I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 168: [All come to Zhang Hao about the song! 】


"I hope that people will last forever" is a good applause

Zhang Hao couldn't help but turn over the online traffic of the song. Now on the first website, it has already broken through two million clicks. Zhang Wei is not clear about the world's music environment and background environment. He can only use him. According to the information he knows in the world, if there are two million clicks on his side or the first song of Weibo or the first song of QQ music, it can be said that it is a big red.

She has a singing experience.

She is popular.

Add another good song.

This song can have the current results, it is not surprising

Then, in the screaming voice of Wang Yang, Zhang Wei suddenly found several reports about himself. Although there were not many articles, he was content.

Beijing Entertainment News: As a media in Beijing, the name Zhang Wei is no stranger to many people, but the reporter saw the name on Zhang Tian’s new lyrics. The reporter was quite shocked. We immediately contacted Zhang Tianhou. The team then confirmed the news with the relevant personnel. Yes, it was Zhang Wei, who wrote the poem, Zhang Wei, the "100th pulpit". This word was originally the teacher Zhang Yi’s aspirations in the Mid-Autumn Festival. The original work is a recital of the song "Heart of the Waters". The original is a word. The composition is also the teacher Zhang Yi. According to an insider of the industry, the license fee for this song, Zhang Tianhou’s team gave an industry. The rare sky price can be said that it has not been tested by the market. The team in Tianhou has already been very optimistic about this song, and dare to give a layman who is not a music circle at all. It must be said that Tianhou and her team have a vision. of.

North China Music Magazine: Has the history lecturer switched to music? This is not a joke, it is not a joke, but it really happened to us. I came to the unit this morning, surrounded by three colleagues, plus a colleague I met in the elevator, four people are squatting. I hope that the long-term tone of the people, I know, this song is definitely a fire, look at the amount of clicks, and sure enough, this moment, I seem to see the scene of Zhang Yuanqi’s sung songs many years ago, compared to the time She, Zhang Tianhou's voice is more solid and thicker, less translucent, but more vicissitudes after the precipitation of the years, very beautiful, once the day after the killing came back, is the precipitation of Zhang Yuanqi in recent years The accumulated strength, the ups and downs in the music scene, made her more mature. Secondly, I think they should thank this song, thank you Zhang Song, the songwriter, such a good song, but anyone who has a five-tone insufficiency sings It may be fire, let alone Zhang Tianhou, this song can really be described as perfect.

There are countless comments.

"It’s so nice."

"Too good, Zhang Jie Dongshan is back."

"I waited for this moment for too long. Yesterday I listened to the first "I hope that people will last for a long time". When I heard half of it, I almost fell into tears."

"I almost shed tears? I cried for half an hour yesterday."

"Zhang Yuanqi I love you"

"Zhang Jie, you are the best, I know you will not leave the music."

"Now the newcomers on the roster are all things that are more handsome than others. They are better than others. They are better than their bodies. They are too bad. The songs are not connotation. The sisters are finally coming back to let you be the next generation. Let’s take a look and tell them what is called singing and what is called music.”

"Looking forward to Zhang Jie's first song"

"Yes, let's release the next album."

"I can't wait too much, I am looking forward to it."

"Who is that Zhang Hao? Is it so powerful?"

"I know him, and I seem to give him a compliment on Weibo."

"In the past two years, so many musicians in the industry have made so many songs and sold them to the team of Tianhou. But in the end, those songs didn't get up. Zhang Yi is not a layman who is engaged in music. He actually helped us with a song. Zhang Tianhou regained the status of the music world?"

"I don't know him, but I will pay attention to him in the future."

After looking at a few eyes, Zhang Hao turned to his post - Zhang Wei's nest.

What he never expected was that his post was actually "exploded". Well, it’s not a traditional meaning, because people who post it and post it are not malicious. Instead, these people They are all fans of Zhang Yuanqi, all come with goodwill.

"Zhang Hao, thank you."

"I don't say thank you"

"Mr. Zhang, I really thank you for all the fans of Zhang Jie."

"We know that you are not engaged in music, but if you have good songs in the future, can you give us the first days? We are all **** fans of Zhang Jie, and the sisters are good, laughing every day, never saying anything. Next to it, but our fans know that Zhang’s downturn in the music world has always kept her sigh of relief for a few years. We are in the heart of our eyes, but we can’t help, thank you. I hope that people will last for a long time, let us all be proud, I will dare to say that Zhang Jie’s gossip questioned her later."

"The people of Beihe Province sent a thank you"

"The people of Jiangnan Province sent a thank you"

The people of Zhang Wei’s fan group reacted relatively slowly, because they didn’t pay attention to them, and they didn’t know much. A few of them said that the main barkeeper suddenly found that there was an abnormality in the post, and quickly rushed over, and saw someone explode. One reaction is the big knife brother, ready to fight on the "bayonet", but when you see the post content of those posters, everyone is blind and small, and full of confusion.

Thank you, Teacher Zhang?

Fans of the days?

What is the situation? Why do you thank Teacher Zhang Wei?

Then everyone took a closer look and only then understood, and was shocked by the time.

