this name, many people still open her new song in the first time, I am one of them, Then, just as I was preparing to write a long commentary, this song only attracted me with two arias. I was out of control. After listening to it for ten times, I only took the pen. I wrote this manuscript. I don't know how to express my excitement at the moment. I just want to scream from the heart: the music star that was first sold in the first eight months of the album was finally back..."

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