I rely on Teacher Zhang Wei to write songs? Still writing songs for the queen? The song is still red all night? Isn't this a joke?

Some Zhang Wei’s fans actually heard “Long-awaited people” yesterday or this morning. They also know that Zhang Yuanqi’s new single, but many people who listen to songs are not concerned with the songwriters. Even if they see it, it is estimated that I didn’t associate the Zhang Huan with their idols. Except for a few people who especially liked “The Waters of the Head of the Waters”, the lyrics were the first words of Zhang Wei, and the rest were still in the drums. in

"Zhang Zhang has a new work?"

"I sweat, is this time writing songs?"

"Ha ha ha, laughing at me, Teacher Zhang is the most unpredictable broadcast host I have ever seen. After two weeks of graduating from the class, I started to talk to the radio stationer on the radio station. The result is later? The novel is also about writing fairy tales, writing poetry, making couplets, and even making advertisements. It has been a public service advertiser. At the end, it has entered the TV station. I have not seen any hostes. Work, went to the show, when the lecturer talked about the history of the Three Kingdoms, now your mother started to make music again? Can you tell me whether you can see something serious or not, but you have never seen such a bad business."

"Upstairs God Evaluation"

"Ah, haha, laughing."

"Mr. Zhang is having a good time, you think too much."

"But Teacher Zhang is still so fierce. This has never changed. He just has to do anything. This is my idol."

Then, Zhang Wei’s fans exchanged with the fans who Zhang Dao later thanked.

Zhang Xiao’s small bar owner said: “Don’t thank you, the last time Mr. Zhang had something, it’s Zhang’s praise to Mr. Zhang, and many of your brothers and sisters came over to help. We thank you, I think that Teacher Zhang Wei also wrote songs for Tianhou. This is like the head of our team, Zhang Wei, who is a fan. When Teacher Zhang had something to do, she helped. She was hospitalized, and Teacher Zhang was obliged to talk. Said to donate all the family property, our fan group, from top to bottom are the knowledge of the newspaper, so there is no need to thank you, you can take a look at the slogan on our post - if you never give up, I will Life and death depend on each other - this is the code of conduct for all of our fans group"

The fans of Zhang Yuanqi replied: "Too enough. In fact, my idol is only one of Zhang Jie, but I have seen Zhang Hao's "100 Lectures" and I like it very much. I also join your fan group. Although I may not be a hardcore, I will definitely not run if there is something."

"I also joined, the song written by Zhang Wei is so nice."

"Welcome to welcome, our fan group welcomes friends from all walks of life"

Zhang Xiao smiled and laughed. After turning it over, he was almost away from work time. He also shut down the computer. This time, a song for Zhang Yuanqi said that this is somewhat reluctant, but the effect is still very good. First, earned money, solved the urgent need, and added popularity and reputation to himself. Third, let Tianhou I owe myself a person, oh, in fact, I can’t count it. I helped him that day. In fact, it’s still true that he’s still playing chess.

"Mr. Zhang, are you walking?" Xiao Lu got up.

Everyone went to the recording room together. Zhang Hao took out the mobile phone and turned off the phone. After all, it was absolutely silent, and the phone came.

Unfamiliar number, don't know.

Zhang Wei said: "Hey, who?"

"Hello Zhang is a teacher." There is a female voice. She said: "I am Chenhui Entertainment. We want to have a song with you here. The price is good, as long as it is "Long-awaited people" The quality of the song, how much do you collect, guarantee that it is not less than the one given by the sister company."

Zhang Yiyi said, "Forget it, I am not ready to go to the music circle."

"We are not in a hurry. If you have the inspiration to write it out, you can contact us later." Female voice.

"I have no plans for this time, I am sorry, I still have something, first." Zhang Hao hangs.

Then, another call came in. I didn't have to ask. I definitely leaked his mobile phone number. There was a phone call from Zhang Wei who was almost all the time.

"Is Teacher Zhang?" This is a middle-aged man.


"Hello, I am the agent of Sun Xia. Xia sister listened to your "I hope that people will last forever". I like it very much. I want to contact you and want to make a song with you."

Sun Xia?

I don't know, I also know that it is definitely a famous person in the music world.

Zhang Wei said: "I can't help it. I have definitely not written a song recently. My main business is not this."

"You think about it again, the price on our side is definitely not bad..." The middle-aged people did not give up.

Zhang Weidao: "It's not a matter of money. Thank you for admiring my work, but let's talk about it later. I have to record the program here and hang it first."

Just hanging, the third call is coming.

"Hey, is it the teacher of the song "I hope that people will last for a long time"? Do you have any time? Let's meet and talk about it? I want to make a song with you."

One by one refused.

Zhang Wei quickly turned off the phone, for fear that there would be another call.

Xiao Lu Dafei, they look in their eyes, they are also happy, "Mr. Zhang, you are now a hot commodity, everyone is looking for your song."

"Don't mention it." Zhang Hao shook his hand. He really didn't plan to sell the song again. It was to kill the chicken and take the eggs. He had to work for himself in his mind, not for others.

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